Kwame Anthony Appiah: Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question)
Куаъмей Антъни Апиа: Добра или лоша е религията? (Подвеждащ въпрос)
Kwame Anthony Appiah is a philosopher, cultural theorist and novelist. His latest book is "The Honor Code," exploring moral revolutions. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
is referred to as America's rabbi,
е сочен като равин на Америка,
that negative characterization,
охарактеризиране, каза,
или в духовни същества.
of anthropology at Oxford,
по антропология в Оксфорд,
is what he called animism,
е това, което той нарича анимизъм -
how can you not believe in God?"
как може да не вярваш в Бог?"
so great about being Jewish.
великото да си евреин.
God in order to be religious,
Бог, за да сте религиозен,
I don't believe in the gods."
of the world's leading atheists.
от водещите атеисти в света.
how we think about religion,
какво мислим за религията,
didn't have Christianity,
the following question:
most understandings of Christianity,
повечето схващания на Християнството,
specific history of Christianity,
изключително на символа на вярата.
internal history of Christianity,
избивали се помежду си хора
на интелектуална власт,
increasingly could talk about it.
все по-често да говорят по въпроса.
about how old the Earth is.
за възрастта на земята.
labor occurs as I say, I think,
труда се случва, както казвам, мисля
person who actually did this.
който всъщност прави това.
government anthropologist,
на британското правителство,
had a drink, more or less,
някой пие, повече или по-малко,
he opened a bottle of whiskey,
отваряне на бутилка уиски,
pour off just a little on the ground,
huge public ceremonials.
свещеното дърво на душата [смокиня]
this village came up to her,
were isolated from our world,
next time somebody wants
следващия път, когато някой реши
Kwame Anthony Appiah - PhilosopherKwame Anthony Appiah is a philosopher, cultural theorist and novelist. His latest book is "The Honor Code," exploring moral revolutions.
Why you should listen
Kwame Anthony Appiah works on political and moral theory, the philosophy of language and mind, and African intellectual history. In his 2010 book The Honor Code, he explores a hidden engine of reform: appeals to honor. Examining moral revolutions in the past—and campaigns against abhorrent practices today—he shows that appeals to reason, morality, or religion aren’t enough to ring in reform.
He's the author of Lines of Descent, a thoughtful look at the career of sociologist W.E.B. DuBois, and Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers, which studied "the powerful ties that connect people across religions, culture and nations … and of the deep conflicts within them." In 2008, Appiah published Experiments in Ethics, in which he reviews the relevance of empirical research to ethical theory. Appiah has also published several novels, including Avenging Angel, Nobody Likes Letitia and Another Death in Venice.
Kwame Anthony Appiah | Speaker |