Eric Liu: How to revive your belief in democracy
Erik Lju (Eric Liu): Kako da oživite veru u demokratiju
Eric Liu is founder of Citizen University, which teaches the art of powerful citizenship, and the executive director of the Aspen Institute Citizenship & American Identity Program. Full bio
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that my nation keeps sinking
što moja nacija uporno tone
published by Freedom House.
koju objavljuje „Freedom House".
during war and revolution,
za vreme rata i revolucije,
to the United States,
u Sjedinjene Države,
an inheritance freedom truly is.
zaista sloboda krhko nasleđe.
preaching and practicing democracy.
držeći govore i baveći se demokratijom.
whether democracy can deliver.
može ispuniti očekivanja.
kao da mu nedostaje vođa.
ili harizmatičnog spasitelja,
How can we become worthy of such faith?
postati dostojni takve vere?
of moral awakening,
moralnog buđenja,
when old certainties collapse.
stare izvesne stvari.
is what I call "civic religion."
„građanska religija“.
what civic religion is,
o tome šta je građanska religija,
of shared beliefs and collective practices
zajedničkih verovanja i kolektivnih praksi
of a self-governing community
I'm not referring to papers or passports.
ne mislim na dokumenta ili pasoše.
broader, ethical conception
a member of the body.
o članstvu u društvu.
is not poetic license.
kao religiji nije poetska sloboda,
human activities there is.
koju najviše pokreće vera.
believe democracy works.
nas veruje da demokratija funkcioniše.
the outer frame of constitutional rules,
iz spoljašnjeg okvira ustavnih pravila,
of civic spirit.
građanskog duha.
sacred deeds and sacred rituals.
sveta dela i svete rituale.
"equal protection of the laws"
kao što su „podjednaka zaštita zakona“
includes abolition, women's suffrage,
nalaze se ukidanje ropstva,
pokret građanskih prava,
that I'll tell you about in a moment.
o kome ću vam ubrzo pričati.
your own set of creed, deed and ritual.
svoj skup verovanja, dela i rituala.
is not about worship of the state
ne odnosi se na obožavanje države
is not about divinity or the supernatural.
na božanstvo ili na nešto natprirodno.
a little worried
in the market for a cult,
na tržištu kultova,
cosmological explanations,
kosmološka objašnjenja,
that unite us in transcendent purpose.
koja nas spajaju u transcendentnoj svrsi.
because humans make groups.
jer ljudi stvaraju grupe.
to activate that groupness for good.
tu grupnost zarad dobra.
that yoga is your religion,
da je joga vaša religija,
or in the absence of gods,
ili u odsustvo bogova,
to renounce your beliefs.
da se odreknete svojih verovanja.
to show up as a citizen.
civic religion productively.
ispovedamo produktivno.
about that new civic ritual.
o novom građanskom ritualu.
of a faith gathering.
to discuss a common question,
da bismo razmotrili neku zajedničku temu,
and controversies of our time,
i kontroverzama našeg vremena,
or synagogue or mosque.
zajedničkih građanskih ideala
and contesting those ideals.
na te ideale i njihovog osporavanja.
to organize rallies, register voters,
da bismo organizovali skupove,
novim klubovima,
started organizing Civic Saturdays
da organizujemo Građanske subote
across the continent.
sometimes dozens.
ponekad desetine ljudi.
and community centers
mesnim zajednicama
and inside great halls.
i u velikim halama.
about this social technology.
u ovoj socijalnoj tehnologiji.
for face-to-face fellowship.
za druženjem lice u lice.
i koji ne pripadaju crkvi, svih rasa.
and are invited to discuss a question
pozvani ste da razmotrite pitanje
or to give up for your community?"
za svoju zajednicu?“
gun violence, gentrification,
stvaranje bogataških naselja,
of newcomers, fake news --
pridošlica, lažne vesti -
aren't someone else's problem,
of your own habits and omissions.
on the content of our citizenship.
o sadržaju našeg građanstva.
to do more or to be more,
da uradimo više ili da budemo više,
how much we crave that invitation.
koliko žudimo za tim pozivom.
građansku bogosloviju
to lead Civic Saturday gatherings
ljude sa svih strana
Građanske subote u svojim gradovima.
umetničkih radova i ramova
and lots of little flags.
na uličnom ćošku
neighborhood of Chicago.
turned photographer and conservationist,
koji je postao fotograf i konzervator,
"Civics IS Sexy."
„Građanska nauka je seksi“.
even by our seminarians:
to use religious language?
religijski jezik?
even more dogmatic and self-righteous?"
još više dogmatskom i nadobudnom?“
is fanatical fundamentalism.
fanatični fundamentalizam.
and serve others,
i služimo drugima,
to be a little more like religion,
da bude malo više kao religija,
of hyperindividualism.
kulturi hiperindividualizma.
from every screen and surface
sa svakog ekrana i površine
we are masters beholden to none,
koji nikome ništa ne duguju,
of consumerism and status anxiety.
i statusne anksioznosti.
as freedom for all.
nije isto što i sloboda za sve.
is being bound to others
je vezanost za druge
in our neighborhoods and towns,
u svojim naseljima i gradovima,
međusobno povezane -
from one another,
jedni od drugih,
actually liberates us.
nas zapravo oslobađa.
come with responsibilities.
are responsibilities.
jesu odgovornosti.
why civic religion matters now
građanska religija sada važna
possible story of us and them.
moguću priču o nama i njima.
as if it were something new,
kao da je nešto novo,
to define who truly belongs.
ko zaista pripada.
that mark some as forever outsiders,
kao večne strance,
a path to belonging
stazu ka pripadanju,
of contribution, participation,
na univerzalnom verovanju
is those who wish to serve,
„mi“ smo oni koji žele da služe,
empathize, argue better,
uče, saosećaju, bolje raspravljaju,
umesto da je gomilaju.
can become one of us,
neko od njih može postati jedan od nas,
da živi kao građanin.
are gifted welcomers.
imaju dara za dobrodošlicu.
lokalno ustanovljen način
relatable to others.
približi drugima.
or South Side or Hawaiian.
ili iz Južnog Čikaga ili sa Havaja.
civic responsibility.
građanska odgovornost.
sa građanskom religijom
that all this civic religion stuff
second-generation Americans like me.
drugu generaciju Amerikanaca poput mene.
da bismo vladali sobom u slobodi.
civic habits of the heart.
da podstaknete građanske navike srca.
civic community are thriving now,
voljene građanske zajednice,
zajednica Japana,
rituals of storytelling
performativne rituale pripovedanja
and civic traditions of their society,
i građanske tradicije svog društva,
u Sjedinjenim Državama,
that Franklin codified
o vrlinama koje je Franklin kodifikovao
and forgiveness.
zahvalnost i opraštanje.
inequities of our age.
radikalne nejednakosti našeg doba.
is a cure worse than the disease.
je gori lek od bolesti.
can't fix corrupt institutions,
popraviti korumpirane institucije,
without new norms will not last.
bez novih normi neće potrajati.
if we clean only downstream.
u politici ako čistimo samo nizvodno.
my advice is simple: have some.
moj savet je jednostavan: imajte ih.
budu prosocijalne.
deed and joyful ritual
dela i radosnog rituala
and believe it is still possible,
i veruju da je još uvek moguća,
where you are seen as fully human,
kao nekog ko je u celosti čovek,
in the things that affect you,
u stvarima koje utiču na vas,
to be connected to be respected.
da biste bili poštovani.
Eric Liu - Civics educatorEric Liu is founder of Citizen University, which teaches the art of powerful citizenship, and the executive director of the Aspen Institute Citizenship & American Identity Program.
Why you should listen
Eric Liu is an author, educator and civic entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Citizen University, which promotes and teaches the art of great citizenship through a portfolio of national programs, and the executive director of the Aspen Institute Citizenship and American Identity Program.
Liu's books include the national bestsellers The Gardens of Democracy, and The True Patriot, co-authored with Nick Hanauer. His most recent book is A Chinaman's Chance, published in July, 2014. His first book, The Accidental Asian: Notes of a Native Speaker, was a New York Times Notable Book featured in the PBS documentary "Matters of Race." His other books include Guiding Lights: How to Mentor – and Find Life's Purpose, the Official Book of National Mentoring Month; and Imagination First, co-authored with Scott Noppe-Brandon of the Lincoln Center Institute, which explores ways to unlock imagination in education, politics, business and the arts.
Liu served as a White House speechwriter for President Bill Clinton and later as the President's deputy domestic policy adviser. After the White House, he was an executive at the digital media company RealNetworks. In 2002 he was named one of the World Economic Forum’s Global Leaders of Tomorrow, and in 2010 he was awarded the Bill Grace Leadership Legacy Award by the Center for Ethical Leadership.
Liu lives in Seattle, where he teaches civic leadership at the University of Washington and hosts Citizen University TV, a television program about civic power. In addition to speaking regularly at venues across the country, he also serves on numerous nonprofit and civic boards. He is the co-founder of the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility. A board member of the Corporation for National and Community Service, he is a graduate of Yale College and Harvard Law School.
Eric Liu | Speaker |