Sangeeta Bhatia: This tiny particle could roam your body to find tumors
Sangeeta Bhatia: Tieto maličké častice dokážu putovať vašim telom a hľadať nádory
Sangeeta Bhatia is a cancer researcher, MIT professor and biotech entrepreneur who works to adapt technologies developed in the computer industry for medical innovation. Full bio
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to house one transistor,
jeden tranzistor,
the size of an entire room
veľkosti celej miestnosti
revolution in computers.
počítačov inšpiruje.
to reduce the number of lives lost
na zníženie počtu životov, ktoré strácame
diseases on Earth:
rastúcich chorôb na Zemi:
is that we're working on curing cancer.
že pracujeme na liečbe rakoviny.
opportunity to save lives
príležitosť zachrániť životy
and prevention of cancer.
due to cancer are fully preventable
na rakovinu úplne zabrániť
have in hand today.
ktoré máme práve teraz v rukách.
and technologies that we have today,
a technológiami, ktoré dnes máme,
they've started growing,
ako začali rásť,
cancer cells strong.
rakovinových buniek.
deadly cancers sooner,
rakovinových nádorov skôr,
miniaturization might get us there.
ako nám to miniaturizácia môže umožniť.
for looking at a tissue specimen,
pri prezeraní vzorky tkaniva,
with years of specialized training
s rokmi špecializovaného tréningu
of mine at Rice University,
z Rice University,
is miniaturize that whole microscope
miniaturizácii celého mikroskopu
of an optical fiber.
of taking a sample from a patient
odobratia vzorky z pacienta
to the patient.
a specialist to look at the images,
špecialistu, ktorý by si pozrel obrázky,
normal versus cancerous cells.
normálne a rakovinové bunky.
working in rural communities,
vo vidieckych oblastiach prišli na to,
a mobile screening van
skríningovú dodávku,
and perform exams
vykonávať vyšetrenia,
hospital for analysis,
do centrálnej nemocnice na analýzu,
with an abnormal test result
s abnormálnymi výsledkami,
because they can't afford the trip.
pretože si nemohli cestu dovoliť.
and computer analysis,
a počítačovou analýzou
have been able to create a van
postaviť dodávku,
and a treatment setup.
aj liečebné vybavenie.
is that they can do a diagnosis
že budú schopní stanoviť diagnózu
miniaturization can save lives.
miniaturizácia zachraňovať životy.
as straight-up miniaturization.
and you made it little.
for us to take them everywhere.
že sme si ich mohli zobrať kamkoľvek.
equivalent like that in medicine?
ekvivalent v medicíne?
circulate in your body,
že by mohol cirkulovať vo vašom tele
do vonkajšieho sveta?
like science fiction.
allows us to do just that.
umožňuje urobiť presne takto.
the parts that make up the detector
časti, ktoré tvoria detektor,
actually change their properties
menia svoje vlastnosti
into gold nanoparticles,
do zlatých nanočastíc,
gold to looking red.
like cadmium selenide --
napríklad selenid kademnatý –
out of this material
yellow, orange, red,
žlto, oranžovo, červeno,
like that in the macro world?
objekt v makrosvete?
in your closet are all made of cotton,
v skrini, vyrobené z bavlny,
depending only on their size.
iba od svojej veľkosti.
the color of materials
in your body also changes.
akým vo vašom tele cestujú.
that we're going to use
ktorú sa chystáme využiť
into the blood vessel
do krvnej cievy
from the bloodstream into the tumor.
z krvného obehu do nádoru.
of many tumors are leaky,
väčšiny nádorov netesnia
from the bloodstream into the tumor.
z krvného obehu do nádoru.
depends on their size.
blue nanoparticles are leaking out,
nanočastice prenikajú
red nanoparticles
červené nanočastice
or small I make a material,
či malý materiál vyrobím,
vo vašom tele dostane.
a cancer nanodetector
vyrobili rakovinový nanodetektor,
into the body and look for tumors.
v tele a hľadať nádory.
for tumor invasion:
nádorové prerastanie;
that tumors need to make to spread.
ktorý nádor potrebuje na to, aby sa šíril.
of the tissue that it's born in,
v ktorom vznikol,
the scaffolding of tissues.
ktoré ho obklopuje.
to be activated by these enzymes.
aby ich tieto enzýmy aktivovali.
of these chemical reactions in an hour.
týchto chemických reakcií za hodinu.
that one-to-a-thousand ratio
že robí niečo veľmi citlivým.
cancer detector.
rakovinový detektor.
signal to the outside world,
signál do vonkajšieho sveta,
one more piece of nanoscale biology,
iný druh nanobiológie,
and put waste into the urine.
a vylučovať odpad do moču.
than five nanometers
through the kidney, into the urine,
that's bigger is retained.
cancer detector,
rakovinový detektor
where it's activated by tumor enzymes
kde bude aktivovaný jeho enzýmami
filtered out of the kidney
aby bol odfiltrovaný obličkami
that I can detect.
ktorý dokážem detegovať.
that we designed as engineers.
ktoré sme ako inžinieri vyrobili.
and we can design them
a môžeme ich navrhnúť tak,
with our tool of choice.
ktorý si zvolíme.
sensitive, fancy instrument
špičkový prístroj,
with a unique mass.
s jedinečnou hmotnosťou.
that's more inexpensive and portable.
čo je lacnejšie a prenosné.
that we can trap on paper,
ktoré môžme zachytiť „na papier“,
world of paper tests
rôznych detekčných testov,
in a field called paper diagnostics.
známom ako „papierová diagnostika“.
to keep us pushing forward,
ktoré nás posúvajú dopredu,
cancer researchers.
výskumníci rakoviny.
will happen with my technology,
že sa stane s našou technológiou,
our hearts and souls
naše srdcia a duše,
an expensive screening facility
drahej diagnostiky,
zo vzorky vášho moču.
v miestnosti.
on a smartphone.
have this working in mice,
tento postup u myší,
than existing methods
colon and ovarian cancer.
hrubého čreva a vaječníkov.
detect tumors in patients
detegovať nádory u pacientov
after they've started growing,
to earlier treatments,
than we can today,
zachrániť viac životov než dnes.
Sangeeta Bhatia - Physician, bioengineer and entrepreneurSangeeta Bhatia is a cancer researcher, MIT professor and biotech entrepreneur who works to adapt technologies developed in the computer industry for medical innovation.
Why you should listen
Trained as both a physician and engineer at Harvard, MIT, and Brown University, Sangeeta Bhatia leverages 'tiny technologies' of miniaturization to yield inventions with new applications in tissue regeneration, stem cell differentiation, medical diagnostics, predictive toxicology and drug delivery. She and her trainees have launched more than 10 biotechnology companies to improve human health.
Bhatia has received many honors including the Lemelson-MIT Prize, known as the 'Oscar for inventors,' and the Heinz Medal for groundbreaking inventions and advocacy for women in STEM fields. She is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, the Director of the Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine at the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Science and Brown University's Board of Trustees.
Sangeeta Bhatia | Speaker |