Katharine Hayhoe: The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it
Katharine Hayhoe: Hal terpenting yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk melawan perubahan iklim: mendiskusikannya
Katharine Hayhoe studies what climate change means to us in the places where we live. Full bio
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as an atmospheric science professor
profesor ilmu atmosfer
the second most conservative city
kota paling konservatif kedua
his undergraduate geology class.
dosen tamu di kelas geologi S1-nya.
the lecture hall was cavernous and dark.
ruang kuliahnya luas dan gelap.
of the carbon cycle
dozing or looking at their phones.
dan melihat telepon mereka.
for any questions.
harapan ada pertanyaan.
and in a loud voice, he said,
dan dengan lantang dia berkata,
fact of life here in the United States
yang menyedihkan di AS
that climate is changing,
bahwa iklim sedang berubah,
serious and even dangerous,
bahkan bahaya,
about science or even how smart we are
tahu atau bahkan seberapa pintar kita
on the political spectrum.
di spektrum politis.
a different answer
jawaban yang berbeda
or conservative?
atau konservatif?
that the planet is warming,
bahwa planet ini memanas,
fossil fuels as soon as possible --
fosil sesegera mungkin --
cut off their arm
lengan mereka
any further excuse
and tell them what to do.
dan menyuruh bertindak sesuatu.
but I don't want to fix it,"
tapi saya tidak mau memecahkanya,"
and nobody wants to be the bad guy.
tak ada yang mau menjadi orang jahat.
"It's just a natural cycle."
"itu hanya siklus alam."
are just in it for the money."
saya dengar hal itu.
sciencey-sounding smoke screens,
yang terdengar halus,
the real reason for our objections,
alasan asli dari bantahan kita
with our ideology and our identity.
Where is global warming now?"
Mana ada pemanasan global?"
who says this thing is real,
yang bilang ini nyata,
bilang tidak"
like everybody is saying these myths.
setiap orang mengatakan ini hanya mitos.
on Climate [Change] Communication
the country now for a number of years --
di seluruh negara selama bertahun-tahun --
of people in the United States agree
sebenarnya setuju
that it will harm plants and animals,
merusak tumbuhan dan hewan,
the rubber starts to hit the road.
ibarat karet menghantam jalanan.
will affect people in the United States.
berdampak ke orang-orang di AS.
think it will affect us personally.
akan berdampak ke kita sendiri.
"Do you ever talk about this?"
"Pernahkah Anda membahas hal ini?"
United States say, "Never."
"Tak pernah."
"Do you hear the media talk about this?"
"Apakah Anda mendengar media membahasnya?"
doom-filled report.
laporan petaka lain.
sciencey-sounding myths.
yang seperti sains.
this vicious cycle?
memecah lingkaran ini?
is the exact thing that we're not doing:
hal yang jelas tidak kita lakukan:
"Saya bukan ilmuwan"
about radiative forcing
penguatan radiasi
in climate models?"
dalam model iklim?"
about more science;
lebih banyak sains;
for over 150 years.
selama lebih dari 150 tahun.
150 years or more since the 1850s,
sejak tahun 1850-an
pertama kali menemukan
coal and gas and oil
batu bara, gas, dan minyak
around the planet?
di sekeliling planet ini?
first formally warned a US president
memberi peringatan pada presiden AS
Lyndon B.Johnson.
the social science has taught us
on rejecting a certain set of facts,
yang menolak seperangkat fakta
is a personal attack.
fakta itu jadi serangan pribadi.
rather than building a bridge.
bukannya membangun jembatan.
about more science,
sains lebih jauh
about more science,
sains lebih jauh,
with all the data and facts in our head,
dengan data dan fakta yang kita tahu,
why it matters to us,
itu menjadi masalah kita bersama,
hiking, biking, fishing, even hunting?
mendaki, bersepeda, memancing, berburu?
or national security?
atau keamanan nasional?
I found to connect with people
untuk terhubung dengan orang,
this incredible planet that we live on
Tuhan menciptakan planet luar biasa ini
over every living thing on it.
atas makhluk hidup di atasnya.
that we are to care for and love
untuk saling peduli dan sayang
the impacts of poverty,
karena miskin,
the values are that someone has,
yang dimiliki seseorang
figure out what makes them tick.
apa yang membuat mereka berdetak.
between the values they already have
titik-titik antara nilai yang mereka punya
about a changing climate.
perubahan ilkim.
of conversations that I've had
percakapan yang kita lakukan
person in the world
to care about a changing climate.
untuk peduli perubahan ikilm.
through our conversation with them.
dengan berbicara dengan mereka.
about a changing climate
perubahan iklim,
about the future of my child.
dengan masa depan anak saya.
where water is already scarce,
yang langka air.
the availability of that water.
pada persediaan air.
about a changing climate
perubahan iklim
a "threat multiplier."
"pengali ancaman."
and lack of access to clean water
penyakit, dan kurangnya akses air bersih
that lead to refugee crises --
pada krisis pengungsian --
and it exacerbates them,
at a Rotary Club,
that had the Four-Way Test on it.
besar yang punya tes 4 mata ini.
most about climate change,
dengan perubahan iklim
the least to the problem
pada masalah ini
would it build goodwill?
dan muncul niat baik?
into the Four-Way Test,
menjadi tes empat arah,
of conservative businesspeople
pebisnis konservatif
with the most bemused look on his face.
dengan wajah bingung.
about this whole global warming thing,
akan pemanasan global ini,
they have to be genuine.
pastilah asli
a number of years ago,
Kristen beberapa tahun lalu,
came up and he said,
dan berkata
to get my foot in the door
daya tarik
about why climate change matters."
perubahan iklim terjadi."
that you're part of,
bagian dari mereka
with those people.
I'm an atheist," he said.
saya ateis," dia bilang.
starting with a faith community
dari komunitas iman
what you are involved in."
Anda tergabung dalam komunitas apa?"
a community group
sebuah grup
that he could start with.
yang bisa dia mulai dari sana.
a liberal tree hugger
merangkul semua umat
living on this planet.
hidup di planet ini.
affecting us today.
pada kita sekarang ini.
"sunny-day flooding."
"banjir siang bolong."
bagian barat,
being burned by wildfires.
terbakar oleh api.
to the South Pacific,
Pasifik Selatan,
typhoons and cyclones,
angin topan, dan siklon,
laut yang menghangat
or if we live in Syria,
supersize our droughts,
memperparah kekeringan,
being affected by a changing climate.
dampak perubahan iklim.
We can talk impacts.
Kita bisa membahas dampaknya
because this thing is serious."
karena ini masalah serius."
I'm a scientist, I know.
Saya ilmuwan, saya tahu.
what is going to motivate us
yang akan memotivasi kita
that we need to fix this thing.
berkelanjutan untuk pecahkan masalah ini.
run away from the bear.
lari dari masalah.
than the person beside us.
dari yang di belakang.
is rational hope.
harapan yang logis.
to recognize what's at stake.
yang dipertaruhkan.
masa depan yang lebih baik --
but better than they are today.
tapi lebih baik dari hari ini.
thing that we have to talk about
untuk dibicarakan
accessible, attractive solutions.
dapat diakses dan menarik.
silver bullet, as they say,
seperti kata mereka,
that save us money
at the same time.
di waktu yang sama.
came with a switch beside the front door,
di belakang pintu depan,
turn off everything except your fridge.
mematikan semua kecuali kulkas.
eating lower down the food chain
makanan tingkat bawah di rantai makanan
which at the global scale,
yang dalam skala global,
that we can do to fix this problem.
bisa dilakukan untuk pecahkan masalah ini.
to talk to people about a changing climate
membicarakan masalah perubahan iklim
carbon footprint is my travel.
adalah bepergian saya.
collect my invitations.
memilih undangan saya.
unless I have a critical mass
kecuali ada banyak undangan
10 or 15 talks in a given place --
di satu tempat --
of my carbon footprint
jejak karbon saya
three-quarters of the talks I give
pidato yang saya berikan
"Well, we've never done that before."
"Kita tak pernah lakukan itu sebelumnya."
I think it could work."
Saya rasa akan berhasil."
happening today around the world
di dunia hari ini
of any state in the United States.
emisi karbon tertinggi se-AS
what can you talk about in Texas?"
yang bisa dibahas tentang Texas?"
there's over 25,000 jobs
ada lebih dari 25.000 pekerjaan
of our electricity
most of that wind,
misal: angin
tumbuh pesat.
in the United States, Fort Hood,
Fort Hood,
by wind and solar energy now,
surya sekarang,
over 150 million dollars.
lebih dari 150 juta dolar.
the resources that we have?
punya sumber daya seperti kita?
there are hundreds of millions of people
ratusan juta orang
of energy except kerosine,
selain minyak tanah,
of new energy today is solar.
adalah tenaga surya.
nonprofits, even corporations
dan perusahaan sosial
new microfinancing schemes,
pembiayaan mikro baru yang inovatif,
the power they need in increments,
tens of thousands of units
mendistribusikan puluhan ribu unit
from Rwanda to Uganda.
dari Rwanda hingga Uganda.
over 30 million hours of electricity
lebih dari 30 juta jam listrik
of cell phone charging.
daya telepon.
economies of China and India?
yang tumbuh pesat di Cina dan India?
a little further down the road,
lebih jauh,
are right here today.
sudah ada disini.
is essential to powering their future.
sangat penting untuk masa depan.
of billions of dollars in clean energy.
untuk energi bersih.
solar panels on the surface.
bisa mengambang di permukaannya.
bentuk panda.
all the coal plants around Beijing.
pabrik batubara di Beijing.
incandescent light bulbs with LEDs,
bola lampu pijar dengan LED
seven billion dollars in energy costs.
sebanyak 7 milyar dolar.
their entire vehicle fleet.
seluruh armada kendaraan mereka.
to industrialize
secara primer.
sitting at the bottom of a hill,
seperti batu besar di bawah bukit
trying to roll it up the hill.
mendorongnya ke atas bukit.
is already at the top of the hill.
di atas bukit.
of hands, maybe even billions on it,
so we can fix climate change in time?
kita bisa pecahkan masalah tepat waktu?
right here, right now,
saya disini, sekarang,
kita bisa memecahkannya.
than us climate scientists.
ilmuwan iklim.
for the hope that we need,
yang kita butuhkan,
with a conversation today.
percakapan kita hari ini.
Katharine Hayhoe - Climate scientistKatharine Hayhoe studies what climate change means to us in the places where we live.
Why you should listen
As Katharine Hayhoe writes: "I'm a climate scientist: I crunch the data, I analyze the models, and I help people like engineers and city managers and water planners prepare for the ways climate change affects all of us. I'm a professor in political science at Texas Tech University, where I direct the Climate Science Center. I'm also a lead author for the US National Climate Assessment; I host the PBS Digital Series Global Weirding; and I spend a lot of time talking to people about climate science, impacts, solutions and how they connect to our values. I've been named one of TIME's "100 Most Influential People," Fortune's "50 Greatest Leaders" and Foreign Policy's "100 Leading Global Thinkers."
"These are all tremendous honors, for which I'm enormously grateful. What means the most, though, is when just one person tells me sincerely that they had never cared about climate change before, or even thought it was real: but now, because of something they heard me say, they've changed their mind. That's what makes it all worthwhile."
Katharine Hayhoe | Speaker | TED.com