Eric Haseltine: What will be the next big scientific breakthrough?
Eric Haseltine: Care va fi următoarea mare descoperire științifică?
Eric Haseltine applies discoveries about the brain to innovation and forecasting game-changing advances in science and technology. Full bio
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my passion for science.
pasiunea mea pentru știință.
that takes baby steps.
care face pași mărunți,
that takes enormous leaps.
care face salturi uriaşe.
despre Einstein,
that turns the world on its head.
care schimbă radical lumea.
about two ideas that might do this.
care ar putea face asta.
most are flat wrong,
revoluţionare sunt greșite
seldom have the impact
rareori au impactul
two ideas in particular,
aceste două idei în special,
compulsively thorough doctor
ursuz, extrem de conștiincios,
la scurt timp după naștere
soon after giving birth
la una dintre maternități,
at one of the clinics than at the other.
what the difference was that caused this,
cauza acestei diferențe,
până când a autopsiat un doctor
until he happened to autopsy a doctor
de bisturiu infectate.
to those of the mothers who were dying.
cu cele ale mamelor care mureau.
get the same thing as new mothers?
același lucru ca proaspetele mămici?
everything the doctor had done
tot ce făcuse doctorul
that he'd been autopsying a corpse.
că făcuse autopsia unui cadavru.
in his wound that killed him?
ceva ce l-a omorât?
for any connection he could
orice legătură posibilă
and dead mothers in his delivery room,
decedate din sala lui de nașteri --
with the high death rate,
cu rată mare de deces,
after autopsying corpses in the morgue.
imediat după ce făceau autopsii în morgă.
the doctors' hands
mâinile doctorilor
to sterilize their hands,
să-și sterilizeze mâinile,
had discovered infectious disease.
a descoperit bolile infecțioase.
thought he was crazy,
credeau că e nebun,
and had for hundreds of years,
şi asta era de sute de ani,
called miasmas caused disease,
numiți miasme, cauzează boala,
that you couldn't see.
pe care nu le poți vedea.
for Frenchman Louis Pasteur
până ce francezul Louis Pasteur
why milk and beer spoiled so often.
laptele și berea se alterau așa des.
could kill people in exactly the same way
puteau ucide oameni în același fel
to talk about tonight, in two ideas.
în seara asta, în două idei.
that he was a revolutionary.
că a fost un revoluționar.
to a completely new world.
spre o lume complet nouă.
that bacteria killed people.
că bacteriile ucid oameni.
that people kept close to their heart.
la care oamenii țineau.
Bacteria killed people.
Bacteriile ucideau oameni.
I want to talk about tonight.
despre care vreau să vorbesc astă-seară.
to a completely new universe,
spre un univers complet nou,
bine înrădăcinate.
to an entirely new world
spre o lume complet nouă
Bell Laboratory
de la prestigiosul Laborator Bell
pentru biologie,
were taking his brilliant inventions
îi luau invențiile extraordinare
for figuring out
pasiunea de a descoperi
to see finer and finer details
să vadă detalii din ce în ce mai fine,
or ever could be seen.
cum nu puteau fi vreodată văzute.
să înţelegem cum funcționează celulele
going to understand how cells work,
150th the size of a head of a pin
a unui vârf de ac, ca mărime,
de colo-colo,
called the law of physics,
is the thing called the diffraction limit.
limita de difracție.
when you go to a doctor's office,
când mergi la un cabinet medical
no matter how good glasses you have.
oricât de buni ar fi ochelarii tăi.
figured out how to take a tiny molecule
cum să facă o moleculă minusculă,
the best microscope could see
cel mai bun microscop,
să devină fluorescentă.
are not so unbreakable after all."
chiar așa de fixe, la urma urmei.”
in his friend's living room.
în sufrageria prietenului său.
got different protein molecules
a făcut diferite molecule de proteine
to turn very, very fuzzy blurs
zone foarte neclare şi estompate
of unprecedented and startling clarity.
de o claritate uimitoare, fără precedent.
with unprecedented detail
cu o detaliere fără precedent
până acum,
a better handle on things like cancer.
lucruri precum cancerul.
Betzig was satisfied there?
s-a mulțumit cu asta?
that he invented were just too slow.
pe care le inventase erau prea lente.
if you take two very, very fine patterns
două tipare foarte, foarte mărunte
be able to see.
to taking a really blurry image of a cell
foarte încețoșate a unei celule
multe tipare structurate de lumină
light patterns across it
extrem de clară.
care se mişcă rapid de colo-colo,
we don't know what they're doing.
we'll have a better handle on life itself.
vom înţelege mai bine viaţa însăşi.
green globs that you see?
pe care le vedeți
that protect other molecules
care protejează alte molecule
hijack those to infect cells.
le deturnează ca să infecteze celule.
mișcătoare, ca niște viermișori?
wormlike things moving around?
also climb down those things
coboară prin ele
deep inside a cell,
în profunzimea unei celule,
of curing viral diseases like AIDS.
de a vindeca boli virale, ca SIDA.
our eyes to a completely new world.
spre o lume complet nouă.
any cherished beliefs.
nicio credinţă îndrăgită.
squirming with an interesting idea:
cu o idee interesantă:
think he's a crackpot.
cred că e un ţicnit.
introducere în biologie
consequence of living.
inevitabilă a faptului că trăim.
what we call free radicals.
ceea ce numim radicali liberi.
să ne pierdem părul.
şi îl face să ruginească.
there is something called immortality:
că există ceva numit nemurire:
into giant walking malignant tumors.
uriașe tumori maligne ambulante.
but could de Grey be on to something?
dar ar putea de Grey
seeing him as a crackpot.
să-l văd ca pe un țicnit.
as a computer scientist,
ca specialist în calculatoare,
in biology from Cambridge,
în biologie de la Cambridge
some very significant work
and a bunch of other stuff.
și multe alte chestii.
an antiaging foundation
o fundație anti-îmbătrânire
seven different causes of aging,
diferite ale îmbătrânirii
of fixes for every single one of them.
pentru fiecare dintre ele.
is that our mitochondrial DNA mutates,
e mutația ADN-ului nostru mitocondrial,
and our cells lose energy.
iar celulele noastre pierd energie.
a convincing case,
putem face terapie genetică,
is going to revolutionize our lifespans.
va revoluționa durata noastră de viață.
and most of us are not lobsters.
și majoritatea nu suntem homari.
Darwins and Einsteins out there,
există Darwini și Einsteini
alive today than during Darwin's time.
decât în vremea lui Darwin.
alive today as Einstein.
decât în vremea lui Einstein.
in the population has skyrocketed,
în rândul populației a crescut vertiginos,
that there's one of them out there
că unul dintre ei e undeva acolo
and I don't know about you,
și nu știu ce credeți voi,
Eric Haseltine - Author, futurist, innovatorEric Haseltine applies discoveries about the brain to innovation and forecasting game-changing advances in science and technology.
Why you should listen
Dr. Eric Haseltine is a neuroscientist and futurist who has applied a brain-centered approach to help organizations in aerospace, entertainment, healthcare, consumer products and national security transform and innovate. He is the author of Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success Through Daily Victories. For five years, he wrote a monthly column on the brain for Discover magazine and is a frequent contributor to Psychology Today's web site, where his popular blog on the brain has garnered over 800,000 views. Haseltine received the Distinguished Psychologist in Management Award from the Society of Psychologists in Management and has published 41 patents and patent applications in optics, media and entertainment technology.
In 1992 he joined Walt Disney Imagineering to help found the Virtual Reality Studio, which he ultimately ran until his departure from Disney in 2002. When he left Disney, Haseltine was executive vice president of Imagineering and head of R&D for the entire Disney Corporation, including film, television, theme parks, Internet and consumer products.
In the aftermath of 9/11, Eric joined the National Security Agency to run its Research Directorate. Three years later, he was promoted to associate of director of National Intelligence, where he oversaw all science and technology efforts within the United States Intelligence Community as well as fostering development innovative new technologies for countering cyber threats and terrorism. For his work on counter-terrorism technologies, he received the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal in 2007.
Haseltine serves on numerous boards, and is an active consultant, speaker and writer. Over the past three years, he has focused heavily on developing innovation strategies and consumer applications for the Internet of Things, virtual reality and augmented reality.
Haseltine continues to do basic research in neuroscience, with his most recent publications focusing on the mind-body health connection and exploitation of big-data to uncover subtle, but important trends in mental and physical health.
Eric Haseltine | Speaker |