Eric Haseltine: What will be the next big scientific breakthrough?
에릭 해슬틴 (Eric Haseltine): 다음의 커다란 과학적 돌파구는 뭘까요?
Eric Haseltine applies discoveries about the brain to innovation and forecasting game-changing advances in science and technology. Full bio
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my passion for science.
공유하고 싶습니다.
that takes baby steps.
이야기하는게 아닙니다.
that takes enormous leaps.
that turns the world on its head.
혁신적인 과학을 얘기합니다.
about two ideas that might do this.
두 가지 생각을 얘기하겠습니다.
most are flat wrong,
아주 틀렸거나
seldom have the impact
우리가 원하는 식의 효과를
two ideas in particular,
골랐는지 설명하기 위해
compulsively thorough doctor
철두철미한 의사로
soon after giving birth
at one of the clinics than at the other.
3배 많았습니다.
what the difference was that caused this,
until he happened to autopsy a doctor
죽은 의사를 부검할 때까지
to those of the mothers who were dying.
죽은 산모들과 같았습니다.
get the same thing as new mothers?
증상을 가질 수 있나요?
everything the doctor had done
했던 모든 일을 젬멜바이스가 재구성하여
that he'd been autopsying a corpse.
있었음을 밝혀냈습니다.
in his wound that killed him?
for any connection he could
and dead mothers in his delivery room,
어떤 연관이 있는지 살폈고
with the high death rate,
after autopsying corpses in the morgue.
부검한 직후 아기를 받았습니다.
the doctors' hands
to sterilize their hands,
손을 소독하도록 명령했고
had discovered infectious disease.
전염병을 발견했죠.
thought he was crazy,
그가 미쳤다고 생각했습니다.
and had for hundreds of years,
called miasmas caused disease,
질병을 일으킨다고 생각했죠.
that you couldn't see.
가설의 입자가 아니고요.
for Frenchman Louis Pasteur
젬멜바이스가 옳았음을 증명하는데
why milk and beer spoiled so often.
상하는지 알아내려 했습니다.
could kill people in exactly the same way
있다는 것도 알아냈습니다.
죽은 것과 같은 방식이죠.
to talk about tonight, in two ideas.
두 아이디어를 보시죠.
that he was a revolutionary.
그는 혁신적이었습니다.
to a completely new world.
새로운 세상을 보여줬습니다.
박테리아에 대해 알았습니다.
that bacteria killed people.
죽인다는 것은 몰랐죠.
that people kept close to their heart.
간직했던 아이디어도 뒤집었습니다.
Bacteria killed people.
박테리아가 사람을 죽였습니다.
I want to talk about tonight.
두 아이디어로 이끌게 하는군요.
to a completely new universe,
to an entirely new world
완전히 새로운 세상을
Bell Laboratory
새로운 현미경을 발명한
were taking his brilliant inventions
과학자들이 형편없는 연구를 한다고
for figuring out
결코 놓치지 않았습니다.
to see finer and finer details
볼 수 없었던 더욱 정교한 내용을
or ever could be seen.
going to understand how cells work,
암이 어떻게 퍼지는지 이해하려면
150th the size of a head of a pin
안 되는 것이 어떻게 해서
called the law of physics,
is the thing called the diffraction limit.
회절 한계가 있습니다.
when you go to a doctor's office,
의사 진료실에 가서
no matter how good glasses you have.
아래쪽까지만 볼 수 있는 것과 같죠.
figured out how to take a tiny molecule
최고의 현미경으로
the best microscope could see
are not so unbreakable after all."
아닌지도 몰라"
in his friend's living room.
현미경을 조립했습니다.
got different protein molecules
to turn very, very fuzzy blurs
아주 흐릿하고 희미한 것을
of unprecedented and startling clarity.
전례없이 선명한 이미지를 만들었죠.
with unprecedented detail
전례없는 세부사항을
a better handle on things like cancer.
더 잘 다룰 수 있습니다.
Betzig was satisfied there?
that he invented were just too slow.
너무 느렸다는 거죠.
아이디어를 떠올렸습니다.
if you take two very, very fine patterns
두 개의 아주 미세한 무늬를
거친 무늬를 볼 수 있습니다.
be able to see.
to taking a really blurry image of a cell
세포 이미지에 적용시켜
light patterns across it
we don't know what they're doing.
we'll have a better handle on life itself.
생명 자체를 잘 다룰 수 있습니다.
green globs that you see?
that protect other molecules
hijack those to infect cells.
감염시키려고 이것을 납치합니다.
wormlike things moving around?
돌아다니는게 보입니까?
also climb down those things
이것들을 타고 내려가
deep inside a cell,
영화로 볼 수 있습니다.
of curing viral diseases like AIDS.
치료할 더 나은 기회가 왔습니다.
our eyes to a completely new world.
보여준 것이 분명합니다.
any cherished beliefs.
깨지 않았죠.
박사를 보시겠습니다.
squirming with an interesting idea:
활동하는 과학자입니다.
think he's a crackpot.
그가 괴짜라고 생각합니다.
consequence of living.
what we call free radicals.
머리카락을 잃게 만듭니다.
there is something called immortality:
into giant walking malignant tumors.
거대한 악성 종양이 될 것입니다.
but could de Grey be on to something?
드 그레이가 뭔가를 할 수 있을까요?
seeing him as a crackpot.
as a computer scientist,
in biology from Cambridge,
박사학위를 받았어요.
some very significant work
여러 가지 다른 것에 관해
and a bunch of other stuff.
an antiaging foundation
seven different causes of aging,
of fixes for every single one of them.
열심히 노력하고 있습니다.
is that our mitochondrial DNA mutates,
미토콘드리아 DNA가 돌연변이가 되어
and our cells lose energy.
a convincing case,
할 수 있다고 믿습니다.
증거가 있습니다.
is going to revolutionize our lifespans.
혁명을 가져온다는 뜻은 아닙니다.
and most of us are not lobsters.
바다가재도 아닙니다.
Darwins and Einsteins out there,
사람들이 있다고 믿습니다.
alive today than during Darwin's time.
오늘날 살고 있습니다.
alive today as Einstein.
4배나 많은 사람이 있고요.
in the population has skyrocketed,
that there's one of them out there
밖에 있는 그들 중 한 명은
흔들 연구를 하고 있습니다.
and I don't know about you,
Eric Haseltine - Author, futurist, innovatorEric Haseltine applies discoveries about the brain to innovation and forecasting game-changing advances in science and technology.
Why you should listen
Dr. Eric Haseltine is a neuroscientist and futurist who has applied a brain-centered approach to help organizations in aerospace, entertainment, healthcare, consumer products and national security transform and innovate. He is the author of Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success Through Daily Victories. For five years, he wrote a monthly column on the brain for Discover magazine and is a frequent contributor to Psychology Today's web site, where his popular blog on the brain has garnered over 800,000 views. Haseltine received the Distinguished Psychologist in Management Award from the Society of Psychologists in Management and has published 41 patents and patent applications in optics, media and entertainment technology.
In 1992 he joined Walt Disney Imagineering to help found the Virtual Reality Studio, which he ultimately ran until his departure from Disney in 2002. When he left Disney, Haseltine was executive vice president of Imagineering and head of R&D for the entire Disney Corporation, including film, television, theme parks, Internet and consumer products.
In the aftermath of 9/11, Eric joined the National Security Agency to run its Research Directorate. Three years later, he was promoted to associate of director of National Intelligence, where he oversaw all science and technology efforts within the United States Intelligence Community as well as fostering development innovative new technologies for countering cyber threats and terrorism. For his work on counter-terrorism technologies, he received the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal in 2007.
Haseltine serves on numerous boards, and is an active consultant, speaker and writer. Over the past three years, he has focused heavily on developing innovation strategies and consumer applications for the Internet of Things, virtual reality and augmented reality.
Haseltine continues to do basic research in neuroscience, with his most recent publications focusing on the mind-body health connection and exploitation of big-data to uncover subtle, but important trends in mental and physical health.
Eric Haseltine | Speaker |