Casey Brown: Know your worth, and then ask for it
Casey Brown: Kend din værdi, og spørg så for den
Casey Brown wants people to be paid well for their excellence. Full bio
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what you're worth.
hvad du er værd.
your value are essential
dine værdier er essentielt,
if you're an employee,
hvis du er ansat,
hvis du er mand eller kvinde.
the lens of the woman business owner,
på en kvindelig forretningsejer,
that women underprice more so than men.
at kvinde får mindre end mænd.
a well-traveled narrative in this country.
fortælling i dette land.
of Labor Statistics,
for every dollar a man earns.
for hver syvende krone en mand tjener.
even into the entrepreneurial sphere.
selv ind i iværksætterkredsene.
80 cents for every dollar a man earns.
for hver syvende krone en mand tjener.
ofte hørt kvinder udtrykke,
communicating their value,
at kommunikere deres værdi,
at trutte i mit eget horn."
speak for itself."
tale for sig selv."
mine egne lovprisninger."
in working with male business owners,
i arbejdet med mandelige forretningsejere,
is costing women 20 cents on the dollar.
koster kvinder 1,3 kr.
of a consulting firm
om et konsulentfirma,
dramatically improve their profitability.
med drastisk at forøge deres indtjening.
I saw the profit increases
så jeg overskuddet,
in working with me,
ved at arbejde med mig,
to reevaluate my pricing.
at genevaluere mine priser.
relative to the value I was delivering.
i forhold til den værdi, jeg leverede.
because I'm a pricing consultant.
for jeg er en pris-konsulent.
evaluate my value,
for at evaluere min pris, evaluere min værdi,
by asking key value questions.
at stille nøglespørgsmål om værdi.
and how do I meet them?
og hvordan opnår jeg dem?
better qualified to serve my clients?
bedre kvalificeret til at hjælpe mine klienter?
get from working with me,
mine klienter får ved at arbejde med mig,
that I needed to double my price,
at jeg blev nødt til at fordoble min pris,
but I'm not cured.
at værdien var der,
"Det er latterligt.
little girls who depend upon me.
der er afhængig af mig.
hvordan jeg tager min egen medicin,
prescribe to my clients.
jeg udskriver til mine klienter.
with the new higher pricing
med de nye højere priser,
and I'm still here.
og jeg er her stadig.
are natural and normal.
er naturligt og normalt.
our earning potential.
vores indtjeningspotentiale
to communicate her value
som lærte at kommunikere sin værdi,
web development company
et succesfuldt webudviklingsfirma
and for several years thereafter,
og flere år derefter,
a little web design company."
"Jeg har et lille web design-firma."
those words with clients.
bruge de ord med klienter.
in the eyes of prospects and clients,
i klienternes øjne,
to earn what she was worth.
hvad hun var værd.
giving her services away.
praktisk set hendes service væk.
for communicating value to clients
at kommunikere værdi til klienter
der er autentisk og sand for dig.
just because she's a great salesperson
bare fordi hun er en god sælger
if that's not who you are.
hvis det ikke er hvem du er.
that it's tooting your own horn.
med at trutte i dit eget horn.
and it won't feel like bragging.
og det vil ikke føles som pral.
about the work that you do?
det arbejde, du gør?
your value will come naturally.
naturligt at kommunikere dine værdier
og ændrede sit budskab.
a little web design company.
at kalde sig selv et lille web design-firma.
and power in communicating her message.
i at kommunikere sit budskab.
as much for web design,
så meget for web design,
difficult client
og sommetider besværlig klient,
progress on search engine optimization.
ved udviklingen af søgemaskineoptimering.
at i gamle dage,
a really intimidating meeting for her,
et skræmmende møde for hende,
sat down with the client,
satte sig ned med klientem,
it's not personal,
det ikke personligt,
through the numbers,
igennem numrene,
in her own voice and in her own way,
med sin egen stemme på hendes egen måde,
"Here's what we've done for you."
"Her er hvad, vi har gjort for jer."
and said, "OK, I got it."
og sagde, "Okay, jeg forstår."
da hun beskrev mødet,
range far beyond just finances
udover bare finanserne
and self-confidence.
one about defining our value
én om at definere vores værdi
communicating our value,
to realizing our full earning potential.
at realisere vores fulde indtjeningspotentiale.
in the audience today
what you're worth,
into this equation.
plan for the future,
vi kan planlægge for fremtiden,
vi ville føle os,
what you're worth.
hvad du er værd.
what they think you're worth,
hvad de synes, du er værd,
Casey Brown - Pricing consultantCasey Brown wants people to be paid well for their excellence.
Why you should listen
Casey Brown is a pricing geek and professional speaker. She leads an organization that helps companies improve profits through better pricing. She speaks at conferences, trade associations and networking groups around the world. She is on a mission to correct the injustice of underpricing.
With degrees in chemical engineering, Spanish and business -- and career experience in engineering, Six Sigma and pricing strategy -- Brown uses her expertise to help clients discover their true pricing power. She is fluent in Spanish and holds a US Patent for lightbulb technology she developed.
Brown volunteers more than 600 hours annually around the world, focused on meeting children's basic needs. She volunteers with Drop in the Bucket, a non-profit which drills wells in Africa, with Free to Smile, an organization dedicated to performing cleft lip and palate repair surgeries globally, and with First Descents, a group that provides life-changing outdoor adventures for cancer survivors.
Casey Brown | Speaker |