Juno Mac: The laws that sex workers really want
Toni Mac: Lovgivningen som sex-arbejdere virkelig ønsker sig
Juno Mac campaigns for better working conditions for sex workers by fighting criminalization and supporting public education projects around issues relating to sex worker rights. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
you'll have heard speaking
I har hørt tale
or a social worker.
eller en socialarbejder.
a journalist or a politician.
en journalist eller en politiker.
picked up from Maryam's blurb,
Maryams bemærkning,
that selling sex is degrading;
at salg af sex er nedbrydende.
women get abused and killed.
mennesker vil sige
until the closing months of 2009,
minimum-wage jobs.
hjernedøde mindstelønsjob.
replenish my overdraft.
dække mine overtræk.
was going nowhere.
mit liv førte til ingenting.
was a better option.
var en bedre mulighed.
to have won the lottery instead.
to happen anytime soon,
shift in a brothel.
I once had about prostitution.
engang havde om prostitution.
labor of women.
and violence at work.
from these things.
the four main legal approaches
actually exacerbates every harm
faktisk forstærker enhver skade
as sex workers, actually want.
sexarbejdere faktisk ønsker.
is full criminalization.
and most of the US,
everyone involved.
kriminaliserer alle der deltager.
apparently hope
will deter people from selling sex.
vil afskrække folk fra at sælge sex.
between obeying the law
vælge mellem at følge loven
when you have a criminal record.
hvis du har ting på din straffeattest.
informal economy.
fortsætte med at sælge sex,
of its intended effect.
to mistreatment by the state itself.
at være mishandlet af staten selv.
into paying a bribe
tvunget til at betale bestikkelse
with a police officer
in Cambodia, for example,
for eksempel,
subjecting sex workers
like Kenya, South Africa or New York,
Kenya, Sydafrika eller New York,
if you're caught carrying condoms,
hvis du har kondomer på dig,
as evidence that you're selling sex.
til at bevise at du sælger sex.
carrying condoms,
mens du har kondomer på dig -
to leave them at home, right?
at lade dem blive hjemme, ikke?
are forced to make a tough choice
at tage nogle tunge beslutninger
or having risky sex.
when he got you in the van?
når han har fået dig ind i salatfadet?
sex work seen in these countries
set i disse lande
of sex are legal,
on the street, are banned.
er forbudt.
behind closed doors
sex workers working together.
sexarbejdere der arbejder sammen.
that many of us work alone,
mange af os arbejder alene,
vulnerable to violent offenders.
mere udsatte for voldelige overgreb.
by working together.
ved at arbejde sammen.
after she was attacked at work,
efter at hun var angrebet på arbejde,
from my place for a while.
sine kunder på mit sted for en stund.
or I'd call the police.
this place is illegal."
I arbejder sammen og dette sted er ulovligt"
without getting physically violent,
blive fysisk voldelig.
that we were breaking the law
slippe afsted med det.
also causes more harm
gør også mere skade
to avoid detection,
without going back to the streets?
at gå tilbage til gaderne for at sælge sex?
that saw you in the streets
sendte dig ud på gaderne
you got for selling sex.
som du får for at sælge sex.
who worked in Redbridge, East London.
som arbejdede i Red Bridge, East London
would normally wait for clients in groups
normal vente på kunder i grupper
to avoid dangerous guys.
hvordan man undgår farlige fyrer.
on sex workers and their clients,
mod sexarbejdere og deres kunder,
to avoid being arrested.
fora t undgå arrestation.
in the early hours of October 29, 2013.
i de tidlige timer den 29. Oktober, 2013.
she had received for soliciting.
hun havde fået for at trække.
sex workers hurts them,
sexarbejdere skader dem,
the people who buy sex?
de mennesker der køber sex?
model of sex-work law.
model for sexarbejde-lovgivning.
is intrinsically harmful
sex workers by removing the option.
at fjerne denne mulighed.
as the "end demand" approach,
"slut -fterspørgsel" tilgangen
in Sweden as there was before.
Sverige som der var før.
in business is going have
mindre efterspørgsel vil have
to give me that information.
at give mig den information.
from a man who is untraceable
en mand som ikke er sporbar
your clients from the police.
or in isolated locations,
og på isolerede steder,
means snap decisions.
forhastede beslutninger,
like the Netherlands, Germany
Holland, Tyskland
model for human rights.
for menneskerettigheder.
areas or venues,
with special restrictions,
specielle restriktioner,
and forced health checks.
regulation around the sex industry
reguleringerne omkring sexindustrien
legal and illegal work.
legalt og illegalt arbejde.
"backdoor criminalization."
kriminalisering ad bagdøren.
can comply with the regulations,
kan overholde reguleringerne,
find those hoops
finder disse forhindringer
takes time and costs money.
tager tid og koster penge.
and needs money tonight.
skal bruge penge i aften.
or fleeing domestic abuse.
på flugt fra hjemligt misbrug.
are forced to work illegally,
tvunget til at arbejde illegalt,
the dangers of criminalization
farerne fra kriminaliseringen
for people selling sex.
work alone in isolated locations,
til at arbejde på isolerede steder,
they'll get away with it.
til at slippe afsted med det.
people to keep selling sex,
folk til at blive ved med at sælge sex
to take dangerous risks
sælgerne til at tage farlige risici
of potentially abusive managers.
potentielle misbrugende alfonser.
and hatred against sex workers.
af og hadet mod sexarbejdere.
the Swedish model two years ago,
den svenske model for to år siden,
sex workers to be arrested now
ønsker sexarbejdere arresterede nu
has been a survival strategy
har altid været en overlevelsesstrategi
minority groups:
to see or know about.
understandable fears about trafficking.
frygt for trafficking.
kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery
er kidnappede og solgt som sexslaver
a whole industry down.
in many industries,
are migrants or otherwise vulnerable,
migranter eller på anden vis sårbare,
targeting those specific abuses,
lovgivningen mod disse specifikke misbrug,
in Morecambe Bay in 2004,
i Morescambe Bay i 2004,
the entire seafood industry
hele seafood industrien
workers more legal protections,
mere lovgivningsmæssig beskyttelse,
without fear of arrest.
uden frygt for arrestation.
is thrown around
migration into prostitution is forced.
til prostitution er tvungen.
have made a decision,
of people smugglers.
when they reach their destination.
demand exorbitant fees,
tager eksorbitante priser,
they don't want to do
de ikke ønsker at lave
for arbejde i landbruget,
to be forced to do any kind of work,
et arbejde man er tvunget til,
are willing to take,
migranter er villige til at tage,
into the hands of people smugglers.
deres liv i hænderne på menneskesmuglere.
that people want or need to do,
mennesker ønsker eller har behov for at gøre,
or crossing borders
actually doing those things.
they're safe when they do them.
that the sex industry is a site
are men with money,
af sex er mænd med penge,
is a terrible policy.
er en forfærdelig politik.
people selling sex to survive,
folk der sælger sex for at overleve,
a better world into existence.
bedre verden ud af det blå.
because they're poor
sælge sex fordi de er fattige
and they can't find legal work,
ikke kan finde lovligt arbejde,
doesn't make them any less poor
gør dem ikke mindre fattige
sex is degrading.
salg af sex er nedværdigende.
than going hungry
end at være sulten
from hiring nannies
doing that labor are poor, migrant women.
arbejde er fattige kvindelige migrantarbejdere.
selling sex specifically
fattige migrant kvinder sælger sex
strong feelings.
of complicated feelings
on the basis of mere feelings,
the heads of the people
the abolition of sex work,
about a particular manifestation
om en bestemt manifestation
your daughter doing it?"
the Swedish or Nordic Model
eller nordiske model
most affected by these laws.
mest påvirket af disse love.
sex work in 2003.
sexarbejde i 2003.
are not the same thing.
the removal of laws
much like any other kind of work.
som en anden type arbejde.
can work together for safety,
are accountable to the state.
ansvarlige overfor staten.
to see a client at any time,
protects their rights.
seen an increase
has made it a lot safer.
legislation is good,
with sex workers;
Prostitutes' Collective.
from sex workers themselves.
like the Sex Worker Open University
som Sex Workers Open University
and self-determination.
og selvbestemmelse.
is the red umbrella.
bevægelse er en rød paraply.
by global bodies like UNAIDS,
organisationer som UNAIDS,
eller offentlig sundhed,
to sex workers when we speak
til sexarbejdere når vi taler
is either too victimized,
what's best for herself,
of voiceless victims.
millioner af stemmeløse ofre.
and empowered is imaginary.
selvrådende er tankespind.
at nedgøre sexarbejdere
jer arbejder for at overleve.
have mixed feelings.
har blandende følelser.
about our work certainly isn't.
omkring det er bestemt ikke.
the right to work safely
ret til at arbejde sikkert
to those experiences.
af disse oplevelser.
escorts in New York City,
escortpiger i New York City,
street workers in South Africa
gadearbejdere i Sydafrika
at my old job in Soho,
and labor rights as workers.
og rettigheder som arbejdere.
on the stage today,
from all over the world.
Juno Mac - Sex worker and activistJuno Mac campaigns for better working conditions for sex workers by fighting criminalization and supporting public education projects around issues relating to sex worker rights.
Why you should listen
Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Open University (SWOU), a sex worker-led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. SWOU is focussed on advocacy, campaigning, cultural events and community support for sex workers.
Through their organizing, SWOU activists support each other through stigma and isolation, demand better working conditions by fighting criminalization and provide public education around issues relating to sex worker rights. Mac's activist work with SWOU has included delivering workshops in universities, political lobbying and campaigning, consulting with human rights organisations (including Amnesty International), appearances on radio and TV, and taking part in public panel discussions at festivals and conferences.
Mac has also curated an exhibition of sex worker art, contributed to magazines and a live storytelling night, facilitated skill-sharing and support spaces for fellow sex workers, and helped to organise SWOU's Open Conference of The Advancement of Sex Worker Rights 2015.
Juno Mac | Speaker | TED.com