Dambisa Moyo: Economic growth has stalled. Let's fix it
Dambisa Moyo: Pertumbuhan ekonomi terhenti. Mari kita perbaiki
Dambisa Moyo is an international economist who analyzes the macroeconomy and global affairs. Full bio
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and sustain economic growth
dan mempertahankan pertumbuhan ekonomi
and pandemics,
dan pandemi,
solve the economic growth challenge,
memecahkan tantangan pertumbuhan ekonomi,
that I've just elucidated.
yang saya baru uraikan.
pertumbuhan ekonomi
long-term economic growth,
jangka panjang dan berkelanjutan,
that continue to pervade the globe today,
yang terus menjalar di dunia saat ini,
education or economic development.
pendidikan atau pembangunan ekonomi.
like the United States and across Europe
dan di seluruh Eropa
after the financial crisis?
setelah krisis keuangan?
key drivers of economic growth:
pendorong utama pertumbuhan ekonomi:
continue to see debts and deficits,
terus memiliki hutang dan defisit,
of both the quality and quantity of labor
baik kualitas dan kuantitas tenaga kerja
economic growth in the emerging markets,
pertumbuhan ekonomi di negara berkembang,
of the world's population lives
populasi dunia berada
is under the age of 25?
di bawah usia 25?
at a minimum of seven percent a year
pada minimal tujuh persen per tahun
in one generation.
dalam satu generasi.
50 million people --
50 juta orang --
that seven percent magic mark.
angka tujuh persen ajaib itu.
South Africa, Brazil and even China
Afrika Selatan, Brasil bahkan China
that seven percent number
angka tujuh persen itu
enter into a virtuous cycle
masuk ke dalam siklus mobilitas ke atas
and improved living standards.
dan standar hidup yang lebib baik.
countries contract and atrophy,
negara mengecil dan berhenti tumbuh,
of economic statistics
statistik ekonomi
and how lives are lived.
dan bagaimana hidup dijalani.
powerfully for the individual.
sangat penting bagi individu.
and social instability rises,
dan sosial meningkat,
coarser and smaller.
gersang dan kerdil.
rates as developed countries.
seperti negara maju.
find this to be a risky proposition.
melihatnya sebagai wacana berisiko.
and be quite disillusioned
dan cukup kecewa
di seluruh dunia
to economic growth.
pertumbuhan ekonomilah penyebabnya.
overpopulation of the planet.
kepadatan penduduk planet ini.
recent statistics and projections
dan perkiraan PBB terbaru
11 billion people on the planet
11 milyar orang di planet ini
to natural resources --
pada sumber daya alam --
energy and minerals.
energi dan mineral.
the degradation of the environment.
degradasi lingkungan.
bagaimana manusia,
that economic growth
bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi
of changes in living standards
perubahan standar hidup
that has been driven by capitalism.
yang telah didorong oleh kapitalisme.
very simply put,
sangat sederhana,
capital and labor,
modal dan tenaga kerja,
of the private sector and not the state.
sektor swasta dan bukan negara.
that we understand
kita memahami
is not for economic growth per se
bukan untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi semata
pada kapitalisme.
economic growth over the long term,
pertumbuhan ekonomi jangka panjang,
with a better form of economic stance.
dengan prinsip ekonomi yang lebih baik.
has been defined by private actors.
telah ditetapkan oleh pelaku swasta.
is a very simplistic dichotomy.
ini adalah dikotomi yang sangat sederhana.
more state capitalism,
kapitalisme negara ,
like the Unites States
seperti Amerika Serikat
the capitalist system, however,
sistem kapitalis, bagaimanapun,
on countries like China
pada negara-negara seperti Cina
not blatantly market capitalism.
tidak sepenuhnya kapitalisme pasar.
a real reason and real concern
dan kepedulian nyata
on purer forms of capitalism,
pada bentuk murni kapitalisme,
by the United States.
oleh Amerika Serikat.
been afforded the critique
at the expense of the many.
dari pengorbanan orang banyak.
that we need to address
yang perlu kita bahas
memperbaiki kapitalisme
menciptakan pertumbuhan ekonomi
can help to address social ills.
dapat membantu mengatasi penyakit sosial.
we have to ask ourselves,
kita harus bertanya pada diri sendiri,
of an individual utility maximizer --
pemaksimalan utilitas Individu --
who goes after what he or she wants.
yang mencari apa yang dia inginkan.
maximized their utility
memaksimalkan utilitas mereka
to other social contracts.
pada kontrak sosial lainnya.
governments do tax,
pemerintah mengenakan pajak,
to fund social programs,
untuk mendanai program-program sosial,
is not just regulation
bukan hanya meregulasi
improve the capitalist model.
meningkatkan model kapitalis.
two sides to this challenge.
dua sisi untuk tantangan ini.
kebijakan sayap kanan
we can improve capitalism.
meningkatkan kapitalisme.
like conditional transfers,
seperti transfer bersyarat,
for doing the things
yang melakukan sesuatu
can help enhance economic growth.
meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
inoculated or immunized,
disuntik atau diimunisasi,
we should be paying people
masyarakat atau tidak
is that pay for performance
bahwa pembayaran untuk melakukan
di New York.
on left-leaning policies.
pada kebijakan berhaluan kiri.
expand its role and responsibility
memperluas peran dan tanggung jawab
much more of an arbiter
lebih dari penengah
with the success of China.
dengan keberhasilan China.
from just being a profit motive
dari hanya bermotif keuntungan
in the delivery of social programs.
dalam penyaluran program-program sosial.
social responsibility programs,
program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan,
have also tended to blur the lines
telah juga cenderung mengaburkan garis
NGOs and private sector.
LSM dan sektor swasta.
are the 19th-century United States,
adalah Amerika Serikat abad 19 ,
public-private partnerships.
has also proven to the world
juga telah membuktikan pada dunia
for the betterment of society.
untuk kemajuan masyarakat.
the world economic growth challenges
tantangan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia
and being unnecessarily ideological.
dan tidak perlu ideologis.
long-term economic growth
jangka panjang dan berkelanjutan,
that continue to plague the world today,
yang terus mewabah sekarang,
more broad-minded
that ideology is the enemy of growth.
ideologi adalah musuh pertumbuhan.
a couple of questions, Dambisa,
Saya mau bertanya, Dambisa,
pada kalimat akhir Anda,
to your last sentence
adalah ideologi,
di zaman kita.
ideology of our times.
bagi yang bereaksi demikian?
to those who react that way?
sangat wajar,
completely legitimate,
lalui diskusi itu.
having that discussion.
untuk kebahagiaan
going on around happiness
for measuring people's success
keberhasilan masyarakat
in people's living standards
standar hidup masyarakat
kemiskinan di dunia.
poverty around the world.
merehabilitasi pertumbuhan,
for rehabilitating growth,
the capacity of the earth,
kapasitas bumi,
from the underlying use of resources.
akan akal budi dan kemampuan manusia.
about human ability and ingenuity.
and depleting resources
langka dan menipis ini
about the way the world is.
atas dunia ini.
running out of resources,
kehabisan sumber daya,
bahwa hal itu tidak masuk akal.
that those things are not valid.
kita bisa melihat desalinasi,
we could see desalination,
get better outcomes.
mendapatkan hasil lebih baik.
about what humans can do.
atas yang bisa kita lakukan.
for rehabilitating growth
dan mengambil arah berbeda
to fix capitalism with more capitalism --
dengan kapitalisme lebih --
on good behavior as incentive
pada perilaku yang baik sebagai insentif
for business in social issues.
bagi bisnis dalam isu-isu sosial.
we have to be open-minded.
harus berpikir terbuka.
pertumbuhan ekonomi
we would like them to.
economy in the world, the United States,
di dunia, Amerika Serikat,
as it's core political stance
sebagai sikap politik inti
kapitalisme pasar bebas --
as its economic stance.
which is a completely different model.
yang sama sekali berbeda.
completely different political models
adalah model politik yang sangat berbeda
income inequality number
pendapatan yang sama
we should have,
yang harus ada,
much more discourse
wacana yang lebih jauh
about what we know and what we don't know.
atas yang kita tahu dan tidak tahu.
The COP21 is going on in Paris.
The COP21 sementara dilaksanakan di Paris.
and heads of delegations there,
dan kepala delegasi disana,
about being open-minded.
berpikir terbuka.
the environmental concerns
masalah lingkungan
'72 in Stockholm --
'72 di Stockholm --
a fundamental agreement,
perjanjian fundamental,
countries believe and want
yakini dan inginkan
berkembang inginkan.
to continue to create economic growth
terus menciptakan pertumbuhan ekonomi
uncertainty in the those countries.
important responsibility
tanggung jawab penting
their CO2 emissions
emisi CO2 mereka
that they're contributing to the world,
yang mereka sumbangkan pada dunia,
to the table as well.
to the emerging markets
at what they're doing
in developed markets.
di pasar negara maju.
DM: Thank you very much.
DM: Terimakasih banyak.
Dambisa Moyo - Global economistDambisa Moyo is an international economist who analyzes the macroeconomy and global affairs.
Why you should listen
Dambisa Moyo's work examines the interplay between rapidly developing countries, international business, and the global economy -- while highlighting opportunities for investment. She has travelled to more than 60 countries over the past decade, studying the political, economic and financial workings of emerging economies, in particular the BRICs and the frontier economies in Asia, South America, Africa and the Middle East. Her latest book, Winner Take All: China’s Race for Resources and What It Means for the World, looks at how commodities markets influence much more than the global economy -- and examines the possible consequences of China's unprecedented rush for commodities such as oil, minerals, water, and food, including the looming specter of commodity-driven conflict.
She is the author of the brilliantly argued Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa and How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly and the Stark Choices Ahead. Previously, she was an economist at Goldman Sachs, where she worked for nearly a decade, and was a consultant to the World Bank in Washington.
Dambisa Moyo | Speaker | TED.com