Michael C. Bush: This is what makes employees happy at work
Michael C. Bush: É isso que faz os funcionários felizes no trabalho
Michael C. Bush is helping to build a better world by helping organizations become great places to work for all. Full bio
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truck drivers, cooks, engineers.
caminhoneiros, cozinheiros e engenheiros.
nós as pesquisamos.
we've surveyed them.
in terms of their happiness:
todos os trabalhadores querem o mesmo.
working people in the world.
trabalhando no mundo.
they're happy at work.
que estão felizes no trabalho.
or almost two billion people,
ou quase 2 bilhões de pessoas,
and the organizations that they work in?
para as organizações em que trabalham?
a lot of happy employees
funcionários felizes
where that's not true.
em que isso não é verdade.
by a factor of three.
por um fator de três.
de funcionários,
that have a lot of unhappy employees.
muitos funcionários insatisfeitos.
mais para fazer acontecer.
more money to make this happen.
and massages and pet walking.
massagens, caminhar com o cachorro,
they're treated by their leaders
e pelas pessoas com quem trabalham.
that create happy employees.
ideias que criam funcionários felizes.
where employees are happy,
os funcionários são felizes,
nós os capacitamos".
needs a laptop --
all the words are right,
as palavras estão certas,
for a $1,500 laptop?
para um laptop de US$ 1,5 mil?
than the laptop, on the approval.
na aprovação do que na compra do laptop.
maybe they're really not trusted.
não seja de confiança.
to have a high level of trust?
para ter um alto nível de confiança?
that comes to mind is Four Seasons.
à mente é a Four Seasons.
all around the world.
magníficas em todo o mundo.
when servicing the customer."
ao atender o cliente".
to do whatever they think is right
para fazer o que consideram certo
for delivering some of the best service
alguns dos melhores serviços do mundo.
in an organization
mais rápido do que qualquer outra coisa
that they're being treated unfairly.
se sentem tratados injustamente.
or their tenure or their age
idade, experiência, categoria de trabalho,
who get fairness right,
que acertam na justiça,
that comes to mind is Salesforce.
trabalhando na mesma posição,
working in the same job
calculated the difference,
calculou a diferença
to try and balance things out.
para tentar equilibrar as coisas.
with all types of people,
com todos os tipos de pessoas,
active listening and eye contact --
sobre escuta ativa e contato visual:
that's not listening.
for the best idea possible --
se você está fazendo isso ou não.
whether you're doing that or not.
and share an idea,
com você e compartilham uma ideia:
when you made a decision?
quando tomou uma decisão?
and wants when they're speaking
e querem quando estão falando
matters so much
que você realmente pode mudar de ideia.
of the conversation?
como trata os outros,
the way you treat others,
for everyone around you.
para todos ao seu redor.
there's something you believe in,
em que você acredita,
almost everything
a arriscar quase tudo
find a different place to work.
outro lugar para trabalhar.
Michael C. Bush - Equity visionaryMichael C. Bush is helping to build a better world by helping organizations become great places to work for all.
Why you should listen
Michael C. Bush is CEO of Great Place to Work, the global research and analytics firm that produces the annual FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For list, the 100 Best Workplaces for Women list, the Best Workplaces for Diversity list and dozens of other distinguished workplace rankings around the world.
Since 2015, Bush has expanded Great Place to Work's global mission to build a better world by helping organizations create great places to work not just for some but for all. Under his leadership, the firm has developed a higher standard of excellence that accounts for fair and equitable treatment of employees across demographic groups, as well as executive leader effectiveness, innovation and financial sustainability.
His book A Great Place to Work For All outlines the compelling business and social benefits that come from these efforts.
Michael C. Bush | Speaker | TED.com