Franz Freudenthal: A new way to heal hearts without surgery
Franz Freudenthal: Unha nova forma de curar corazóns sen ciruxía
With his unique inventions (including a device knitted from threads of high-tech alloy by indigenous craftswomen), Franz Freudenthal saves children from congenital heart defects. Full bio
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that creativity is the key
a creatividade é a clave
in the heart of the Andes.
asentou no corazón dos Andes.
de calquera limitación.
included helping her
incluía axudala
to understand life outside the city,
a vida fóra da cidade,
used to recite a Kipling poem:
adoitaba recitar un poema de Kipling:
I became a medical student.
comecei a estudar medicina.
children born worldwide
I think I can solve --
que creo poder resolver.
I have spent my life working on.
toda a miña vida.
inside the mother.
depende da comunicación
and the pulmonary blood.
e o sangue pulmonar.
terá un oco no corazón.
has a hole in the heart.
and genetic conditions.
e certas condicións xenéticas.
is also one of the causes.
tamén é unha das causas.
este tipo de oco
with this condition,
con este problema,
used to be the only solution.
adoitaba ser unha cirurxía maior.
were camping in the Amazon region.
estabamos a acampar na rexión do Amazonas.
in the fire was a green avocado branch.
era unha póla verde de aguacate.
for our first invention.
para a nosa primeira invención.
can be closed with it.
poden pecharse con el.
wrapped onto itself.
enrolado sobre si mesmo.
sofisticado agora,
este gran problema.
how a very tiny catheter
como un catéter minúsculo
thousands of hours of work in the lab.
milleiros de horas no laboratorio.
to make a difference.
Dr. Alexandra Heath,
a doutora Alexandra Heath, e mais eu
patients with our coil,
tratamentos coa nosa bobina,
to solve their heart condition.
resolver os seus problemas de corazón.
patients is different,
en altitude é distinto
between the arteries is larger.
é máis grande
to be treated on time,
os medios para ser tratados a tempo
indigenous friends in the mountains,
miña avoa que vivían nas montañas,
told stories by weaving complex patterns
contaban historias tecendo
helped us for the new device.
a crear este novo artefacto.
feito dun material intelixente
to create a seamless device
un mecanismo sen costuras
into very complex structures
moi complexas
decades to develop.
desenvolvido durante décadas.
o dispositivo entra no corpo
the catheter through the hole.
o catéter a través do oco.
and effort to heal -- if they do.
para curar, se é que isto acontece.
once the device is in place,
dispositivo está colocado
and human point of view.
dende o o punto de vista médico e humano.
of our former patients
dos nosos antigos pacientes
á estreita interacción
of creating something new.
os nosos pacientes,
sexan tratados.
en moitos países,
Franz Freudenthal - Pediatric cardiologistWith his unique inventions (including a device knitted from threads of high-tech alloy by indigenous craftswomen), Franz Freudenthal saves children from congenital heart defects.
Why you should listen
In his quest to understand the complexities of congenital heart disease, Bolivian-German physician and inventor Franz Freudenthal creates and produces sophisticated devices aimed at improving the lives of patients, especially children that will carry this device inside their heart for the rest of their lives.
His most heralded invention, the Nit Occlud, closes a hole in the heart or arteries and restores basic heart functionality. Freudenthal works with top scientists and universities from Europe and North and South America; however, his heart is in Bolivia, where he works with a team of engineers and highly skilled laborers and dreams of healthy children.
Franz Freudenthal | Speaker |