Chad Frischmann: 100 solutions to reverse global warming
Chad Frischmann: 100 solusi untuk membalikkan pemanasan global
Chad Frischmann is working to get humanity to "drawdown," the point in time when the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases begins to decline on a year-to-year basis. Full bio
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yang mungkin belum pernah Anda dengar,
you may never have heard before,
and acting on global warming.
dan tindakan terhadap pemanasan global.
yang kita inginkan,
global warming is possible.
pemanasan global adalah mungkin.
of greenhouse gases begin to decline
mulai menurun
than we put into Earth's atmosphere.
kaca daripada memasukkan ke atmosfer Bumi.
about climate change,
atas perubahan iklim,
the expression of the problem.
ungkapan dari masalah.
of the planet telling us what's going on.
yang memberitahu kita apa yang terjadi.
concentrations of greenhouse gases
gas rumah kaca
of reversing global warming?
pembalikan pemanasan global?
menarik turun,
it sounds impossible,
kedengarannya mustahil,
apa yang harus dilakukan.
technologies and practices
yang nyata dan bisa diterapkan
to accelerate implementation
mempercepat implementasi
which only leads to apathy,
yang hanya menyebabkan sikap apatis,
called Project Drawdown.
organisasi Project Drawdown.
and writers from all over the world,
dan penulis dari seluruh dunia,
pemanasan global.
those 80 can achieve drawdown.
bisa mencapai penarikan.
solutions on the pipeline,
yang sedang dikembangkan,
and financially feasible.
dan layak secara finansial.
lebih dari tiga hal:
generation with clean, renewable sources;
dengan sumber yang bersih, terbarukan;
through technological efficiency
efisiensi teknologi
in our plants' biomass and soil
biomassa tanaman dan tanah
we all learn in grade school,
di sekolah dasar,
of these three mechanisms
to reversing global warming.
membalik pemanasan global.
to look over the list.
untuk melihat daftarnya.
to educating girls,
mendidik anak perempuan,
to rooftop solar technology.
teknologi atap surya.
you'll see figures in gigatons,
angka dalam gigaton,
equivalent carbon dioxide
total setara karbon dioksida
globally over a 30-year period.
secara global selama periode 30 tahun.
about climate solutions,
electricity generation.
pembangkit listrik.
as the most important set of solutions,
perangkat solusi yang terpenting,
to notice about this list
dari daftar ini
relate to electricity.
yang terkait dengan listrik.
relate to the food system.
terkait dengan sistem makanan.
may come as a surprise to many people,
kejutan bagi banyak orang,
is that the decisions we make every day
keputusan yang kita buat tiap hari
purchase and consume
important contributions
to reversing global warming.
untuk membalikkan pemanasan global.
is also very important.
juga sangat penting.
and creates new carbon sinks
menciptakan penyerap karbon baru
and land management together,
dan makanan bebarengan,
relate to how and why we use land.
cara dan alasan kita menggunakan lahan.
traditional thinking on climate solutions.
tradisional perihal solusi iklim.
may also surprise you.
juga akan mengejutkan Anda.
would be refrigeration management,
adalah manajemen pendinginan,
hydrofluorocarbons, also known as HFCs,
yang juga disebut HFC, dengan benar,
and air conditioners to cool the air.
untuk mendinginkan udara.
dengan Protokol Montreal
with the Montreal Protocol
klorofluorokarbon, CFC,
of chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs,
on the ozone layer.
digantikan dengan HFC,
more potent a greenhouse gas
ratusan hingga ribuan kali lebih keras
is a conservative figure.
adalah angka yang konservatif.
of the Kigali agreement of 2016,
dampak perjanjian Kigali tahun 2016,
of hydrofluorocarbons
penghapusan bertahap hidroflorokarbon
natural refrigerants, which exist today,
yang ada sekarang,
to nearly 200 gigatons
hingga mendekati 200 gigaton
of specific solutions,
how we came to these calculations.
cara kami mendapat kalkulasinya.
we collected a lot of data,
to create ranges
untuk membuat rentang
pilihan yang masuk akal
throughout the models.
di seluruh model.
which underlies the entire project.
yang mendasari seluruh proyek.
projected into the future,
secara masuk akal ke masa depan,
what we would have to do anyway.
apa yang harus kita lakukan.
from onshore wind turbines, for example,
turbin angin darat, contohnya,
generated from wind farms
ladang kincir angin
from coal or gas-fired plants.
batubara atau pembangkit gas.
to build and to operate the plants
membangun dan mengoperasikan pembangkit
to compare recycling versus landfilling,
membandingkan daur ulang dengan TPA,
industrial agriculture,
cutting down our forests.
within and across systems
ke dalam dan ke seluruh sistem
if we actually get to drawdown.
apakah kita benar-benar menuju penarikan.
covered in solar panels.
yang tertutupi panel surya.
in urban and rural settings,
di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan,
on a straw island in Lake Titicaca
di pulau alang-alang di Danau Titicaca
for cooking and lighting,
untuk memasak dan penerangan,
is not only helping to reduce emissions,
tidak hanya membantu mengurangi emisi,
and security for their household.
mengamankan rumah tangga mereka.
land in the tropics
di daerah tropis
to reversing global warming.
membalikkan pemanasan global.
as giant sticks of carbon.
tongkat karbon raksasa.
dalam aksi setiap tahun,
the atmosphere through photosynthesis,
melalui fotosintesis,
biomass and soil organic carbon.
biomassa tanaman dan karbon organik tanah.
how we produce our food
cara memproduksi makanan
and we researched over 13 of them,
dan kami meneliti lebih dari 13 cara,
of producing food.
dalam memproduksi makanan.
for centuries, for generations.
dari generasi ke generasi.
by modern agriculture,
pertanian modern,
tanaman tunggal
and pesticides which degrade the land
pestisida yang mengakibatkan lahan kritis
of greenhouse gases.
gas rumah kaca.
on the other hand,
dan produktivitas tanah,
and large farming operations alike
juga operasi pertanian besar
cara memproduksi makanan,
on global warming.
pemanasan global.
a vegan or a vegetarian diet,
diet vegan atau vegetarian,
who make those choices.
yang memilihnya.
in terms of how much we consume,
yang kita konsumsi,
how much meat is consumed.
daging yang dikonsumsi.
caloric and protein intake.
protein yang kurang.
becomes the number four solution
solusi nomor empat
of all food produced is not eaten,
produksi makanan tidak dimakan,
eight percent of global greenhouse gases.
delapan persen dari gas rumah kaca global.
where across the supply chain
di bagian rantai pasok mana
after food leaves the farm,
setelah keluar dari pertanian,
early in the supply chain
di awal rantai pasok
and storage challenges.
dan penyimpanan.
in low-income countries
di negara berpendapatan rendah
after food leaves the farm,
setelah makanan meninggalkan pertanian,
at the end of the supply chain
di akhir rantai pasok
secara keseluruhan
all the production solutions
enough food on current farmland
hasil pertanian saat ini akan cukup
a healthy, nutrient-rich diet
ke populasi dunia yang tumbuh
to cut down forests for food production.
demi produksi makanan.
are the same solutions to food insecurity.
sama dengan solusi untuk kerawanan pangan.
does not get talked enough about,
the right to choose
pria dan wanita
health clinics and education,
dan pendidikan,
global population by 2050.
populasi global pada tahun 2050.
means reduced demand
turunnya permintaan
and all other resources.
bangunan dan sumber daya lainnya.
that higher demand
permintaan yang tinggi
the basic human right
hak asasi manusia dasar
and if to raise a family.
dan jika berkeluarga.
without equal quality of education
tanpa kualitas pendidikan yang setara
anak gadis.
right down the middle.
di tengah.
educating girls and family planning
dan perencanaan keluarga
to reversing global warming,
membalikkan pemanasan global,
of greenhouse gases.
gas rumah kaca.
or a subset of solutions
atau bagian dari solusi
far along the pathway,
jauh di jalur ini,
as a small solution.
solusi kecil.
was even a problem,
atau bukan,
to human and planetary well-being.
untuk kesejahteraan manusia dan bumi.
abundant access to energy for all.
energi bersih, berlimpah untuk semua.
mengurangi penyisaan makanan
with enough food and sustenance.
dengan cukup makanan dan bahan pokok.
and the freedom of choice.
dan kebebasan memilih.
agroforestry, silvopasture
argoforestri, silvopastura
menguntungkan petani
also protects biodiversity
melindungi keanekaragaman hayati
to all species are incalculable.
spesies, tidak terhitung.
I know it's probably on everybody's mind;
ini mungkin ada di pikiran semua orang;
that to implement all 80 solutions
semua 80 solusi
dollars over 30 years.
selama 30 tahun.
global GDP is over 80 trillion every year,
adalah lebih dari 80 triliun tiap tahun,
from implementing these solutions
penerapan solusi ini
over double the costs.
lebih dari dua kali lipat biayanya.
of 44 trillion dollars.
penghematan bersih 44 triliun dolar.
and the return on that investment is huge.
dan laba investasinya sangat besar.
exploitative and extractive
ekploitatif dan ekstraktif
restorative and regenerative.
restoratif dan regeneratif.
tujuan global kita,
membalikkan pemanasan global.
Chad Frischmann - Systems strategist, coalition-builderChad Frischmann is working to get humanity to "drawdown," the point in time when the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases begins to decline on a year-to-year basis.
Why you should listen
Chad Frischmann developed the methodology and models underpinning the New York Times best-seller Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (Penguin, 2017). Drawdown was the number one best-selling environmental book of 2017 and is currently being translated into more than ten languages. In collaboration with a global team of researchers, Frischmann designed integrated global models to assess the world's most effective climate solutions and determine if, when and how the world can reach "drawdown," the point in time when the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases begins to decline on a year-to-year basis.
With an interdisciplinary background in public policy, human rights, sustainable development, and environmental conservation, Frischmann works as a systems strategist to build a new, regenerative future with cascading benefits to the environment and to human well-being. As head of research and technology since Project Drawdown's inception, he is a key spokesperson and coalition-builder dedicated to sharing the message and model of Drawdown with the world.
Frischmann provides a systems-based, action-orientated approach to research and strategic leadership. Previously, as the Senior Program Officer at The Europaeum, an association of leading European universities, Frischmann worked to further international collaboration through academic mobility and exchange between students, researchers and those working in the public and private sectors. He taught at the University of Oxford and the University of California at Berkeley and worked as a consultant and researcher for numerous organizations, from small grassroots non-profits to international agencies such as UNESCO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
Chad Frischmann | Speaker |