Kwame Anthony Appiah: Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question)
Kvame Entoni Apija (Kwame Anthony Appiah): Da li je religija dobra ili loša? (Ovo je trik pitanje)
Kwame Anthony Appiah is a philosopher, cultural theorist and novelist. His latest book is "The Honor Code," exploring moral revolutions. Full bio
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razne stvari o religiji.
po imenu "Bog nije velik".
"Religija truje sve."
is referred to as America's rabbi,
američkim rabinom,
that negative characterization,
negativnu karakterizaciju,
osim kroz organizovanu religiju.
da smesti svoju ćerku
zapravo možemo
ili duhovna bića.
na Oksfordu,
of anthropology at Oxford,
is what he called animism,
ono što on zove animizam,
pod imenom "Taf".
Čovek kaže:
how can you not believe in God?"
ne veruješ u boga?"
so great about being Jewish.
"Zato je tako dobro biti Jevrej.
u boga samog po sebi,
God in order to be religious,
da biste bili religiozni,
kontraintuitivna misao.
protiv ovakvog viđenja.
kad je bio veoma mlad
I don't believe in the gods."
of the world's leading atheists.
od najvećih svetskih ateista.
religioznosti, ali zapravo
da je to loša ideja
"Da li je nešto poput ovih?"
how we think about religion,
kako mislimo o religiji.
na toj listi bude religija,
kada su evropski putnici,
didn't have Christianity,
nemaju hrišćanstvo
the following question:
koje su drugi ljudi imali
sa napretkom u tom smeru
ekstremno specifična tradicija.
most understandings of Christianity,
u srcu većine shvatanja hrišćanstva,
specific history of Christianity,
istorije hrišćanstva,
veoma zabrinuti
internal history of Christianity,
je većinom istorija
za hrišćanski svet.
na ovakvu vrstu liste.
intelektualnog autoriteta,
pre kraja 19. veka,
sve o čemu ste mislili
kakva je bila veza
increasingly could talk about it.
da o tome govore.
da li je bila saglasna
about how old the Earth is.
koliko je Zemlja stara.
labor occurs as I say, I think,
svakakve ozbiljne stvari
mora biti u saglasnosti
gde sam ja odrastao, Ganu,
person who actually did this.
koja je uradila to.
government anthropologist,
kao antropolog britanske vlade
Mogao bih da vam dam
da toliko mnogo stvari
Da čiste kraljevu dušu.
mnogo običaja.
had a drink, more or less,
kad bi neko pio piće,
Svaki put kad bi otvorio bocu viskija,
he opened a bottle of whiskey,
pour off just a little on the ground,
veoma malo na zemlju,
osnivaču naše loze,
huge public ceremonials.
javne ceremonije.
i sličnih stvari,
grobove svojih predaka
tron na kom je sedeo
kao religija za Ratreja.
Ratrej nazvati religijom,
se nije dogodilo.
this village came up to her,
were isolated from our world,
iz našeg sveta,
vozeći se između
bila mrtva osoba,
za Čejs i Svetsku banku.
next time somebody wants
generalizaciju o religiji
ne postoji religija,
Kwame Anthony Appiah - PhilosopherKwame Anthony Appiah is a philosopher, cultural theorist and novelist. His latest book is "The Honor Code," exploring moral revolutions.
Why you should listen
Kwame Anthony Appiah works on political and moral theory, the philosophy of language and mind, and African intellectual history. In his 2010 book The Honor Code, he explores a hidden engine of reform: appeals to honor. Examining moral revolutions in the past—and campaigns against abhorrent practices today—he shows that appeals to reason, morality, or religion aren’t enough to ring in reform.
He's the author of Lines of Descent, a thoughtful look at the career of sociologist W.E.B. DuBois, and Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers, which studied "the powerful ties that connect people across religions, culture and nations … and of the deep conflicts within them." In 2008, Appiah published Experiments in Ethics, in which he reviews the relevance of empirical research to ethical theory. Appiah has also published several novels, including Avenging Angel, Nobody Likes Letitia and Another Death in Venice.
Kwame Anthony Appiah | Speaker |