Debra Jarvis: Yes, I survived cancer. But that doesn't define me
Debra Jarvis: Si, sobrevivín ao cancro, pero iso non me define
Debra Jarvis isn't your typical hospital chaplain. With wry wit, she aims to comfort patients -- and also challenge them. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to get to know each other,
na próxima parada,
three things about yourself
sobre vostedes
get to your very essence.
algo esencial para vostedes.
sobrevivir a unha violación,
sobrevivir a un incesto.
en como tendemos a identificarnos
de sobrevivente
community for a long time,
con esta comunidade,
and a hospital chaplain
de paliativos e hospitais
nun gran centro oncolóxico
eu tiña cancro de mama.
podemos ser competitivas...
compete with her on this one.
competir con ela neste caso.
a lot of outraged people.
a moita xente indignada:
cancer center where I worked,
centro no que traballaba,
un implante de solución salina,
let me just say right now,
déixenme dicilo
gesture and they'll go,
faría un xesto e dirían,
da experiencia do cancro
nin sabías que tiñas.
get out of almost anything
de liberarse de case todo
"sobrevivente de cancro"
we can support one another.
podemos apoiarnos mutuamente.
o noso primeiro erro.
yakking about forever.
stretch his arms up over his head,
por detrás da cabeza,
o que é importante.
thinking about your death.
a túa chamada de atención."
o brazo dereito.
"Está medicada."
experience was going to mean.
o que ía significar esta experiencia,
sobre o cancro.
claim your experience.
"Supera a túa experiencia.
que che cambia a vida
enorme e extravertido.
sobre as nosas vidas
na sala de tratamento.
in and out of his room all the time.
continuamente do seu cuarto.
head and we blew the bubbles,
e fixemos pompas de xabón.
and he made friends there,
e fixo amigos alí,
and he made friends there,
e fixo amigos alí.
and me to a party in his apartment,
a unha festa no seu apartamento,
da súa experiencia
moito tempo.
para cambiar o que significa,
de aquí a un ano, ou a dez.
para chegar a ser algo máis
porque senón,
esa identidade de sobrevivente.
se é preciso, confrontar
how they had changed
de seguimento do ano despois
e elas estaban eufóricas
all of her test results back
sentamos a charlar,
started retelling me the story
a contar de novo a historia
surgery and her chemo,
I saw her every week,
eu a visitaba todas as semanas,
daughters got up and said,
levantáronse e dixeron:
yourself before the next stop.
antes da próxima parada.
antes de que ela chegase
me importaba de verdade,
talk about her reasons
que podía falar das razóns
e agarrarse a ela.
estaba a ter o efecto contrario.
o seu eu crucificado.
os meus sentimentos,
o meu eu crucificado.
nunha historia de resurrección,
que o eu crucificado morra
esa historia vella
máis verdadeira,
Non deixen que ela os supere.
e crecemento.
a definirnos a nós mesmos
de que esteamos xuntos neste bus,
Debra Jarvis - Chaplain + authorDebra Jarvis isn't your typical hospital chaplain. With wry wit, she aims to comfort patients -- and also challenge them.
Why you should listen
For writer, ordained minister and hospital chaplain Debra Jarvis, humor is a powerful balm. She is not afraid to be funny even when doing very serious work with the sick and dying as a hospice chaplain, a pastoral consultant for volunteer groups caring for people with AIDS and MS, and a staff chaplain at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Debra is the author of It’s Not About the Hair: And Other Certainties of Life & Cancer and numerous other books. Currently on sabbatical in Geneva, Debra’s last job was as writer-in-residence for the University Congregational United Church of Christ in Seattle. In her free time, Debra accompanies her Cairn terrier Max in his therapy dog work.
Debra Jarvis | Speaker |