Shameem Akhtar: To learn is to be free
Шамим Актар (Shameem Akhtar): Учити значи бити слободна
Shameem Akhtar is a teacher working to empower girls in Sindh, a province in the southeast of Pakistan. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
or ten years old,
девет или десет година,
of the room, surrounded by books.
her female cousins and friends,
њене сестре и другарице,
instead of the school,
to get an education alongside boys.
да се школују заједно са дечацима.
girls' school in her village.
за девојчице која је отворена.
conservative tribe,
are a matter of honor.
део породичне части.
her parents wanted a baby boy.
њени родитељи су желели дечака.
a baby girl arrived.
и добили су девојчицу.
to keep girls inside the homes.
да девојчице остају у кући.
a university graduate,
an opportunity to see the world,
прилику да види свет,
that can be used for both men and women.
може бити мушко и женско,
to change her course of life.
да промени ток њеног живота.
a baby girl, to baby boy.
small, everyday injustices
свакодневне неправде
жене и девојчице у њеном селу.
from the eldest man to the youngest man.
најстаријег до најмлађег мушкарца.
for high school for further study
да настави средњу школу
her to travel on her own,
to walk you there and back.
пратим тамо и назад.
offers to teach her
средње школе
her matriculation.
who is talking before you now.
have been fighting for their identity.
за свој идентитет.
because of their identity,
због свог идентитета,
their identity,
припадности, идентитета,
in society, wherever you live.
одређује ваш положај у друштву.
I hate this question of identity.
ово питање о идентитету.
are being denied their basic rights
ускраћена су основна права
if I hadn't been raised as a boy.
да ме нису одгајали као дечака.
to learn, to be free.
да учим, да будем слободна.
in college was not easy for me.
ни упис на вишу школу ми није био лак.
for me to go to university,
да кренем на факултет,
his attention, to my younger brothers.
на моју млађу браћу.
secure jobs and support the family.
и издржавати породицу.
to become a lady health visitor.
да постанем патронажна сестра за жене.
Rural Development Program,
сеоских области Тардип,
working to empower rural communities.
на томе да оспособи сеоске заједнице.
to interview for a position.
на разговор за тај посао.
from my home I have ever been.
да сам толико далеко од куће.
I have ever been.
суочити се са мојим оцем.
of his daughter crossing the border.
to accept the position in Thardeep.
да прихватим посао у Тардипу.
all my things in a bag,
све своје ствари у торбу,
my father's room and told him,
the bus is going to come in.
and take me to the bus station.
на аутобуску станицу.
was standing beside me
мој отац је стајао поред мене
the importance of words.
an important role in our lives.
у нашим животима.
are more powerful than fighting.
снажније од препирања.
which I didn't know,
Пакистан за који нисам знала,
than I had realized.
него што сам претпостављала.
I had a difficult life.
of Pakistan were experiencing.
у другим деловима Пакистана пролазиле.
but nothing to feed them.
али нису имале чиме да их хране.
three hours every day to wells.
три сата сваки дан до извора.
32 kilometers away.
од макар 32 километра.
to get to the hospital.
she may die on her way.
може да умре на путу.
more than just a job for me.
више него само посао.
were noticing this.
the importance of education.
зашто је образовање важно.
started sending their daughters to school.
да шаљу своје ћерке у школу.
out of school in my village.
у мом селу која не иде у школу.
in health sites, even in police.
и чак у полицији.
beyond my village
when I joined Acumen Fellowship.
када сам се придружила удружењу Акумен.
across the country.
попут мене широм земље.
risks in their lives.
у својим животима.
in a remote school,
у школи у удаљеном крају
every morning and evening.
staring back at me --
како зуре у мене
which I had in my childhood.
који сам имала у детињству.
but the school is understaffed.
али у школи нема довољно учитеља.
да гледам како се ово дешава.
to help me to teach.
да ми помогну да предајем.
to the outside world
са спољним светом
of the world's best leaders,
најбољих светских лидера,
and Nelson Mandela.
и Нелсон Мендела.
went to college.
отишло је на факултет.
my PhD in education --
у пољу образовања,
a management position
менаџерско радно место
educating the girls,
број малолетничких бракова,
стопу смртности одојчади,
стопу смртности трудница.
Shameem Akhtar - Writer, social workerShameem Akhtar is a teacher working to empower girls in Sindh, a province in the southeast of Pakistan.
Why you should listen
Shameem Akhtar is a dedicated and enthusiastic development professional, with special interest in the field of gender, education, social mobilization, emergency/relief, management and literature. She is also engaged in research studies in rural development, doing PhD work at the University of Sindh. She is a member of the Individual Land Organization (Friedrich Naumann Stiftung) and was selected by Acumen Pakistan Fellows 2015 for their one-year course.
Akhtar frequently contributes to print media and literary magazines, work that has brought her close to the study of important social issues like malnutrition, child labor, marginalization and other core problems of the province. She has been active in the training of teachers, children, women and other segments of society in the fields of education, health, livelihood and disaster management under the banner of prestigious organizations in the social service sector.
Shameem Akhtar | Speaker |