Michael Bierut: How to design a library that makes kids want to read
Мајкл Бјерут (Michael Bierut): Како направити библиотеку која мотивише децу да читају
Michael Bierut is a partner in the New York office of Pentagram, a founder of Design Observer and a teacher at Yale School of Art and Yale School of Management. Full bio
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закон ненамерних последица.
the law of unintended consequences.
consequences that they really intend,
које заиста намеравају да остваре,
to help them achieve those consequences.
да им помогнем при њиховој реализацији.
of unintended consequences.
од ненамерних последица.
consequences intended and unintended.
које су намерне и ненамернe.
called Robin Hood
под именом „Робин Худ“
a wonderful philanthropic organization
и сјајна је филантропска организација
give it to poor people.
дају сиромашним људима.
was the New York City school system,
њујоршки школски систем,
more than a million students at a time,
више од милион ученика истовремено,
that are in disrepair,
that could use a renovation.
којима би добро дошло реновирање.
to improve these buildings in some way,
да некако поправи ове зграде,
too expensive and impractical.
било прескупо и непрактично.
what one room they could go into
у коју просторију могу да уђу
in as many buildings that they could,
у што је више зграда могуће,
the lives of the children inside
животе деце која бораве унутар ње
was the school library,
called the Library Initiative.
„Библиотекарска иницијатива“.
да прођу кроз библиотеку.
have to pass through the library.
срце и душа школе.
and soul of the school is.
при чему су довели
where they brought in
била додељена библиотека
to rethink what a library was.
by improving these libraries.
кроз побољшање ових библиотека.
"Could you make a little contribution?"
„Да ли можеш да мало допринесеш?“
да будеш графички дизајнер
to be the graphic designer
То значи да треба да дизајнирам лого.“
That means I get to design a logo.
Ја дизајнирам логое.
лого за ову ствар.
ако се упореди са архитектуром
compared with architecture
and then you're out,
добро када чиним овакве услуге.
good about myself when I do these favors.
више него што треба.
засноване на истој идеји.
all based on this one idea.
pick any of the three.
these would be new school libraries
да ће ово бити нове школске библиотеке
a new idea that needs a new name.
нова идеја којој треба ново име.
that these were musty old libraries,
да су ово устајале старе библиотеке,
that everyone is bored with,
ваших бака и дека.
размишља као о библиотеци,
do talk, do make loud noises.
у коме се ствара бука.
it's like a shush-free zone.
зона без ућуткивања.
OK, option number two.
Океј, опција број два.
Meet you after school down at OWL.
„Сачекај ме после школе доле, код Сове.“
Now, what does OWL stand for?
А шта означава Сова?
Јединствена светска библиотека
„отвори се, питај се, учи“.
could figure out other things it could be
могу да смисле друге ствари,
It's like the eye of the owl.
је заправо заснована на језику.
was based actually on language.
is the past tense of "read,"
„читати“, „read“ у енглеском,
ово место „Зона Ред“?
this place The Red Zone?
interested in spelling and I don't know.
коју интересује правопис и... не знам.
is more important than spelling,
од правилног писања речи
one of those instances.
један од тих случајева.
а то би требало да буде:
and the question should be,
је питање више било налик на:
the question was more like,
with old libraries, musty old libraries.
устајале, старе библиотеке.
have never really seen a library.
никада нису видела библиотеку.
if they're there at all,
ако их је уопште било,
to bore anyone at all.
да би им дојадиле.
about giving it a new name.
давање новог имена.
као последњи покушај.
„Океј, да додамо мало узбуђења?“
the Library Initiative.
успешно обављена, ево вашег логоа.“
there's your logo.
ненамерна последица,
an unintended consequence,
није било потребно моје дизајнирање
they didn't really even need my design
могли сте га написати руком,
you could write it by hand,
sending emails around,
just right out of the thing.
on the real rollout of this thing --
у план за реализацију,
of their own library. Right?
на предња врата библиотеке.
with different architects.
са различитим архитектама.
Now these architects were my client.
а сада архитекте.
Ставите га на врата.“
Put it on the door."
Ставите га на двоја врата.“
Put it off to the side."
repeated all over to the top."
који се понавља све до врха.“
"Here's your logo. Here's your logo."
from one of the architects,
и рекао: „Имам проблем.
and he says, "I've got a problem.
Да ли можеш да га решиш?“
Can you solve it?"
that there's a space
an architectural issue to me,
па рекох: „Настави.“
so I'm, "Go on."
the top shelf has to be low enough
мора да буде довољно ниска
and the ceilings are really high,
а плафон је стварно висок,
all this space up there
знаш, ја дизајнирам логое.
you know, I'm a logo designer.
think of anything?"
да смислиш нешто?“
направимо слике деце из школе
took pictures of the kids in the school
the top of the thing,
предвиђеног буџета,
in east New York, take these pictures?"
у источном Њујорку и сликаш?“
of, like, the heroes of the school,
са главним ликовима из школе,
of the real library, right?
hand-selected by the principals
су их изабрали директори
this heroic atmosphere in this library,
у овој библиотеци,
and the joy of the children above.
и дечја радост изнад.
in the other schools see this
у другим школама видели су ово
сваки пут искористити исти мурал“,
it can't be the same mural every time,
and then she did another one,
а онда још један,
named Lynn Pauley,
по имену Лин Поли,
paintings of the kids.
at a place called Automatic Design.
по имену Чарлс Вилкин
asking for words,
питао их за речи,
delirious kind of constellation
of things that are in books.
about their favorite books
поставио као фриз на врху зида.
as a frieze up there.
као из јапанских стрипова
manga-style statement,
into the faces and characters
that you find in the books.
која се налазе у књигама.
of objects and words
предмета и речи
and will fascinate students
и фасцинирају ученике
a series of dimensions to these artists,
ишчитавање низа димензија за ове уметнике,
any problem with that."
Била је то, једноставно, супер ствар.
It just was the greatest thing.
направљену од папира у боји
made of construction paper,
на отварање нове библиотеке.“
to the opening of our new library."
say, you'd go to PS10,
ученички амбасадор,
there'd be a student ambassador,
specifically for the opening,
with certificates,
сертификате људима
was just a delirious, fun party.
интересантна журка.
очигледно не припадајући тамо,
obviously not belonging,
„Шта радите овде, господине?“
"What are you doing here, mister?"
који је дизајнирао ово место.“
that designed this place."
„Ви сте усликали слике на врху.“
"You took the pictures up above."
The sign over the door?"
Леп посао ако можеш да га добијеш.“
"OK. Nice work if you can get it."
going to these little openings
били препуни задовољства
kind of largely ignored or humiliated,
игнорисали и понижавали,
били заправо забавни,
going to the openings,
да доведем људе из своје канцеларије
to get the people in my office
илустраторе и фотографе,
get the illustrators and photographers,
the five boroughs of New York
можемо да стигнемо?“
going to be 60 of these libraries,
током једног дугачког дана.
maybe half a dozen in one long day.
was meeting these librarians
упознавање библиотекара
took possession of these places
преузели ова места
upon which they were invited
на коју су позивани
and bring the books to life,
this really exciting experience
see these things in action.
ове ствари у акцији.
because it got dark early,
јер је рано пао мрак,
„Треба да затворим. Лепо је што сте дошли.
So really nice having you here.
да видите како искључујем светла?“
how I turn off the lights?"
на који то радим.“
this special way that I do it."
every light one by one by one by one,
the kids' faces,
које је осветљавало лица деце,
I turn off every night,
које последње искључим сваке ноћи
зашто долазим на посао.“
why I come to work."
about designing that logo
само о дизајнирању логоа
искуство до те мере, али не могу.
the experience to that extent,
само на корак испред себе,
as far as I could reach with my own hands.
the chain of consequences
could do her work really well.
могла добро да обавља свој посао.
are affected by these libraries.
утичу на 40 000 деце.
for more than 10 years now,
сада већ више од 10 година,
a generation of children to books
генерацију деце ка књигама,
are the best consequences.
најбоље последице.
Michael Bierut - Designer, criticMichael Bierut is a partner in the New York office of Pentagram, a founder of Design Observer and a teacher at Yale School of Art and Yale School of Management.
Why you should listen
Michael Bierut studied graphic design at the University of Cincinnati's College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, graduating summa cum laude in 1980. Prior to joining Pentagram in 1990 as a partner in the firm's New York office, he worked for ten years at Vignelli Associates, ultimately as vice president of graphic design.
His projects at Pentagram have included work for the New York Times, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Harley-Davidson, The Museum of Arts and Design, Mastercard, the New York City Department of Transportation, the Robin Hood Foundation, Mohawk Paper Mills, New World Symphony, the New York Jets, the Brooklyn Academy of Music and MIT Media Lab. As a volunteer to Hillary for America, he created the ubiquitous H logo that was used throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.
He has won hundreds of design awards and his work is represented in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Montreal. He served as president of the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) from 1988 to 1990 and is president emeritus of AIGA National. Bierut was elected to the Alliance Graphique Internationale in 1989, to the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame in 2003, and was awarded the profession’s highest honor, the AIGA Medal, in 2006. In 2008, he was named winner in the Design Mind category of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Awards. In spring 2016, Bierut was appointed the Henry Wolf Graphic Designer in Residence at the American Academy in Rome.
Bierut is a senior critic in graphic design at the Yale School of Art and a lecturer at the Yale School of Management. He writes frequently about design and is the co-editor of the five-volume series Looking Closer: Critical Writings on Graphic Design published by Allworth Press. In 2002, Bierut co-founded Design Observer, a blog of design and cultural criticism which now features podcasts on design, popular culture, and business.
Bierut's book 79 Short Essays on Design was published in 2007 by Princeton Architectural Press. A monograph on his work, How to use graphic design to sell things, explain things, make things look better, make people laugh, make people cry and (every once in a while) change the world, was published in 2015 by Thames & Hudson and Harper Collins. This accompanied the first retrospective exhibition of his work, part of the School of Visual Art's Masters Series, which was on view at the SVA Chelsea Gallery in New York City for five weeks in autumn 2015. His next book, Now You See It, is due out from Princeton Architectural Press this fall.
Michael Bierut | Speaker | TED.com