Sangeeta Bhatia: This tiny particle could roam your body to find tumors
Sangeeta Bhatia: Partikel kecil ini bisa menjelajahi tubuh Anda untuk menemukan tumor
Sangeeta Bhatia is a cancer researcher, MIT professor and biotech entrepreneur who works to adapt technologies developed in the computer industry for medical innovation. Full bio
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to house one transistor,
untuk menaruh satu transistor,
the size of an entire room
seukuran satu ruangan
revolution in computers.
yang makin lama makin kecil ini.
to reduce the number of lives lost
bisa digunakan untuk mengurangi
salah satu penyakit
diseases on Earth:
di bumi: kanker.
is that we're working on curing cancer.
berusaha menyembuhkan kanker.
opportunity to save lives
untuk menyelamatkan nyawa
and prevention of cancer.
pencegahan penyakit kanker.
due to cancer are fully preventable
akibat kanker bisa dicegah
have in hand today.
yang sudah kita kenal saat ini.
pengujian tepat waktu
and technologies that we have today,
teknologi terbaik yang ada sekarang,
they've started growing,
mulai tumbuh,
cancer cells strong.
50 juta sel kanker yang kuat.
teknologi yang lebih baik
deadly cancers sooner,
miniaturization might get us there.
miniaturisasi bisa membantu kita.
laboratorium biasa
for looking at a tissue specimen,
untuk mengambil sampel jaringan,
with years of specialized training
yang sudah bertahun-tahun terlatih
of mine at Rice University,
di Universitas Rice,
is miniaturize that whole microscope
mikroskop miniatur ini
of an optical fiber.
of taking a sample from a patient
mengambil sampel dari pasien
to the patient.
kepada pasien.
untuk menganalisa gambar itu,
a specialist to look at the images,
normal versus cancerous cells.
membandingkan sel normal vs sel kanker.
working in rural communities,
di daerah pedesaan,
a mobile screening van
mobil uji keliling
and perform exams
dan mengadakan pengujian
hospital for analysis,
untuk dianalisa,
with an abnormal test result
tidak normal akan ditelepon
because they can't afford the trip.
karena masalah biaya.
and computer analysis,
dan analisa komputer,
have been able to create a van
berhasil menciptakan sebuah mobil van
and a treatment setup.
dan juga fasilitas perawatan.
is that they can do a diagnosis
tindak lanjut.
miniaturization can save lives.
miniaturisasi bisa menyelamatkan nyawa.
as straight-up miniaturization.
miniaturisasi yang sebenarnya.
and you made it little.
telah mengubah hidup kita
for us to take them everywhere.
untuk bisa dibawa kemana-mana.
equivalent like that in medicine?
di bidang kedokteran?
punya sebuah alat pendeteksi
circulate in your body,
menjelajahi tubuh Anda,
like science fiction.
allows us to do just that.
memungkinkan kita untuk melakukannya.
the parts that make up the detector
bagian-bagian detektor itu,
actually change their properties
menjadi debu, menjadi partikel emas nano,
into gold nanoparticles,
gold to looking red.
menjadi kemerahan.
like cadmium selenide --
seperti kadmium selenid --
out of this material
dari materi ini
yellow, orange, red,
like that in the macro world?
seperti itu dalam dunia makro?
in your closet are all made of cotton,
yang semuanya dibuat dari bahan katun
depending only on their size.
tergantung ukurannya.
the color of materials
in your body also changes.
juga berubah.
that we're going to use
yang akan kita gunakan
yang lebih baik.
into the blood vessel
ke dalam pembuluh darah
from the bloodstream into the tumor.
melalui aliran darah menuju tumor.
of many tumors are leaky,
dikelilingi banyak tumor itu bocor,
from the bloodstream into the tumor.
dari aliran darah menuju tumor.
depends on their size.
ukuran partikelnya.
blue nanoparticles are leaking out,
seukuran 100 nanometer merembes keluar,
red nanoparticles
seukuran 500-nanometer,
material yang saya buat,
or small I make a material,
arahnya di dalam tubuh Anda.
a cancer nanodetector
sebuah detektor nano kanker di lab saya,
into the body and look for tumors.
bisa menjelajahi tubuh mencari sel tumor.
for tumor invasion:
mengamati serangan tumor:
that tumors need to make to spread.
tumor untuk menyebar.
of the tissue that it's born in,
dimana ia terbentuk,
yang disebut enzim
the scaffolding of tissues.
to be activated by these enzymes.
agar bisa diaktivasi oleh enzim tersebut.
of these chemical reactions in an hour.
reaksi kimia ini dalam satu jam.
that one-to-a-thousand ratio
cancer detector.
detektor kanker yang sangat sensitif.
signal to the outside world,
sinyal aktivasi ini keluar tubuh,
one more piece of nanoscale biology,
satu lagi biologi dengan skala nano
and put waste into the urine.
dan membuang limbah ke urine.
than five nanometers
dari 5 nanometer
through the kidney, into the urine,
menuju urine,
that's bigger is retained.
yang lebih besar tertahan.
cancer detector,
detektor kanker 100 nanometer,
where it's activated by tumor enzymes
dimana ia akan diaktivasi oleh enzim tumor
filtered out of the kidney
tersaring keluar dari ginjal
that I can detect.
dan bisa bisa dideteksi.
that we designed as engineers.
sekelompok insinyur.
and we can design them
jadi kita bisa merancangnya
with our tool of choice.
dengan peralatan yang digunakan.
sensitive, fancy instrument
dan sangat sensitif
with a unique mass.
dengan massa yang unik.
that's more inexpensive and portable.
yang tidak begitu mahal dan praktis.
that we can trap on paper,
yang bisa disaring dengan kertas,
world of paper tests
dalam bidang diagnosa kertas.
in a field called paper diagnostics.
to keep us pushing forward,
impian yang bisa memotivasi kita,
cancer researchers.
bagi para peneliti kanker.
will happen with my technology,
dalam teknologi saya,
our hearts and souls
mengerahkan segenap hati dan jiwa kami
an expensive screening facility
pada sepotong kertas.
on a smartphone.
have this working in mice,
menggunakan tikus,
than existing methods
dari metode saat ini
colon and ovarian cancer.
usus besar dan ovarium.
detect tumors in patients
tumor dalam tubuh pasien
after they've started growing,
tumor mulai tumbuh,
to earlier treatments,
perawatan dini,
than we can today,
lebih dari yang telah kita capai saat ini,
Sangeeta Bhatia - Physician, bioengineer and entrepreneurSangeeta Bhatia is a cancer researcher, MIT professor and biotech entrepreneur who works to adapt technologies developed in the computer industry for medical innovation.
Why you should listen
Trained as both a physician and engineer at Harvard, MIT, and Brown University, Sangeeta Bhatia leverages 'tiny technologies' of miniaturization to yield inventions with new applications in tissue regeneration, stem cell differentiation, medical diagnostics, predictive toxicology and drug delivery. She and her trainees have launched more than 10 biotechnology companies to improve human health.
Bhatia has received many honors including the Lemelson-MIT Prize, known as the 'Oscar for inventors,' and the Heinz Medal for groundbreaking inventions and advocacy for women in STEM fields. She is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, the Director of the Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Science and Brown University's Board of Trustees.
Sangeeta Bhatia | Speaker |