Luhan Yang: How to create a world where no one dies waiting for a transplant
Luhan Yang: Bagaimana menciptakan dunia di mana tak seorang meninggal dalam penantian transplantasi
Dr. Luhan Yang is the co-founder and chief scientific officer at eGenesis, working to make xenotransplantation a routine medical procedure for the delivery of safe and effective human transplantable cells, tissues and organs. Full bio
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kepada kalian semua.
a very cute pig.
seekor babi yang sangat menggemaskan.
pasien membutuhkan donor organ tubuh.
of patients in need of a lifesaving organ
became a real option
menjadi pilihan penting
and other organ diseases,
penyakit organ tubuh lainnya,
has exponentially increased.
seiring permintaan organ meningkat pesat.
untuk bertahan hidup.
will be added to this list.
ke dalam daftar ini.
will get a new organ,
mendapatkan organ tubuh baru,
kehidupan baru mereka,
dalam penantian.
ingin berusaha lebih.
a disturbing social issue.
sosial yang merisaukan.
that desperate patients
yang putus asa
from the cruel black market.
yang kejam.
is needed to this crisis.
untuk krisis ini.
to help solve this problem.
memecahkan masalah ini.
that we are on our way there,
kita hampir sampai pada tujuan tersebut,
a human-transplantable organ
organ tubuh manusia untuk transplantasi
aman di tubuh babi.
science that makes it happen,
yang menakjubkan untuk membuatnya mungkin,
what xenotransplantation is.
animal organs into humans.
organ tubuh hewan ke tubuh manusia.
organ tubuh babi?
with similar size and physiology
ukuran dan fisiologinya mirip
have tried hard to make it happen,
mewujudkan hal tersebut,
tiada hasil.
jalan mereka.
sees a new organ as foreign,
organ baru adalah hal yang asing,
to the organs from the pig,
organ tubuh babi,
that is benign to the pig,
tidak berbahaya untuk babi,
endogenous retrovirus (PERV),
porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV),
to cause a viral epidemic similar to HIV.
penyebaran virus serupa HIV.
to address these issues,
mengatasi masalah ini,
has been on hold for more than one decade.
lebih dari satu dekade.
hingga sekarang.
how I got here today with Laika.
dengan Laika hingga hari ini.
from Emei Mountain in China.
Gunung Emei di China.
in a lot of legendary stories,
di banyak cerita legenda,
saya sebut rumah.
a strong connection with nature.
kuat dengan alam.
of an ancient Buddhist temple
how my friends and I
saya bersama teman-teman
to distract the monkeys
mengalihkan perhatian para monyet
to hike through the valley.
naik melalui lembah.
to choose a field of study,
bidang studi,
at Peking University in Beijing.
Universitas Peking di Beijing.
be so similar to animals
menyerupai hewan
of fighting off so many pathogens
begitu banyak patogen
menyerang diri kita.
cukup menyiksa saya.
but you know I'm a scientist.
saya seorang ilmuwan.
I didn't want to just ask the questions,
ingin mempertanyakan sesuatu,
dan saya berhasil.
untuk diterima
with the genetic makeup of mammals.
dengan susunan genetika mamalia.
took me closer to Laika.
saya kepada Laika.
made changes in a human cell
membuat perubahan pada sel manusia
mungkin kalian telah dengar
of such a tool in changing our DNA.
alat dalam perubahan DNA manusia.
in scientific discovery.
dalam penemuan ilmiah.
has two components.
memiliki dua komponen.
disebut enzim CRISPR
with a microscope.
dengan sebuah mikroskop.
to the place we want to cut
kita ingin menggunting
and repairs the DNA in the way we want.
memperbaiki DNA sebagaimana kita inginkan.
studi kami,
were intrigued by the medical applications
tertarik pada aplikasi medis
the potential to use CRISPR
untuk melihat potensi penggunaan CRISPR
sangat kompleks.
in a pig's cell to make it virus-free
dalam sel babi agar terbebas dari virus
is then implanted into a pig egg
pada sel telur babi
into the uterus of a surrogate mother
pada uterus ibu angkat
proses kloning.
whose genetic makeup
susunan genetikanya
by the human immune system.
sistem imun manusia.
the viral transmission problem first.
masalah penyebaran virus terlebih dahulu.
all 62 copies of the PERV virus
virus PERV
it was nearly mission impossible.
merupakan misi yang mustahil.
modifications within a cell.
atau dua modifikasi pada satu sel.
we can do in a particular cell was five.
lakukan dalam satu sel sebanyak 5.
by more than tenfold to achieve that.
sepuluh kali lipat untuk mencapai target.
and hundreds of trials,
dan beratus-ratus percobaan,
the possibility of this dangerous virus
virus berbahaya tersebut
and cloning technology,
termodifikasi dan teknologi kloning,
menghasilkan Laika,
born without PERV.
yang aman.
genetic modification on
genetik yang lebih
more than 30 pigs without PERV,
lebih dari 30 babi tanpa PERV,
geno-modified animal living on earth.
genetika paling maju yang hidup di bumi.
berasal dari anjing Soviet
to orbit the earth.
yang mengitari bumi.
of science and medicine.
ilmu pengobatan yang baru.
who suffer from liver failure
penderita gagal hati
penderita diabetes
on insulin after every meal
setiap selesai makan
with good pancreatic cells
sel pankreas bagus
dengan sendirinya.
where patients with kidney failure
penderita gagal ginjal
the burden of dialysis.
menciptakan dunia tersebut,
to tackle the problem
untuk mengatasi masalah
the beginning of our journey.
dari perjalanan kami.
in front of nature,
to be addressed,
permasalahan yang ada,
anticipate at this point.
antisipasi hingga saat ini.
to translate the cutting-edge science
kami untuk mewujudkan perkembangan sains
of all the patients who are waiting.
hidup semua pasien yang dalam penantian.
this is extraordinary work here.
adalah pekerjaan yang luar biasa.
You've got rid of the virus.
membinasakan virus.
trying to get to the point
bagaimana mencapai titik
won't reject a transplant.
menolak transplantasi.
masalah tersebut?
complicated process.
yang sangat rumit.
the antigen of the pigs.
antigen pada babi.
a lot from cancer.
banyak dari kanker.
or circumvent our immune system
sistem imun kita
trik dari kanker
to not attack the organ.
tidak menyerang organ tersebut.
when do you hope
kapan Anda berharap
transplant would happen?
akan berhasil?
to give you any number.
jika memberikan perkiraan angkanya.
We're always irresponsible.
for the patients.
mungkin bagi pasien.
that you think it could happen
bahwa hal ini akan berhasil
five years or something?
lima tahun atau kapan?
within one decade.
berhasil dalam satu dekade.
who would be very, very excited at that,
sangat tertarik akan hal tersebut,
luar biasa.
juga berkata
people here who are going,
something so cute for our benefit."
sesuatu yang lucu untuk kepentingan kita."
can save eight people's lives.
menyelamatkan hidup 8 orang.
donor manusia,
one kidney from the pig,
satu ginjal dari babi
permasalahan tersebut,
the unmet medical need
kebutuhan medis yang belum tercapai
keluarga mereka.
if they eat bacon, right?
jika mereka makan daging babi, kan?
LY: Thank you so much.
Luhan Yang - Biologist, geneticistDr. Luhan Yang is the co-founder and chief scientific officer at eGenesis, working to make xenotransplantation a routine medical procedure for the delivery of safe and effective human transplantable cells, tissues and organs.
Why you should listen
With the mission to translate scientific innovation into a life-saving medical procedure, Dr. Luhan Yang is leading a team of world-renowned scientists to leverage CRISPR technology and its potential to deliver safe and effective human transplantable organs to the hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide who are in dire need.
In the US alone, more than 116,000 people annually are in need of a lifesaving organ transplant, and 20 people die every day waiting for a transplant. To address this issue, scientists have been trying to engineer animal organs for human transplantation for more than 100 years. However, concern for issues such as pig-to-human immunological compatibility and cross-species transmission of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERV) have proven to be two insurmountable obstacles -- until now.
In a breakthrough paper published in Science, Yang and her team demonstrated for the first time the inactivation of PERV to prevent cross-species viral transmission, an important milestone for xenotransplantation. As co-founder and chief scientific officer, Yang has been at the center of eGenesis' success. In addition to recruiting and leading a high-caliber scientific team, she has played an integral role in daily management of the company, business strategy and planning, as well as negotiating with investors for early round funding.
Yang holds BS degrees in biology and psychology from Peking University and a PhD in human biology and translational medicine from Harvard Medical School.
Luhan Yang | Speaker |