Safwat Saleem: Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent
Safwat Saleem: Mengapa saya tetap berbicara, meski orang-orang menghina aksen saya
Safwat Saleem uses satire and art to bring to light stories of adversity. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
terus berulang
eye contact with anyone.
dengan siapapun.
in the room begin to turn toward me
mulai menghampiri saya
"Have you forgotten your name?"
"Apa kau lupa namamu?"
I want to respond, but I don't.
saya ingin menjawab,
tapi lucu yang menyedihkan.
for all kinds of characters.
berbagai jenis karakter.
is Frankenstein's monster.
(SS's voice): (Grunts)
untuk yang itu.
a lot for that one.
I made this educational video
saya membuat video pendidikan
the voice of Space Invader.
Space Invader.
hitting "refresh,"
terus menekan "refresh,"
I look forward to the next one.
Saya tunggu kelanjutannya.
of a two-part video.
ketika itu.
on the second one next.
mengatakan hal-hal baik tentang saya,
were saying nice things about me,
is annoying. No offense.
Jangan tersinggung.
without peanut butter in your mouth?
tanpa selai kacang di mulutmu?
is somewhat constructive. Hit "refresh."
membangun. Tekan "refresh."
Tolong jangan gunakan narator ini lagi
this narrator again
because of the Indian accent.
Tidak paham karena aksen India.
have a Pakistani accent.
saya jelas-jelas beraksen Pakistan.
on the second part of the video.
back to my childhood,
masa kecil saya,
as I can remember.
tidak akan pernah angkat tangan
when he had a question --
so I would not have to answer it.
tidak perlu menjawabnya.
would say I'm not around.
saya sedang tidak ada.
and there was usually someone who'd go,
dan biasanya akan ada yang berkata,
feeling that if I spoke,
saya merasa bahwa jika saya bicara,
that there was something wrong with me,
ada yang salah dengan saya,
be able to use my voice in my work
suara saya dalam karya saya,
each sentence many, many times,
where I think I suck the least.
tidak terlalu payah.
seperti Photoshop untuk suara.
is like Photoshop for your voice.
make it deeper, add an echo.
memperdalam, menambah gema.
and if I stutter along the way,
dan jika saya gagap,
voice in my work
berkali-kali diedit dalam karya saya
to finally sound normal to myself.
akhirnya terdengar normal
di video itu,
using my voice in my work.
untuk karya saya.
about what it means to be normal.
apa artinya menjadi normal.
with expectations.
dengan ekspektasi.
very few colors in his writing.
dalam tulisannya.
is described as wine red,
berwarna merah anggur,
and sheep are purple.
domba berwarna ungu.
of the ancient literature --
for why that might be the case
alasan di baliknya
menyadari sebuah warna
to recognize a color
to make that color.
menciptakan warna itu.
sebuah warna,
for many cultures to make --
untuk dibuat dalam banyak budaya --
fairly early on.
which was much harder to make --
yang lebih susah dibuat --
how to make that color
membuat warna itu
until much later as well.
a color might be all around them,
sudah ada di sekeliling mereka,
the ability to see it.
put my own experience into context.
menempatkan pengalaman saya.
the comments on the video,
di video itu,
all very personally.
secara personal.
dengan suara saya sendiri.
for a narrator to have an accent.
mempunyai aksen.
lebih banyak salah eja pada tulisan Anda,
more spelling errors in your writing
to help female or minority students.
siswa perempuan atau minoritas.
with white-sounding names
terdengar kulit putih,
with black-sounding names.
terdengar kulit hitam.
of what is normal.
apa yang normal.
does not succeed.
tidak berhasil.
pekerja yang lebih baik
is a better hire than a black employee.
that discrimination of this kind,
diskriminasi seperti ini
to help people that you can relate to
dengan siapa Anda memiliki kesamaan
that you can't relate to.
Anda tidak memiliki kesamaan.
starts at a very early age.
setiap tahun,
collection every year,
only about 11 percent of the books
karakter dengan kulit berwarna.
that number was about eight percent,
angkanya sekitar 8%,
today come from a minority background.
hari ini berasal dari kaum minoritas.
that they can be anything,
mereka bisa jadi apa saja,
anak-anak kulit berwarna
that children of color consume
berbeda dengan mereka.
don't get to realize
they are similar to minorities --
kelompok minoritas --
for Ancient Greeks,
penduduk Yunani Kuno,
of what we consider normal,
yang kita anggap normal,
of what we've been exposed to,
dari apa yang dipertunjukkan pada kita,
di sekitar kita.
get a bit difficult.
of normal -- that normal is good,
sudah ada -- bahwa normal itu baik,
narrow definition of normal is bad.
sangat sempit itu buruk.
that preexisting notion of normal
yang sudah ada itu
and would rather be in the bathroom.
lebih memilih ada di kamar mandi.
I'm now slowly starting to use my voice
Perlahan, saya mulai memakai suara saya
people say that I talk
saya bicara
di mulut saya.
butter in my mouth.
a much better understanding
pemahaman lebih baik
one day and realize
tidak langsung sadar suatu hari
to realize what we had been ignoring
untuk menyadari
our notion of normal,
gagasan tentang apa itu normal,
to allow us as a society
akan membawa kita sebagai masyarakat
sebagaimana adanya.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Terima kasih. Terima kasih.
Safwat Saleem - Artist, graphic designer, filmmakerSafwat Saleem uses satire and art to bring to light stories of adversity.
Why you should listen
Safwat Saleem is a Pakistani-American visual artist, graphic designer and filmmaker. He's best known for making politically-charged satirical art. Safwat's artwork has used a variety of media, including illustration, writing, animation, audio, film and sculpture. He often combines several media to create multimedia storytelling experiences that get his audiences talking -- and laughing -- about subjects that tend to otherwise make people feel uncomfortable. Saleem is also the founder of Bandbaja, a Pakistani music magazine that promoted the use of modern popular music as a socio-political tool.
Saleem has a penchant for doing voiceovers in his films for all kinds of silly characters like a bear, sheep, greeting card and a whale to name a few. His work is shown regularly in galleries around the U.S. and has been featured in publications such as Wired, BoingBoing and Brainpickings. Safwat is a TED Senior Fellow and he likes pizza (like, a lot).
Safwat Saleem | Speaker |