Brittney Cooper: The racial politics of time
Brittney Cooper: Tidens racemæssige politik
With scholarship and incisive commentary that exposes the marginalized narratives hidden within "mainstream" history, Brittney Cooper writes at the vanguard of cultural criticism. Full bio
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at tiden har en race,
that we understand race
in terms of black and white issues.
i form af sorte og hvide problemer.
from which I come,
hvor jeg kommer fra,
multi-generational joke
haft en joke vi kalder "CP-time"
afroamerikanere for farvede
to African-Americans as "colored,"
til familie events
stadig i live.
when I was growing up, said,
da jeg var lille:
slags sorte mennesker".
30 minutes early.
more about the political nature of time,
om tidens politiske natur.
makes us uncomfortable:
kommentarer gør os utilpasse.
where race really matters?
hvor race betyder noget?
with our enlightened, progressive selves
to the dustbins of history?
direkte ud i historiens skraldspand?
if we keep on talking about race?
når vi bliver ved med at tale om race?
of race in a time capsule,
ind i hver deres tidskapsel,
in a thousand years,
grave dem op igen
more enlightened,
that belong to the future.
of race and racism shows up
af race og racisme
vi forsøger at styrer tiden på,
the negative truths of the present
negative sandheder ind i fortiden,
that the future that we hope for
er den nutid vi lever i idag.
we're currently living.
became President of the US in 2008,
that we were post-racial.
at vi er "post-racial".
with being post-everything.
we're post-feminist.
vi er post-feministiske.
a simple academic appendage
som gælder for en række termer,
to make race and racism
foran race og racisme
når vi endnu ikke har forstået den effekt
have yet to grapple with the impact
latinoamerikanere og indfødte
Latinos or the indigenous
we were preparing to celebrate
vores "post-racial" fremtid,
the most racial they've been
til det mest radikale
three observations,
nutid og fremtid
and the future of time,
of racism and white dominance.
racisme og hvid dominans.
it is timeless,
som om den er tidløs.
a political history
forbundet med udplyndringer
of indigenous lands,
from their homeland.
at konceptualisere tid og historie,
time and history, one famously declared,
part of the World."
en historisk del af verden."
outside of history
en del af historien
have had no impact on history,
en indflydelse på historien,
of white supremacy.
bag hvid overherredømme.
created "Negro History Week" in 1926.
blev skabt af Carter G. Woodson i 1926.
to celebrate Black History Month
Black History Month hver februar i USA
alternately outside of the bounds of time
uden for tidens rammer
much as I'm doing right now,
hvad jeg gør lige nu,
that racism still matters,
at racisme stadig betyder noget,
den er ikke engang forbi"
Professor Kristie Dotson says,
Professor Kristie Dotson siger,
end vores levetid."
hopes and dreams with us.
håb og drømme.
of letting go of the past.
at kunne give slip på fortiden.
if we're living in the past
when Black Lives Matter protesters
"Black Lives Matter" går ud og protesterer
of black citizens by police,
begået af politiet
from the protest
at de kunne være taget for 50 år siden.
taken 50 years ago.
into the present.
we are experiencing
that white people own time.
at hvide mennesker ejer tiden.
the pace of the workday.
arbejdsdagens tempo.
our time is actually worth.
vores tid er værd.
the pace of social inclusion.
i den sociale inklusion.
it will actually take
før minoritetsgrupper har fået
that they have been fighting for.
to give you an example.
og give et eksempel.
the Civil Rights Movement
og lederens råb om "Frihed Nu".
for "Freedom Now,"
of white social inclusion.
som den hvide sociale inklusion kørte i.
the Voting Rights Act was passed,
Stemmerettighedsloven blev vedtaget,
fra den amerikanske borgerkrigs afslutning
on African-American communities.
for actual social inclusion to occur.
før reel social inklusion fandt sted.
across the US have ramped up attempts
voting rights
og ved at begrænse muligheden for
struck down North Carolina's voter ID law
ned på North Carolinas vælger-ID lov
med kirurgisk præcision".
with surgical precision."
in the body politic
i politik,
to manage and control people
at styre og kontrollere mennesker på
these time-space clashes
når der sker byudvikling i byer som:
like Atlanta, Brooklyn,
New Orleans og Washington DC.
and Washington, DC --
black populations for generations.
sorte befolkningsgrupper.
bliver disse samfund skubbet ud og glemt,
of urban renewal and progress,
i det 21. århundrede.
into the 21st century.
who exists in time
som eksisterer i tid, møder en
who are perceived to be space-takers
to be world-makers.
and thrust of history
og historiens fremdrift,
who own and master time.
som ejer og mestrer tiden.
was no historical part of the world,
en historisk del af verden,
end en stor landmasse,
a voluminous land mass
at the bottom of the globe.
the flow and thrust of history,
at styre strømmen og historiens fremdrift,
as though we are merely taking up space
behandlet som om, vi blot optager plads,
is used to justify
towards our most vulnerable populations,
vores mest sårbare befolkningsgrupper,
rather than world-makers,
snarere end verdensskabere.
where they live,
for at føre dem ind i det 21. århundrede.
into the 21st century.
is just one example of the ways
man bor i, er blot ét eksempel
i sorte menneskers liv.
in an unjust manner
in New Orleans zip code 70124,
in New Orleans zip code 70112,
postnummer 70112, som er 60% sort.
wealthy Maryland suburbs
Maryland forstæder,
end børn født i byens centrum.
in its downtown neighborhoods.
of being drafted into the Black race
at blive en del af den sorte race,
en diskrimination af tid
Ser du heri sorte mennesker?
to the very race of people
som altid sættes op imod tiden?
for whom a future was never imagined?
ingen har forestillet sig en fremtid for?
af Amerikas håb for de sortes fremtid.
for black people's future.
to be unaffordable.
to talk about the future,
at tale om fremtiden,
by admitting that we're out of time.
at vi er løbet tør for tid.
have always been out of time.
været løbet tør for tid.
into complacency
blot at være tålmodige.
alligevel altid at være løbet tør for tid.
we're always out of time anyway
hvad vi gør den til.
that time belongs to all of us.
at tiden tilhører os alle.
we do get is just and free.
at den tid vi får er retfærdig og fri.
være den afgørende faktor
the primary determinant
fra sorte børn
from black children
of suspensions and expulsions.
at stjæle sorte mennesker tid,
from black people
of incarceration for nonviolent crimes.
for ikke-voldelige forbrydelser.
stealing time and black lives
at udøve overdreven magt,
hvad vi gør den til.
on colored people's time
på farvede menneskers tid,
Brittney Cooper - Cultural theoristWith scholarship and incisive commentary that exposes the marginalized narratives hidden within "mainstream" history, Brittney Cooper writes at the vanguard of cultural criticism.
Why you should listen
Brittney Cooper spends her days in conversation with college students about everything from feminism to hip hop. During her other waking hours, she uses digital platforms and blogging as a virtual classroom to incite her national readership to have more robust and honest conversations about racism, popular culture and how to take down the patriarchy. She is an Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University.
Cooper's work and words have appeared on MSNBC, BET, NPR, PBS, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, TV Guide, New York Magazine,, The and Al Jazeera America, among many others. She is a regular contributor at and co-founder of the Crunk Feminist Collective and blog. Cooper is author of two forthcoming books, Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women (University of Illinois Press 2017) and Never Scared: One Black Feminist's Refusal to Bow Down, Back Up, or Give In (St. Martin’s Press 2017) and editor of one co-edited volume, The Crunk Feminist Collection (The Feminist Press 2017).
Brittney Cooper | Speaker |