Tasos Frantzolas: Everything you hear on film is a lie
Tasos Frantzolas: Všetko, čo počujete vo filme, je lož
Tasos Frantzolas lives and creates at the intersection of audio and technology. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
of a rainy day.
of one of the videos,
which one the clip with the bacon is.
v ktorom klipe počujete slaninu.
to make you hungry
are conditioned to embrace the lies.
sa prispôsobujú, aby prijali lži.
of my favorite authors.
obľúbeného spisovateľa.
Oscar Wilde establishes the idea
vyslovil Oscar Wilde myšlienku,
nature and being realistic;
a zo snahy byť realistický;
from lying and deceiving,
pochádzajú z lží a ilúzií,
in postproduction in a studio.
v postprodukcii v štúdiu.
a bird flapping its wings --
mávajúce krídlami –
if you record a sheet
ak nahráte prestieradlo
a knife in vegetables,
mrazeného šalátu.
is not always as easy
nie je vždy také jednoduché,
complicated than that.
comes from Frank Serafine.
pochádza od Franka Serafina.
and "Star Trek" and others.
pre filmy Tron, Star Trek a iné.
that won the Oscar for best sound
ktorý získal Oscara za najlepší zvuk
mali v 90. rokoch
of the propeller of the submarine.
a submarine in West Hollywood.
v Západnom Hollywoode.
a cannonball, or bomba.
outside the swimming pool.
mic sounds like.
and pitched it one octave down,
a lot of the high frequencies.
a little bit of the splash
in order to create the illusion
techniky vytvorili ilúziu,
in the world of the story.
ako samotný príbeh.
that is to add reverb.
ako to urobiť, je pridať dozvuk.
I want to talk about.
o ktorom chcem hovoriť.
is the persistence of the sound
je pretrvávanie zvuku,
around the sound.
than half a second long.
menej než pol sekundy.
it was recorded inside a bathroom.
inside a chapel or a church.
v kaplnke alebo kostole.
and the original sound source.
a pôvodným zdrojom zvuku.
the smell of the sound.
with a lot less reverberation
s oveľa kratším dozvukom
participating in the on-screen action.
priamo v deji pred kamerou.
moments in cinema
if someone was speaking inside our ear.
that we're listening to a flashback,
the head of a character
to the voice of God.
is going to make us pay attention.
na ticho počas rozhovoru.
veľkolepý hollywoodsky film,
and automatic guns.
anymore, after a while.
and loudness needs silence
a hluk potrebuje ticho,
mali nejaký efekt.
ako je vo filme použité.
it's used in each film.
the head of a character
to the paint their own thoughts.
svoje vlastné myšlienky.
there is no such thing as silence.
že ticho vlastne neexistuje.
pretentious TED Talk statement ever.
zo všetkých TED výrokov.
a room with zero reverberation
s nulovou rezonanciou
the pumping of your own blood.
búšenie vlastného srdca.
there was never a silent moment
nebol okamih ticha,
if you listen around you.
ak sa započúvate okolo seba.
thing as silence,
and sound designers use?
a zvukoví inžinieri?
they often use ambiences.
prirodzené zvuky daného prostredia.
of a market in Morocco.
of Times Square in New York.
Time Square v New Yorku.
the noises inside the room:
všetkých zvukov v miestnosti:
of my apartment in Brooklyn.
the fridge and street traffic)
zvuk dopravy z ulice)
tým najprimitívnejším spôsobom.
to our brain subconsciously.
may indicate normality,
že všetko je tak ako má byť.
every morning for millions of years.
už milióny rokov.
have been introduced to us
spoznali len nedávno.
them personally --
of my heroes, David Lynch,
negative connotations.
into our emotional memory.
na našu emocionálnu pamäť.
divine intervention or anger.
boží zásah alebo hnev.
of the passing of time,
pripomenúť plynutie času
indicate the end of a relationship
koniec vzťahu
instruments played very loud,
nástroje hrajúce veľmi hlasno,
zavýjanie zvierat v prírode,
of irritation or fear.
podráždenie alebo strach.
about on-screen sounds.
of a sound cannot be seen.
from Pythagoras in ancient Greece,
od Pytagora z antického Grécka,
a veil or curtain for years,
alebo za zástenou
and philosopher thought that,
more on the voice,
of ubiquity or panopticism,
všadeprítomnosti a celistvosti,
of acousmatic sound.
used to sing in rooms
spievali v kláštoroch
to angels up in the sky.
že to spievajú anjeli v nebi.
created the hidden orchestra
vytvorením skrytého orchestera,
between the stage and the audience.
medzi javiskom a publikom.
famously hid in dark corners of clubs.
je známe, že sa schovával v rohoch klubov.
is that by hiding the source,
že keď skryjete zdroj,
in cinema over and over,
and Ridley Scott in "Alien."
Ridleyho Scotta vo Votrelcovi...
sme poznali jeho zdroj,
restrictions that directors have
isté vizuálne obmedzenia réžie
that wasn't there during filming.
počas filmovania nebolo.
a little theoretical,
to demonstrate with these tools
us geographically;
že nás geograficky premiestni,
or it can make us scared.
in love with that language
into some sort of profession.
zmeniť ho na povolanie.
through the sound library,
the vocabulary of that language.
slovnú zásobu tohto jazyka.
to offer the right tools
ponúknuť vhodné nástroje
Tasos Frantzolas - EntrepreneurTasos Frantzolas lives and creates at the intersection of audio and technology.
Why you should listen
Tasos Frantzolas is a Greek entrepreneur with roots in sound design and music. He is best known as the founder of Soundsnap.com, a sound effects and music library with over one million users and top clients such as HBO, Vice, Apple, NASA, Konami, Microsoft and Pixar.
Growing up in Athens, Greece with a studio under his house, Frantzolas began producing and writing music at the age of 13. He holds a diploma in audio engineering, a BA in sonic arts and an MA in music production and music business. After his education, he enjoyed a brief stint in the UK's music and post-production industries, including sound design work for the BBC and DJing in east London nightclubs. A keen student of electronic and Jamaican music, he has co-written songs with reggae legends such as Horace Andy and Mykal Rose of Black Uhuru.
Frantzolas's business philosophy focuses on the harmony of art and hi-tech and the use of technology to enrich and enable creativity.
Tasos Frantzolas | Speaker | TED.com