Robert Sapolsky: The biology of our best and worst selves
Robert Sapolsky: Biologija našeg najboljeg i najgoreg sebstva
Robert Sapolsky is one of the leading neuroscientists in the world, studying stress in primates (including humans). Full bio
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spent the last few years
zadnjih nekoliko godina
čudno ljudsko ponašanje,
of our language trying to explain it is.
jezika nedovoljno da ga objasni.
explain some of the thinking behind it
objašnjava neka razmišljanja iza toga
something like this.
against humanity."
protiv čovječnosti.“
version of the fantasy ends
Medalje časti završava
once I allow myself.
jednom kad si dopustim.
na razini vrata.
or move or see or hear, just to feel,
kretanje, vid, sluh, samo da osjeti,
with something cancerous
is screaming in agony,
ne bude vrištala u agoniji,
feels like an eternity in hell.
bude kao vječnost u paklu.
otkako sam bio dijete,
wicked soul in history.
najizopačeniju dušu u povijesti.
in souls or evil,
u dušu ili zlo,
I would like to see killed,
volio vidjeti ubijene,
I was at a laser tag place,
kada sam bio na laser tag-u,
hiding in a corner shooting at people.
se u kutu i pucajući na ljude.
confused human when it comes to violence.
zbunjeno ljudsko biće što se tiče nasilja.
have problems with violence.
problema s nasiljem.
dostavu otrovnog plina,
airplanes as weapons,
avione kao oružja,
our champions of it.
s prvacima tog nasilja.
being this miserably violent species,
bijedno nasilna vrsta,
altruistic, compassionate one.
altruistična, suosjećana vrsta.
of the biology of our best behaviors,
naših najboljih ponašanja,
ambiguously in between?
neodređeno između?
the motoric aspects of the behavior.
razumjevanje motoričkog aspekta ponašanja.
tells your muscles
koja kaže vašim mišićima
the meaning of the behavior,
razumjevanje značenja ponašanja,
pulling a trigger is an appalling act;
okidača je strašan čin;
one someone else's
držanje nekoga za ruku
of our behaviors,
is you're not going to get anywhere
jest da nećete dospjeti nigdje
the brain region or the hormone
regija mozga ili hormon
that explains everything.
koji objašnjava sve.
has multiple levels of causality.
ponašanja ima nekoliko razina uzročnosti.
in an agitated state --
u agitiranom stanju --
is frightened, threatening, angry --
izraz lica uplašen, prijeteći, ljut --
that kind of looks like a handgun.
that thing in this person's hand
that caused this behavior?
uzrokovalo takvo ponašanje?
one second before you pulled that trigger?
sekundu prije nego što ste povukli okidač?
of a brain region called the amygdala.
mozga zvane amigdala.
central to violence, central to fear,
centralna strahu,
in your amygdala one second before?
vašoj amigdali jednu sekundu prije?
we have to step back a little bit.
trebamo se malo vratiti.
seconds to minutes before
sekundama, minutama prije
the sounds of the rioting,
a cell phone for a handgun
zamjeniti mobitel za pištolj
is not going to work as well,
to get to the amygdala in time
do amigdale na vrijeme
that's a gun there?"
da je tamo pištolj?“
at hours to days before,
the realm of hormones.
testosterone levels in your blood,
testosterona u vašoj krvi,
a face with a neutral expression
da lice s neutralnim izrazom
elevated levels of stress hormones,
povišene razine hormona stresa,
is going to be more active
will be more sluggish.
weeks to months before,
tjednima do mjesecima prije,
can change in response to experience,
promjeniti u odgovoru na iskustvo,
have been filled with stress and trauma,
ispunjeni stresom i traumom,
more excitable,
in that one second.
dogodi u toj jednoj sekundi.
godinama unazad,
of the adolescent brain
adolescentnog mozga
until you're around 25.
i mlada odrasla dob
and experience sculpt your frontal cortex
vaš frontalni korteks
as an adult in that critical moment.
kao odrasla osoba.
to childhood and fetal life
i fetalni život
that that could come in.
kojima je to moglo doći.
that your brain is being constructed,
se vaš mozak sastavlja,
experience during those times
epigenetic changes,
certain genes, turning off others.
a isključujući druge.
of stress hormones through your mother,
količinama hormona stresa vaše majke,
your amygdala in adulthood
amigdalu u odrasloj dobi
elevated stress hormone levels.
razine hormona stresa.
was a collection of genes.
important to all of this,
determine anything,
in different environments.
u različitim okolišima.
to commit antisocial violence
počiniti antisocijalno nasilje
you were abused as a child.
zlostavljani kao dijete.
before you pull that trigger
prije nego što povučete taj okidač
of those gene-environment interactions.
između gena i okoliša.
we've got to push even further back now,
se vratiti još i dalje sada,
they were nomadic pastoralists,
nomadski pastiri,
what's called a culture of honor
što se zove kultura časti
klanovskim krvnim osvetama,
the values with which you were raised.
vrijednosti u kojima ste odgojeni.
about the evolution of genes.
različitim vrstama primata.
for extremely low levels of aggression,
ekstremno niskim razinama agresije,
in the opposite direction,
u suprotnom smjeru,
by every measure are humans,
u svakoj mjeri su ljudi,
barely defined species
jedva definirana vrsta,
to go one way or the other.
ide u jednom ili drugom smjeru.
a wondrous one,
what happened a second before
dogodilo od sekundu prije
real careful, real cautious
jako oprezni, jako pažljivi
you know what causes a behavior,
uzrokuje neko ponašanje,
you're judging harshly.
koje teško osuđujete.
point about all of this
poanta svega ovoga
can change in different circumstances.
se može promjeniti u drukčijim okolnostim.
the Sahara was a lush grassland.
Sahara je bila bujni pašnjak.
people in Europe were the Swedes,
ljudi europi su bili Šveđani,
military does now.
examples of human change.
primjeri ljudske promjene.
of slavery from the British Empire
ukidanju ropstva u Britanskom Carstvu
spent decades as a younger man
desetljeća kao mlađi čovjek
in the thing that he's most famous for,
u stvari za koju je najpoznatiji,
on the morning of December 6, 1941,
ujutro 6. prosinca, 1941.,
bombers to attack Pearl Harbor.
bombardera u napad na Pearl Harbor.
50 years later to the day
the attack on the ground.
preživio napad na tlu.
of Pearl Harbor survivors
koji su preživjeli Pearl Harbor
for what he had done as a young man.
za stvari koje je učinio kao mlad čovjek.
could happen in just hours.
dogoditi u samo nekoliko sati.
Christmas truce of 1914.
Prvog svjetskog rata 1914.
had negotiated a brief truce
kratko primirje
in between the trench lines.
zemlje između rovova.
jedni drugima nositi tijela,
dig graves in the frozen ground,
grobova u zamrznutoj zemlji,
and exchanging gifts,
i razmjenjivali darove,
they were playing soccer together
zajedno igrali nogomet
so they could meet after the war.
mogu vidjeti poslije rata.
until the officers had to arrive
činovnici nisu morali doći
to trying to kill each other."
pokušate pobiti jedni druge.“
ovdje je nekoliko sati
a completely new category of "us,"
novu kategoriju „nas“,
bez ikakvog razloga,
those faceless powers behind the lines
te bezlične snage iza linija
change can occur in seconds.
dogoditi u sekundama.
in the Vietnam War
događaj Vijetnamskog rata
village full of civilians
because the government denied it,
jer je to vlada porekla,
did nothing more than a slap on the wrist,
ništa više od manje disciplinske mjere,
was not a singular event.
nije bio jedini takav događaj.
who stopped the My Lai Massacre.
koji je zaustavio My Lai masakr.
vojnici pucaju na bebe,
his lifetime of conditioning
njegov cijeli život uvjetovanja
and American soldiers
seljana i američkih vojnika
on his fellow Americans,
svoje ortake amerikance
I will mow you down."
pokosit ću vas.“
are no more special than any of us.
posebni od bilo koga od nas.
is this inevitable cliche:
jest ovaj neizbježni kliše;
are destined to repeat it."
su osuđeni da ju ponavljaju.“
of extraordinary human change,
nevjerojatne ljudske promjene,
of what can transform us
što nas može transformirati
naših najboljih ponašanja,
are destined not to be able
osuđeni da neće moći
magnificent moments.
veličanstvene trenutke.
a new mental model about something,
umni model o nekoj stvari,
Good luck with the book.
na tome. Sretno s knjigom.
to come here in person one year.
dovesti ovdje jedne godine.
Robert Sapolsky - Neuroscientist, primatologist, writerRobert Sapolsky is one of the leading neuroscientists in the world, studying stress in primates (including humans).
Why you should listen
We all have some measure of stress, and Robert Sapolsky explores its causes as well as its effects on our bodies (his lab was among the first to document the damage that stress can do to our hippocampus). In his research, he follows a population of wild baboons in Kenya, who experience stress very similarly to the way humans do. By measuring hormone levels and stress-related diseases in each primate, he determines their relative stress, looking for patterns in personality and social behavior that might contribute. These exercises have given Sapolsky amazing insight into all primate social behavior, including our own.
He has been called "one of the best scientist-writers of our time" by Oliver Sacks. Sapolsky has produced, in addition to numerous scientific papers, books for broader audiences, including A Primate’s Memoir: A Neuroscientist’s Unconventional Life Among the Baboons, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: Stress Disease and Coping, and The Trouble with Testosterone.
His latest book, Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst, examines human behavior in search of an answer to the question: Why do we do the things we do?
Robert Sapolsky | Speaker |