Carolyn Jones: A tribute to nurses
Carolyn Jones: Homenaxe á enfermaría
Carolyn Jones creates projects that point our attention towards issues of global concern. Full bio
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the names of our doctors,
os nomes dos nosos médicos,
os nomes dos nosos enfermeiros.
the names of our nurses.
logrei superar as operacións
to get through the surgeries
of the treatment just fine.
every single hair on my body
todo o pelo do corpo
that I was going to have.
to pretend anymore
everybody treating me with kid gloves,
que todos te tratasen con pinzas
entrou pola porta,
me to get up out of that chair
to me like we were old friends.
como se fósemos vellas amigas.
when I'm on the verge of losing it?
cando estou a punto de perdelo?"
Estasme preguntando polo pelo?"
of her shoulders she said,
the one thing I had overlooked,
que eu pasara por alto:
my life would get back to normal.
a miña vida volvería á normalidade.
when you're fighting cancer
cando un loita contra o cancro
about how you're going to look.
só se preocupe polo aspecto,
te tratará con demasiado coidado.
going to treat you so carefully.
for the first time in six months.
por primeira vez en seis meses.
for apartments in New York City,
to the chemotherapy --
know just how to talk to me?
como falarme?"
e a miña admiración cara a ela
into the world of nurses.
no mundo da enfermaría.
I was asked to do a project
pedíronme que fixera un proxecto
the work that nurses do.
realizado polos enfermeiros.
de cen enfermeiros de todo o país.
across the country.
photographing and filming nurses
fotografando e filmando enfermeiros
unha viaxe por Estados Unidos
that would take us to places
public health issues facing our nation --
de saúde pública da nosa nación:
a pobreza, a prisión...
the largest concentration of patients
to nominate nurses
que nomearan os enfermeiros
was Bridget Kumbella.
foi Bridget Kumbella.
when he had fallen from the fourth floor
cando caeu dun cuarto piso
to be flat on your back
e non recibir o tratamento necesario.
of care that you need.
to go into the profession of nursing.
of patients that she cares for,
to understanding the impact
a comprender o impacto
en materia de saúde.
when it comes to our health.
cunha manchea de plumas
a bunch of feathers into the ICU.
from all different religions
teñen relixións diferentes
of objects for comfort;
como consolo espiritual;
or a symbolic feather,
ou unha pluma simbólica,
nos montes Apalaches,
in the Appalachian mountains,
e un taller cando el era pequeno.
and a repair shop when he was growing up.
na que agora traballa de enfermeiro.
that he now serves as a nurse.
to become a nurse,
pulling him back to nursing.
levárono de novo á enfermaría.
that an ambulance can't even get to.
unha ambulancia pode chegar.
he's standing in what used to be a road.
no medio do que antes era un camiño.
flooded that road,
de chegar ao paciente
for Jason to get to the patient
with black lung disease
a contracorrente por ese arroio.
against the current up that creek.
we ripped the front fender off the car.
o parachoques dianteiro do coche.
put the car on the lift,
reparou o parachoques
to meet his next patient.
coidou a ese señor
caring for this gentleman
the work of nursing really is.
do traballo da enfermaría.
era un novato.
to life in San Diego yet.
á vida en San Diego.
of being a nurse in Germany
como enfermeiro en Alemaña,
coming right off the battlefield.
que regresaban de combater.
the first person they would see
their eyes in the hospital.
as they were lying there,
o primeiro que lle dicían era:
Deixei os meus compañeiros alí."
I left my brothers out there."
Xa fixeches abondo, meu."
who's seen combat.
e un soldado que estivo en combate.
the veterans in his care.
e axudar a curar os veteranos que atende.
in Wisconsin called Villa Loretto.
chamado Villa Loretto en Wisconsin.
can be found under her roof.
pódese encontrar todo tipo de vida.
to adopt local farm animals,
de adoptar animais de granxa,
those animals have babies.
cabuxas e años
those baby ducks, goats and lambs
de Villa Loretto
for the residents at Villa Loretto
os seus propios nomes,
remember their own name,
coas súas mans dun añiño.
in the holding of a baby lamb.
from Villa Loretto
para rodar parte da súa historia.
entrou no cuarto dun paciente terminal.
someone you love them completely
mostrar amor incondicional a alguén
at any other place in my life.
e en ningún outro lugar na miña vida.
when it comes to our health care.
no que á saúde respecta.
of the need for quality of life,
fronte a cantidade de vida.
technologies are created,
que salven vidas,
complicated decisions to make.
máis decisións complicadas.
and the dying process.
a dor e a agonía da morte.
to navigate these waters?
all the help we can get.
relationship with us
unha relación única con nós
unha certa intimidade emocional.
her world without him in it.
loitando pola súa propia vida.
fighting for her own life.
of the care of nurses --
stayed by her side
quedamos ao seu lado
to make the right decisions
as decisións correctas
dos consellos dos enfermeiros.
upon the guidance of nurses.
in terms of how to care for my mom
nos seus últimos catro días de vida.
and relief from pain.
para poñerlle un camisón bonito a mamá,
to put a pretty nightgown on my mom,
xa non lle importara,
just in time for my mom's last breath.
para o último alento de miña nai.
deixarme no cuarto con ela
how long to leave me in the room
de como saben esas cousas,
eternamente agradecida
Carolyn Jones - Photographic ethnographerCarolyn Jones creates projects that point our attention towards issues of global concern.
Why you should listen
Best known for her socially proactive photographs and documentary films, Carolyn Jones creates projects that point our attention towards issues of global concern. From people "living positively" with AIDS to women artisans supporting entire communities and nurses on the front lines of our health care system, Carolyn Jones has devoted her career to celebrating invisible populations and breaking down barriers.
Jones has spent the past five years interviewing more than 150 nurses from every corner of the US in an effort to better understand the role of nurses in this country's healthcare system. She published the critically-acclaimed book The American Nurse: Photographs and Interviews by Carolyn Jones, for which she was interviewed on PBS NewsHour and featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post and USA Today. She directed and executive-produced the follow-up documentary film The American Nurse: Healing America, which was released in theaters nationwide and was an official selection of the 2015 American Film Showcase, a cultural diplomacy program of the US Department of State.
Jones has spent her career focused on telling personal stories, and her first introduction to nursing was through a very personal experience of her own, when it was a nurse who helped her get through breast cancer. That experience stuck with her, so when she started working on the American Nurse Project in 2011, she was determined to paint a rich and dynamic portrait of the profession. The goal was to cover as much territory as possible, with the hope that along the way she would capture stories touching on the kinds of issues that nurses are dealing with in every corner of the country. The project explores the American experiences of health care, poverty, childbirth, war, imprisonment and the end of life through the lens of nursing.
Prior to The American Nurse, her most widely acclaimed book, Living Proof: Courage in the Face of AIDS, was published by Abbeville Press and was accompanied by shows in Tokyo, Berlin, the USA, and at the United Nations World AIDS Conference. In addition to her multiple exhibitions, book and magazine publications, Jones has collaborated on projects with Oxygen Media, PBS and the Girl Scouts of the USA. She founded the non-profit 100 People Foundation for which she travels the world telling stories that celebrate our global neighbors. As a lecturer, Jones has spoken at conferences, universities and events around the globe. In 2012 she was honored as one of 50 "Everyday Heroes" in the book of that title for her work with the 100 People Foundation.
Jones' career was punctuated by two brushes with death: first, running out of gas in the Sahara as a racecar driver, and second, a breast cancer diagnosis. Her newest project, the forthcoming documentary Defining Hope, is the culmination of a journey investigating how we can make better end-of-life choices.
Carolyn Jones | Speaker |