Juno Mac: The laws that sex workers really want
Toni Mac: Zakoni koje seksualne radnice zaista žele
Juno Mac campaigns for better working conditions for sex workers by fighting criminalization and supporting public education projects around issues relating to sex worker rights. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
you'll have heard speaking
koju ste ikada čuli da govori
or a social worker.
a journalist or a politician.
novinarka ili političarka.
picked up from Maryam's blurb,
saznali od Maryam,
that selling sex is degrading;
da je prodavanje seksa ponižavajuće,
women get abused and killed.
until the closing months of 2009,
do posljednjih mjeseci 2009.,
minimum-wage jobs.
posla bez mogućnosti napredovanja.
replenish my overdraft.
samo pokrile minus.
was going nowhere.
a moj život nije napredovao.
was a better option.
bolja opcija.
to have won the lottery instead.
to happen anytime soon,
shift in a brothel.
za svoju prvu smjenu u bordelu.
I once had about prostitution.
koje sam nekoć imala o prostituciji.
neravnopravnost spolova
labor of women.
and violence at work.
i nasilje na poslu.
from these things.
zaštite od tih stvari.
the four main legal approaches
četiri glavna zakonska pristupa
seksualni rad u svijetu,
actually exacerbates every harm
zapravo pogoršava povrede
as sex workers, actually want.
seksualne radnice, zaista želimo.
is full criminalization.
and most of the US,
i većinu SAD-a,
everyone involved.
kriminalizirajući sve uključene.
apparently hope
will deter people from selling sex.
odvratiti ljude od prodavanja seksa.
between obeying the law
između poštivanja zakona
when you have a criminal record.
kad imate policijski dosje.
vas neće zaposliti.
informal economy.
neformalnijoj privredi.
of its intended effect.
od njegovog željenog učinka
to mistreatment by the state itself.
i sama država vas može maltretirati.
into paying a bribe
da platite mito
with a police officer
in Cambodia, for example,
policajci i zatvorski čuvari u Kambodži
subjecting sex workers
samo kao mučenje:
like Kenya, South Africa or New York,
Južnoj Africi ili New Yorku,
if you're caught carrying condoms,
ako vas uhvati da nosite kondome,
as evidence that you're selling sex.
kao dokaz da prodajete seks.
carrying condoms,
ako vas uhvate s kondomima,
to leave them at home, right?
da ih ostavite kod kuće, zar ne?
are forced to make a tough choice
prisiljene su na težak izbor
or having risky sex.
ili rizičnog seksa.
when he got you in the van?
kad uđete u kombi?
sex work seen in these countries
rada koji vidimo u tim zemljama je
of sex are legal,
seksa legalno,
on the street, are banned.
na ulici, su zabranjene.
behind closed doors
iza zatvorenih vrata
sex workers working together.
seksualne radnice koje surađuju.
that many of us work alone,
da mnoge od nas rade same,
vulnerable to violent offenders.
na nasilne prijestupnike.
by working together.
i raditi zajedno.
after she was attacked at work,
nakon što je napadnuta na poslu,
from my place for a while.
može nalaziti s klijentima kod mene.
or I'd call the police.
this place is illegal."
without getting physically violent,
a da nije postao fizički nasilan,
that we were breaking the law
also causes more harm
također uzrokuje više štete
to avoid detection,
da ne budu viđene,
kao mračnim šumama
without going back to the streets?
a da se ne vratite na ulicu?
that saw you in the streets
potreba za novcem
you got for selling sex.
koje ste dobili za prodavanje seksa.
who worked in Redbridge, East London.
koja je radila u Redbridgu, istočni London.
would normally wait for clients in groups
su obično u grupama čekale klijente
to avoid dangerous guys.
kako da izbjegnu opasne momke.
on sex workers and their clients,
prema seksualnim radnicama i klijentima,
to avoid being arrested.
kako ne bi bila uhićena.
in the early hours of October 29, 2013.
satima 29. listopada 2013. godine.
she had received for soliciting.
za traženje mušterija.
sex workers hurts them,
seksualnih radnica njima škodimo,
the people who buy sex?
ljude koji kupuju seks?
model of sex-work law.
zakona o seksualnom radu.
is intrinsically harmful
istinski štetno
sex workers by removing the option.
pomažete ukidanjem te mogućnosti.
as the "end demand" approach,
pristup "kraj potražnji",
in Sweden as there was before.
jednako učestala kao i prije.
in business is going have
pad u poslovanju
to give me that information.
dati mi te podatke.
from a man who is untraceable
kojem se ne može ući u trag
your clients from the police.
or in isolated locations,
na osamljenim mjestima,
means snap decisions.
like the Netherlands, Germany
Nizozemska, Njemačka
model for human rights.
areas or venues,
područjima ili mjestima,
with special restrictions,
posebnim ograničenjima,
and forced health checks.
i prisilni zdravstveni pregledi.
regulation around the sex industry
odredbe oko seksualne industrije
legal and illegal work.
legalni i ilegalni rad.
"backdoor criminalization."
"potajna kriminalizacija".
can comply with the regulations,
mogu poštivati odredbe,
find those hoops
takes time and costs money.
zahtijeva vrijeme i novac.
and needs money tonight.
i treba novac večeras.
or fleeing domestic abuse.
ili bježe od obiteljskog nasilja.
are forced to work illegally,
raditi ilegalno,
the dangers of criminalization
svim opasnostima kriminalizacije
for people selling sex.
za osobe koje prodaju seks.
work alone in isolated locations,
da rade sami na osamljenim mjestima,
they'll get away with it.
da neće biti kažnjeni.
people to keep selling sex,
da i dalje prodaju seks,
to take dangerous risks
na opasan rizik
of potentially abusive managers.
and hatred against sex workers.
prema seksualnim radnicama.
the Swedish model two years ago,
privremeno uvela švedski model
sex workers to be arrested now
uhićenje seksualnih radnika sada
has been a survival strategy
će biti strategija preživljavanja
minority groups:
nepopularnih manjinskih skupina:
to see or know about.
ili znati za njih.
understandable fears about trafficking.
strah od trgovanja ljudima.
kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery
i prodane u seksualno ropstvo,
a whole industry down.
in many industries,
industrijskim granama,
are migrants or otherwise vulnerable,
ili na drugi način ranjivi,
targeting those specific abuses,
koji ciljaju određene slučaje,
kineska migranta
in Morecambe Bay in 2004,
Zaljevu Morecambe 2004. godine,
the entire seafood industry
zabranjivanje cijele industrije
workers more legal protections,
radnicima više pravne zaštite,
without fear of arrest.
is thrown around
"trgovanjem ljudima"
migration into prostitution is forced.
migracija u prostituciju prisiljena.
have made a decision,
of people smugglers.
when they reach their destination.
kad stignu na odredište.
demand exorbitant fees,
pretjerane naknade,
they don't want to do
na posao koji ne žele
to be forced to do any kind of work,
prisiljen raditi bilo kakav posao,
are willing to take,
migranti spremni prihvatiti,
into the hands of people smugglers.
u ruke krijumčara ljudi.
that people want or need to do,
ljudi žele ili trebaju raditi,
or crossing borders
ili prijeći granice
actually doing those things.
they're safe when they do them.
that the sex industry is a site
da je seksualna industrija
društvene nejednakosti.
are men with money,
čine muškarci s novcem,
is a terrible policy.
užasna odluka.
people selling sex to survive,
koji prodaju seks kako bi preživjeli,
a better world into existence.
zakonima ostvariti bolji svijet.
because they're poor
prodavati seks jer je siromašan
and they can't find legal work,
i ne može pronaći zakonit posao,
doesn't make them any less poor
ne čini ih manje siromašnima
sex is degrading.
prodavanje seksa ponižavajuće.
than going hungry
nego biti gladan
from hiring nannies
za zapošljavanje dadilja
doing that labor are poor, migrant women.
siromašne migrantice.
selling sex specifically
migrantice prodaju seks
strong feelings.
izaziva snažne osjećaje.
of complicated feelings
on the basis of mere feelings,
samo na temelju osjećaja,
the heads of the people
the abolition of sex work,
na ukidanje seksualnog rada,
about a particular manifestation
o određenom pokazivanju
your daughter doing it?"
the Swedish or Nordic Model
Švedski ili Nordijski model
most affected by these laws.
pod najvećim utjecajem tih zakona.
sex work in 2003.
seksualni rad 2003.
are not the same thing.
nisu iste stvari.
the removal of laws
much like any other kind of work.
kao svaku drugu vrstu posla.
can work together for safety,
radi sigurnosti,
are accountable to the state.
odgovaraju državi.
to see a client at any time,
odbiti vidjeti klijenta,
protects their rights.
njihova prava.
seen an increase
has made it a lot safer.
ga je učinila sigurnijim.
legislation is good,
posebni zakoni dobri,
with sex workers;
sa seksualnim radnicama,
Prostitutes' Collective.
Novog Zelanda.
učiniti sigurnijim
from sex workers themselves.
seksualne radnice.
like the Sex Worker Open University
Otvoreno učilište seksualnih radnica
and self-determination.
i samoodređenje.
is the red umbrella.
je crveni kišobran.
by global bodies like UNAIDS,
poput UNAIDS-a,
ili javnog zdravlja,
i do prava seksualnih radnica.
to sex workers when we speak
seksualnih radnica kad govorimo,
is either too victimized,
prečesto proglasi žrtvom,
what's best for herself,
da zna što je najbolje za nju,
of voiceless victims.
milijuna žrtava bez glasa.
and empowered is imaginary.
je imaginarna.
radnice izgubile ugled
have mixed feelings.
podijeljene osjećaje.
about our work certainly isn't.
što drugi misle o našem poslu.
the right to work safely
na sigurnom
to those experiences.
escorts in New York City,
dame u New York Cityju,
street workers in South Africa
radnice na ulicama Južne Afrike,
at my old job in Soho,
prošlom poslu u Sohou
seksualnih radnica
koje vodi seksualni rad.
and labor rights as workers.
i radnička prava kao radnice.
on the stage today,
seksualna radnica danas ovdje,
from all over the world.
Juno Mac - Sex worker and activistJuno Mac campaigns for better working conditions for sex workers by fighting criminalization and supporting public education projects around issues relating to sex worker rights.
Why you should listen
Juno Mac is a sex worker and activist with the Sex Worker Open University (SWOU), a sex worker-led collective with branches in London, Leeds and Glasgow. SWOU is focussed on advocacy, campaigning, cultural events and community support for sex workers.
Through their organizing, SWOU activists support each other through stigma and isolation, demand better working conditions by fighting criminalization and provide public education around issues relating to sex worker rights. Mac's activist work with SWOU has included delivering workshops in universities, political lobbying and campaigning, consulting with human rights organisations (including Amnesty International), appearances on radio and TV, and taking part in public panel discussions at festivals and conferences.
Mac has also curated an exhibition of sex worker art, contributed to magazines and a live storytelling night, facilitated skill-sharing and support spaces for fellow sex workers, and helped to organise SWOU's Open Conference of The Advancement of Sex Worker Rights 2015.
Juno Mac | Speaker | TED.com