Jon Bowers: We should aim for perfection -- and stop fearing failure
Jon Bowers: Trebamo ciljati na savršenstvo - i prestati bojati se neuspjeha
UPS's Jon Bowers oversees driver and delivery training at one of the company's next-generation training facilities. Full bio
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is where companies like Google
kada kompanije kao što je Google
that are commonly miskeyed,
koje obično sadrže grešku prilikom unosa,
and rake in millions
visiting something like
posjećujete stranice poput
tipkarsku grešku.
on Amazon's supercode
na Amazonovom superkôdu
over 160 million dollars
preko 160 milijuna dolara
at the New England Compound,
u New England Compound-u,
nevjerojatni, zar ne?
where these types of typos,
gdje su ovakve pogreške,
stav dovoljno-dobar, postali prihvatljivi?
or just good enough was acceptable?
valuing perfection,
cijeniti savršenstvo
the type of results that we get.
should all seek perfection,
trebali težiti savršenstvu,
of professional delivery drivers,
profesionalnih dostavljača
of the cost of failure,
troška neuspjeha,
of professional driving,
means somebody dies.
da će netko umrijeti.
of four commercial airliners
četiri putnička aviona
da savršeno pazimo za volanom.
to pay perfect attention behind the wheel.
da cijene savršenstvo.
one missing comma, it's a failed test.
zarez koji nedostaje - padaju na testu.
wrinkled and expect me to let you stay.
izgužvani i očekivati da to dopustim.
that my drivers are on time.
not to break, not to lunch.
ni na pauzu, ni na ručak.
to be somewhere, be there.
tada i tada, budite tamo.
so that my students understand
kako bi moji učenici razumjeli
to drive a car and I say,
every traffic signal, every cross street,
svaku poprečnu ulicu,
every dirt road, every crosswalk,
svaku prljavu cestu, svaku zebru,
strict, or uniform,
strog, ili jednoličan,
developed in the small things
koji se stekne s malim stvarima
male stvari napraviti dobro,
get the little things right,
of an American football field
the same amount of time
to check a text message.
ne dozvoljavam da gube fokus
than perfection out of them.
ništa manje od savršenstva.
accepting 99 percent as good enough.
prihvaćaju 99% kao dovoljno dobro.
has real consequences, doesn't it?
ima stvarne posljedice, zar ne?
were only 99.9 percent effective,
bili samo 99,9% učinkoviti,
in circulation today
preko milijun kartica
on the magnetic strip on the back.
magnetnoj traci sa stražnje strane.
was only 99.9 percent accurate,
bio samo 99,9 posto točan,
pogrešno napisanih riječi.
only 99.9 percent correct,
bili samo 99,9 posto u pravu,
would be written incorrectly,
bilo napisano pogrešno
to the wrong parents every day
krivim roditeljima svaki dan
crashed a 1.4-billion-dollar aircraft
zrakoplov vrijedan 1,4 milijarde dolara
only did 99 percent of their job.
odradio samo 99 posto svog posla.
that 16 people are now dead,
produced and distributed a product
proizveli i distribuirali proizvod
you know, good enough.
znate, dovoljno dobar.
of death in America.
smrti u Americi.
they were doing their job good enough
da radi svoj posao dovoljno dobro,
to believe anything these days
vjerovati u bilo što,
onoga što mediji kažu
of what news pundits say
to give you a minute on that,
perfection is impossible for humans,
postići savršenstvo
will not only ruin your self-esteem
neće samo uništiti samopouzdanje,
of that word failure,
te riječi neuspjeh,
towards perfection,
prema savršenstvu,
so afraid of that idea of failure
velikog straha od neuspjeha
happen to our egos when we fall short.
što bi se tada moglo dogoditi našem egu.
that failure's going to ruin you?
da će vas neuspjeh uništiti?
that gets us slow websites,
koji nas je doveo do sporih web stranica,
perfection the bad guy in all this?
da okrivite savršenstvo u svemu ovome?
are basically the same thing.
zapravo su ista stvar.
exists all around us.
svugdje oko nas.
too difficult or too painful,
bilo je preteško ili prebolno
our natural ability to deal with failure
prirodnu sposobnost nošenja s neuspjehom
a lower acceptance level.
or good-enough attitude
ili stav dovoljno-dobro
the maintenance crew, the engineer,
tim za održavanje, inžinjer,
i nije li to dovoljno dobro?"
and isn't that good enough?"
i definitivno ne u ovim primjerima.
and especially not in these examples.
to be perfect is so stressful, right?
biti savršen je tako stresno, zar ne?
sveučilišta to proučavaju,
universities study it,
even warned you about it.
školski savjetnik upozorio na to.
perfection is too stressful
traženje savršenstva prestresno,
is too exhausting.
previše iscrpljujuće.
you've got to endure the pain.
morate podnijeti bol.
seeking perfection is too stressful
traženje savršenstva prestresno,
dollar-a-year self-help industry
vrijedna skoro 10 mlrd. dolara godišnje,
against the idea of perfection
not trying to be perfect
ako ne pokušavate biti savršeni,
and protect your ego.
i zaštititi vaš ego.
has a higher recidivism rate
danas ima veću stopu recidivizma
how to accept being a failure
da prihvatite neuspjeh
pushing you to be perfect.
therapists and self-help gurus
terapeuti i gurui za samopomoć,
and not the illness.
na simptome, a ne na bolest.
is our unwillingness to confront failure.
je odbijanje suočavanja s neuspjehom.
zadovoljiti našim trudom,
resting on our efforts
of a graduating class valedictorian.
proglašeno najboljima.
offering up an equal outcome
jednak rezultat svima,
gubitnikom ili ispodprosječnom osobom.
the loser or the underachiever.
everybody advances,
unatoč rezultatima,
despite results,
is left to wonder,
se i dalje pita,
to cultivate this culture,
ovakvu kulturu,
or nobody is told that they will fail,
ili nikome nije rečeno da neće uspjeti,
their potential, either.
are necessary for success.
that the greatest danger for most of us
da najveća opasnost za većinu nas
i onda promašimo,
is too high and we miss it,
i uspijemo to doseći.
excuse to give up.
as a destructive intolerance for failure,
kao destruktivne netolerancije neuspjeha,
giving it a new definition?
as a willingness to do what is difficult
kao volju za učiniti nešto teško
in our quest for perfection,
u našem traganju za savršenstvom
without fear of failure,
bez straha od neuspjeha,
a nine-and-a-half inch ball
loptu od 24 cm
that's suspended 10 feet in the air
koji se nalazi na visini od 3 m
Lockheed Martin,
of near-flawless code
four million pounds of rocket fuel
raketnog goriva od gotovo 2 mil. kg
spaceship into orbit.
težak 120 t u orbitu.
in Kansas City, Missouri,
u Kansasu, u Missouriju,
genome coding in just 26 hours.
ljudskog genoma u samo 26 sati.
to diagnose genetic diseases
dijagnosticirati genetske bolesti
to start treatments earlier
da počnu ranije s liječenjem
when we seek perfection.
kada stremimo savršenstvu.
more like the professional athlete,
profesionalni sportaši,
that tireless programmer,
filled with the consequences
punom posljedica
Jon Bowers - Perfection enthusiastUPS's Jon Bowers oversees driver and delivery training at one of the company's next-generation training facilities.
Why you should listen
Through a combination of 3D computer simulations, hands-on learning and traditional classroom teaching, Jon Bowers helps ensure that the millions of miles UPSers drive every year are driven safely. His 15 years of UPS logistics operations experience and a lifetime of lessons have led him to believe in the power of perusing perfection and the dangers of accepting failure. Bowers's role at UPS has convinced him of the value of quality training and high expectations.
Jon Bowers | Speaker |