Sean Follmer: Shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it
Sean Follmer: Teknologi berubah bentuk akan mengubah cara kerja kita sekarang.
Sean Follmer designs shape-changing and deformable interfaces that take advantage of our natural dexterity and spatial abilities. Full bio
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and tools have evolved with us.
dan peralatan berevolusi bersama kita.
1,5 juta tahun yang lalu,
hand axes 1.5 million years ago,
untuk jenis pekerjaan
fit the task at hand
more and more specialized.
menjadi semakin spesifik.
have evolved through their use,
seiring kegunaannya,
berbeda sesuai fungsinya.
which matches its function.
ketangkasan tangan kita
the dexterity of our hands
dengan lebih akurat.
with much more precision.
more and more complex,
kerumitan peralatan,
to control them.
lebih rumit lagi untuk mengendalikannya.
very adept at creating interfaces
dalam menciptakan antarmuka
parameter sambil melakukan hal lain,
while you're attending to other things,
and changing the focus
changed the way we think about tools
mengubah cara pandang terhadap peralatan
the same static physical form
interface elements as well.
merupakan suatu masalah,
is fundamentally a problem,
tak begitu berinteraksi dengan tangan
to interact with our hands
tubuh kita yang tinggi.
that we have in our bodies.
we must need new types of interfaces
perlu ada jenis antarmuka baru
kemampuan kita yang begitu kaya
rich abilities that we have
dengan kita secara nyata
berinteraksi dengan cara baru.
di MIT Media Lab
at the MIT Media Lab
Daniel Leithinger and Hiroshi Ishii,
Daniel Leithinger dan Hiroshi Ishii,
come off the screen
mengubah-ubahnya secara fisik.
informasi 3D secara fisik,
3D information physically
untuk memahaminya dengan cara baru.
to understand it in new ways.
and direct deformations
dan melakukan deformasi secara langsung
out of the surface
yang bisa muncul keluar layar
individual application,
dengan aplikasinya.
to the application.
bagaimana memanfaatkannya?
and architects build physical models
membuat model fisik
to better understand them.
kami membuat antarmuka pada inFORM
we created an interface built on inFORM
mendesain dan melihat seluruh kota.
to design and view entire cities.
Rasanya dinamis sekaligus nyata
but it's dynamic, it's physical,
atau informasi lalu lintas,
shape displays can really change
dinamis ini dapat mengubah
dengan orang lain dari jarak jauh.
collaborate with people.
and manipulating objects,
menggunakan alat seperti Skype.
when you're using tools like Skype.
you can reach out from the screen
Anda dapat menjangkau keluar layar
untuk mewakili tangan manusia,
to represent people's hands,
dan menggerakkan benda dari jarak jauh.
and manipulate objects at a distance.
and collaborate on 3D data sets as well,
dan berkolaborasi atas sekumpulan data 3D,
dan juga mengubah-ubahnya.
as well as manipulate them.
pada informasi 3D jenis baru ini
on these new types of 3D information
yang bisa dilakukan peralatan tradisional.
be possible with traditional tools.
bring in existing objects,
dan dipindahkan ke sisi yang lainnya.
and transmitted to the other.
yang terhubung antara dua tempat.
between two places,
di satu sisi,
the remote user
mencerap pengguna jarak jauh
seperti Microsoft Kinect.
like a Microsoft Kinect.
how does this all work,
bagaimana cara kerjanya.
is 900 linear actuators
mechanical linkages
disebar pada pin-pin di atasnya.
to be propagated in these pins above.
compared to what's going on at CERN,
for us to build it.
harus dirancang sebagai pengendali.
a custom circuit board to control them.
mendapatkan 900-an buah,
900 of something
tiap langkahnya 900 kali.
every step 900 times.
a lot of work to do.
pabrik kecil sederhana di Media Lab
a mini-sweatshop in the Media Lab
mereka untuk melakukan "penelitian" --
them to do "research" --
watching movies, eating pizza
really excited by the things
bisa dilakukan berkat inFORM.
seluler dan berinteraksi dengan aktif.
and we interact on the go.
sama seperti komputer,
different applications.
to take pictures
bentuknya sama yaitu fisik statis
static physical form
memilih beberapa interaksi yang serupa
some of the same interactions
this haptic edge display,
tampilan sentuh samping,
dengan serangkaian aktuator linear
with an array of linear actuators
sampai di mana saat membaca buku.
where you are as you're reading a book.
new types of tactile sensations
sensasi gerakan yang baru di saku Anda
dari samping untuk berinteraksi
that allow you to interact
and have actual buttons.
dengan tombol sungguhan.
di dalam perangkatnya
linear actuators inside the device,
tak hanya bisa menyentuhnya
to create more complex shape change.
membuat perubahan bentuk yang lebih rumit.
untuk menciptakan alat pengubah bentuk
to create a morphing device
yang terlihat seperti telepon ...
that looks a lot like a phone ...
at the Media Lab,
yang beresolusi tinggi
high-resolution version
mengubahnya dari gelang tangan interaktif
to change from interactive wristband
in looking at ways
deform the interfaces
yang ingin mereka gunakan.
that they want to use.
seperti konsol game,
like a game controller,
what shape it's in
of the Internet of Things,
they're in our walls,
yang Anda beli lima tahun mendatang.
that you'll buy in the next five years.
berhenti berpikir tentang perangkat
thinking about devices
bisa punya furnitur pintar,
lingkungan atau kota pintar,
dengan manusia secara fisik
of collaborating with people
dengan orang lain dengan cara baru,
kami membuat TRANSFORM,
we created TRANSFORM,
versi interaktif skala meja,
version of these shape displays,
di permukaannya; contohnya,
on the surface; for example,
menyesuaikan cara-cara berinteraksi.
to fit different ways of interacting.
set up your work system.
untuk menyusun tempat kerja Anda.
to help you accomplish those goals.
about a new, fundamentally different way
tentang interaksi kita dengan komputer.
beradaptasi dengan kita secara fisik
that can physically adapt to us
that we want to use them
keinginan kita menggunakannya.
that we have of our hands,
tingginya ketangkasan tangan kita
dengan membuatnya nyata.
about information by making it physical.
to go beyond this, beyond devices,
lebih jauh, lebih dari perangkat,
that we can bring people together,
menyatukan manusia,
that can adapt to us physically.
Sean Follmer - Human-computer interaction researcher and designerSean Follmer designs shape-changing and deformable interfaces that take advantage of our natural dexterity and spatial abilities.
Why you should listen
Sean Follmer is a human-computer interaction researcher and designer. He is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, where he teaches the design of smart and connected devices and leads research at the intersection between human-computer interaction (HCI) and robotics.
Follmer received a Ph.D. and a Masters degree from the MIT Media Lab in 2015 and 2011, respectively, and a BS in Engineering from Stanford University. He has worked at Nokia Research and Adobe Research on projects exploring the frontiers of HCI.
Follmer has received numerous awards for his research and design work, including best paper awards and nominations from premier academic conferences in HCI (ACM UIST and CHI), Fast Company Innovation By Design Awards, a Red Dot Design Award and a Laval Virtual Award.
Sean Follmer | Speaker |