Hans and Ola Rosling: How not to be ignorant about the world
In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus. Full bioOla Rosling - Director of the Gapminder Foundation
Ola Rosling is the director and co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation. Previously, he was the Google Public Data product manager. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
faster than I do it at universities.
kiiremini kui ülikoolides.
thinking, thinking, thinking.
mõtlevad, mõtlevad, mõtlevad.
koolis naised,
enough food for the day.
piisavalt toitu.
tingitud surmad
tõttu igal aastal
eruption, whatever, droughts.
põud ja muu.
Rootsi avalikkusele.
usaldusväärseimaid andmeid.
paremini kaitsta.
Swedes answer worse than random.
aga rootslasid vastasid siiski halvemini.
kui rootslastel,
kõrgemad ambitsioonid.
naised koolis.
8 aastat
eks ole?
järele jõudnud.
twice as good as the Swedes,
sooline võrdsus,
kohutavate piirangutega,
according to the worst places,
kõige hullematest paikadest.
kuid enamiku jätate välja.
äärmisele vaesusele piiri panna.
eelmisel aastal.
kui juhuslikult valides.
1975. aastal.
justkui kahe küüruga kaamel.
äärmises vaesuses.
– peaaegu miljard inimest –
understand where the majority is,
kus on enamik.
protsendile maailma
public and the Swedish answered.
global health in that country?
miljonid vastasid.
2000 kommentaari.
passed the test," he said.
pole sellest testist läbi saanud.“
„Võta need seadmed kaasa.
mida nad teavad."
Euroopa Liidu meediaga.
media doesn't know themselves.
pole ise asjaga kursis.
ettepanek, kuid kõigepealt
teile ära tegid.
tegelikult teie süü.
oleme sellised võhikud.
Põhja-Rootsis asuva linnaga.
selle kohta,
iganenud maailmavaadet,
when they went to school,
ajale vastavaid asju.
maailma oma õpilastele,
kuidas valida lugu,
loomu pärast loevad.
mida me kardame.
rünnanud haikalast.
meie inimliku intuitsiooni.
mida kartsime,
kus seda polnud.
maailmavaade tagurpidi.
hääbuvad päris maailmas
use our intuition against us,
meie intuitsiooni meie endi vastu ära
meie nõrkus.
üsna kindlad,
palju kokku.
ühendust võtma,
Amnesty Internationaliga ja UNICEF-iga.
nende lemmikfaktid,
faktist koosnevat nimekirja.
kõige halvemad.
halbade tulemuste
are we going to do with it?
pihta hakata?
teadlikkusele viitavat tunnistust.
et me ei palka inimesi,
teadmiste vormi ära täitma.
ja otseteed on siin.
tugevuseks pöörama.
et enamik asju läheb paremaks.
Peaksite pakkuma: „Läheb paremaks.“
paremaid tulemusi.
on tegemist ühe küüruga.
inimesi on kahe vahel.“
olema väga-väga rikkad,
oleks loodusõnnetusteks valmis.
suur küür,
school, these kinds of things.
tüdrukud jne puhul.
need kõige kohta,
üleilmses statistikas
kohta, mida kardan.
about things I'm afraid of,
religioonide kohta või
terroriste või haisid.
things that are also great.
Nii tuleks mõelda.
That's how you should think.
kui šimpansid,
kuidas sellega võidelda,
koolis käia.
mõistame ka neid nähtusi endid.
succeeding, we can understand it.
rikastepoolsest osast?
See on oluline
maailma faktipõhiselt,
küüru juurde tagasi.
ja Põhja-Ameerikat.
aset leidnud praeguseni, 2014. aastani.
järgmiseks juhtub?
Kas nägite, kuidas see liikus?
Rahvusvahelise Valuutafondi kodulehele.
International Monetary Fund, website.
five years of GDP per capita.
SKP-l elaniku kohta põhinev prognoos.
ajas viis aastat edasi.
of each country is the same.
sissetulekupõhine ebavõrdsus jääb samaks.
kiirusel järgmise 20 aasta jaoks,
experiment what might actually happen.
kasutajatest mujalt kui läänest.
outnumbered in the rich consumer market.
rikkal tarbijaturul arvulises vähemuses.
GDP per capita into the future.
SKP-l elaniku kohta põhinevad ennustused.
a company to use this certificate
seda tunnistust kasutada,
langetada faktipõhiseid otsuseid.
based decisions in the future.
Ola Rosling!
Hans Rosling - Global health expert; data visionaryIn Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus.
Why you should listen
Even the most worldly and well-traveled among us have had their perspectives shifted by Hans Rosling. A professor of global health at Sweden's Karolinska Institute, his work focused on dispelling common myths about the so-called developing world, which (as he pointed out) is no longer worlds away from the West. In fact, most of the Third World is on the same trajectory toward health and prosperity, and many countries are moving twice as fast as the west did.
What set Rosling apart wasn't just his apt observations of broad social and economic trends, but the stunning way he presented them. Guaranteed: You've never seen data presented like this. A presentation that tracks global health and poverty trends should be, in a word: boring. But in Rosling's hands, data sings. Trends come to life. And the big picture — usually hazy at best — snaps into sharp focus.
Rosling's presentations were grounded in solid statistics (often drawn from United Nations and World Bank data), illustrated by the visualization software he developed. The animations transform development statistics into moving bubbles and flowing curves that make global trends clear, intuitive and even playful. During his legendary presentations, Rosling took this one step farther, narrating the animations with a sportscaster's flair.
Rosling developed the breakthrough software behind his visualizations through his nonprofit Gapminder, founded with his son and daughter-in-law. The free software — which can be loaded with any data — was purchased by Google in March 2007. (Rosling met the Google founders at TED.)
Rosling began his wide-ranging career as a physician, spending many years in rural Africa tracking a rare paralytic disease (which he named konzo) and discovering its cause: hunger and badly processed cassava. He co-founded Médecins sans Frontièrs (Doctors without Borders) Sweden, wrote a textbook on global health, and as a professor at the Karolinska Institut in Stockholm initiated key international research collaborations. He's also personally argued with many heads of state, including Fidel Castro.
Hans Rosling passed away in February 2017. He is greatly missed.
Hans Rosling | Speaker | TED.com
Ola Rosling - Director of the Gapminder Foundation
Ola Rosling is the director and co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation. Previously, he was the Google Public Data product manager.
Why you should listen
Ola Rosling | Speaker | TED.com