George Blair-West: 3 ways to build a happy marriage and avoid divorce
Dr. George Blair-West is an author, researcher and doctor specializing in psychiatry. Full bio
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النفسيان ريتشارد رايت وتوماس هارمز
and Thomas Holmes developed an inventory
التي يمكن أن نتعرّض لها.
human experiences that we could have.
Three, marital separation.
في المرتبة السابعة على القائمة،
what comes in number seven on the list,
in an institution.
في مؤسسة ما.
تم حسابه مرتين
has been counted twice.
تعادل إلى حد كبير الزواج.
pretty much equated to a marriage.
ولأغراض هذا الحديث،
I'm going to be including
common-law marriages
والزواج من نفس الجنس
soon hopefully to become marriages.
والتي نأمل قريبا أن تصبح زيجات.
with same-sex couples,
فإن القاعدة التي سأتحدث عنها
to talk about are no different.
بين جميع العلاقات.
الوقاية خير من العلاج.
is better than cure.
tetanus, whooping cough, measles.
والدفتيريا والكزاز والسعال الديكي والحصبة.
for melanoma, stroke, diabetes --
سرطان الجلد والسكتة الدماغية والسكري.
تأثّر على 45% منا.
our current divorce rate.
our policymakers don't believe
لا يعتقدون أن أشياء مثل الجذب
and the way relationships are built
قابلة للتغيير أو التعليم.
هم من الجيل X
are Generation X.
about these issues,
أرى أعينهم تلتمع،
ألم يفهمها هذا الطبيب النفسي المجنون؟
التي يجذب بها الناس بعضهم البعض
people attract other people
analytical and skeptical generation,
والأكثر قدرة على التحليل والتشكك
مقارنة بأي جيل قبلهم.
of any generation before them.
أحصل على رد فعل مختلف جدًا.
I get a very different reaction.
التي تستمر؟
have relationships that last?
حقبة ما بعد الرومانسية القدر،
the post- "romantic destiny" era with me,
for preventing divorce.
لمنع حدوث الطلاق.
to prevent divorce at two points:
الطلاق في نقطتين في وقت لاحق.
in an established relationship;
في الظهور في علاقة راسخة أو في وقت سابق،
before we have children.
وتلك هي النقطة التالية.
on their devices a day.
يوميًا على أجهزتهم.
ربما ليس بشكل غير معقول،
their face-to-face relationships.
the hookup culture,
وتطبيقات إرجو مثل تيندر،
the 20-somethings that I work with
أبناء العشرين ممن أعمل معهم
how it is often easier for them
مع شخص قابلوه لمرة واحدة فقط.
خارج مؤسسة الزواج.
of the institution of marriage.
and get all moral on me,
تذكر أن الجيل X
in the American Public Report,
قبل الزواج في سن الثلاثين
هذه العلاقات تحدث في وقت لاحق.
these relationships are happening later.
العالمية الثانية خلال فترة الستينيات
at an average age for women of 20
بمتوسط 20 سنة للنساء و23 سنة للرجال.
30 سنة للنساء و32 سنة للرجال.
the older you are when you get married,
عندما تتزوج،
بمنع حدوث الطلاق.
the other two preventers of divorce
to go with tertiary education.
تختلط مع بعضها البعض.
kind of get mixed up together.
أن الدماغ البشري
until at least the age of 25.
and what you're thinking
to my mind, is personality.
يتعلق بالشخصية.
your personality at the age of 50.
ترتبط مع شخصيتك في سن الخمسين.
your personality at the age of 50.
عن سبب انفصالهم قال لي:
who got married young why they broke up,
لأن العشرينات هي عقد من الزمن،
of rapid change and maturation.
before you get married is older.
هو أن تكبر في السن.
جون غوتمان
and relationship researcher,
with a happy, successful marriage.
التي ترتبط مع الزواج السعيد الناجح،
إذا كانت هذه المشكلة موجودة.
self-destruct, if this problem is present.
to talk about it here
you can evaluate while you're dating.
التي كانت الأكثر استقرارًا وسعادة
that were the most stable and happy
التي تقاسم فيها الزوجين السلطة.
the couple shared power.
أو شراء سيارة أو إنجاب أطفال.
overseas trips, buying a car,
drilled down on this data,
كن قابلات جدًا للتأثير عليهن.
were generally pretty influenceable.
two options here, isn't there?
هو أن الرجال الذين يمكن التأثير عليهم
“آباءً استثنائيين!”
إلى أي مدى يمكن التأثير على رجلك؟
في عملية صنع القرار.
in the decision-making process.
لماذا يأتي الأزواج لرؤيتي
why couples come in to see me
for 30 or 40 years.
the infirmities and illness of old age.
من حالات العجز والمرض بسبب الشيخوخة،
على رعاية بعضهم البعض.
focused on caring for each other.
that have bugged them for years.
حتى الخيانة الزوجية،
even infidelities,
on caring for each other.
هي الموثوقية أو عدم وجودها.
for this is reliability,
to do what they say they're going to do?
في إنجاز ما وعد به؟
وتعرضت لهجوم لفظي
verbally attacked by somebody,
من مرض معطّل حقًا،
a really disabling illness,
and do what needs to be done
cared for and protected?
وشريكك لا يفعل ذلك لك، ففي الواقع،
isn't doing that for you --
to do that for them --
هجر تلك العلاقة.
be better off out of it rather than in it.
when it really matters?
ولكن خصوصًا في حال كان الأمر مهمًا.
commit to do something for your partner.
as much as you can follow through
بقدر ما يمكنك متابعة الأمر حتى النهاية،
لحظتها ومن ثم خذلهم.
لشريكك والتزمت أنت به،
to your partner, and you commit to it,
and high water to follow through.
التي يمكنك البحث عنها.
that I'm saying you can look for.
things that can be built
والعلاقات القائمة.
the other parent of your children.
and quirky thing.
to a romantic, loving heart
decision of our life.
George Blair-West - PsychiatristDr. George Blair-West is an author, researcher and doctor specializing in psychiatry.
Why you should listen
Dr. George Blair-West specializes in psychiatry in private practice in Brisbane, Australia. He sub-specializes in trauma and relationship/sex therapy. His abiding interest is distilling the latest psychotherapeutic research, honing these insights for impactful delivery through his clinical work, and then sharing them with the greater population.
In the 1990s, as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland, Blair-West published widely on suicide and depression. Needing to lose weight himself, he then turned his focus to the overlooked research into the psychological forces that prevent weight loss. The bestselling book Weight Loss for Food Lovers: Understanding Our Minds and Why We Sabotage Our Weight Loss (translated into Dutch and Chinese) along with related research papers resulted in keynote addresses, a regular spot on the Australian breakfast show Today and media appearances around the world. A children's book on teaching healthy eating habits followed, and in 2010 Blair-West was named one of the "top 20 most influential obesity experts in the world."
Blair-West's 2013 novel The Way of The Quest received three international awards and was about the "how to" of finding one's meaning and purpose in life while building healthy relationships.
Helping people make sense of relationships is Blair-West's most important work. Drawing on his 25 years as a relationship therapist, he is currently writing his fourth book, How to Make the Biggest Decision of Your Life with his daughter Jiveny Blair-West, a dating coach. He and his wife Penny, a psychologist, celebrated 30 years of marriage in 2018.
George Blair-West | Speaker |