May El-Khalil: Making peace is a marathon
메이 엘-칼릴 (May El-Khalil): 평화를 가져오는 것은 마라톤입니다.
The Beirut Marathon is the largest running event in the Middle East. May El-Khalil founded it as an instrument of peace. Full bio
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레바논 사람들과 국제 사회
33,000명이 넘는 선수들이
날씨에 맞닥뜨렸습니다.
점점 더 커졌습니다.
어린이부터 노인까지
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이 모든 것을 주제로하여 달려왔습니다.
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기부하도록 장려했습니다.
미래의 지도자들이
토대라고 믿습니다.
지역의 행사가 됨에 따라
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불안정한 부분에서부터의
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달리는 사람들을 보았습니다.
단거리 경주가 아닙니다.
가깝다고 할 수 있지요.
May El-Khalil - Founder of the Beirut MarathonThe Beirut Marathon is the largest running event in the Middle East. May El-Khalil founded it as an instrument of peace.
Why you should listen
The beautiful city of Beirut, Lebanon, has seen its share of tragedy, as a seat of Lebanon's long-running civil war (1975-1990) and the Israeli-Lebanese conflict that came to a head in 2006. But in 2003, May El-Khalil, a local sports official, decided: It's time to start a marathon, open to all, as an antidote to sectarianism. And despite ongoing political and security pressure, the Beirut Marathon, now entering its 11th year, has become not only the largest running event in the Middle East but a powerful force for peace.
El-Khalil was inspired to start the marathon after a personal tragedy: a near-fatal running accident. Doctors told her she would never run again. She was hospitalized for two years and had to undergo a long series of surgeries. But the resolve from this personal struggle created an event that, each year, draws runners and fans from opposing political and religious communities in a symbolic act of peace. Case in point: In 2012, on a rainy and windy November day, more than 33,000 runners turned out. Other countries around the region are now thinking of replicating this model.
May El-Khalil | Speaker |