Sue Desmond-Hellmann: A smarter, more precise way to think about public health
Сью Дэсмонд-Хэллманн: Нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийг илүү ухаалаг, оновчтой өнцгөөс харах арга
Sue Desmond-Hellmann leads the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s mission to establish equity for every person. Full bio
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Theresa Marie.
and Kevin Michael's on his right.
түүний баруун талд Кэвин Майкл байна.
их таалагдсан.
was picking names.
зүйлсийн нэг байлаа.
number seven came along,
ихээхэн юм болов.
on Jennifer Bridget.
арайхийж тохиролцсон.
ceremonial moment.
сэтгэл минь хөөрдөг байв.
for their new babies
нэр сонгохоо сар эсвэл
of this special ceremonial time?
bearable without a name.
арай тэсэж болохоор байдаг байх.
гэрийхнийг нь
хөндийрүүлдэг байх.
бидэнд баяр хөөр, догдлол,
dreaming of the future of that child --
авчирдаг энэ мөч
of a future for their child
хэдхэн гайхалтай долоо хоногоос цааш
огт мэддэггүй.
an updated pie chart.
дугуй график харж байснаа санаж байна.
under five worldwide."
хүүхдүүдийн эндэгдлийн шалтгаан".
of that pie chart, about 40 percent --
ойролцоогоор 40 хувь нь
шалтгаан биш.
нэг тэмдэг нэр.
is less than one month old.
тэмдэг нэр.
"We have no idea."
"Бидэнд ямар ч санаа оноо алга" гэж байв.
what you can't define.
засаж чадахгүй шүү дээ.
the dreams of those parents
about a new approach,
ярьмаар байна.
аварч чадахгүй байгааг
know why babies are dying,
Эрүүл Мэнд" гэдэг.
from a very special place.
маш онцгой газраас улбаатай.
an oncologist.
to help people feel better.
учраас энэ чиглэлийг сонгосон.
made them feel worse.
тэднийг дордуулж байлаа.
being driven to my clinic
залуу бүсгүйчүүдийг би одоог хүртэл
into my exam room by their mothers.
орж ирдэг насанд хүрсэн хүмүүс.
in the war on cancer,
дайны талбарт
couldn't differentiate
хавдрын эсүүд болон
that we wanted to hit hard
that we wanted to preserve.
хооронд нь ялгаж чаддаггүй байв.
all very familiar with --
магадлал ихсэх зэрэг
so infection was a constant threat --
дагалдаж байсан юм.
to the biotechnology industry.
салбар луу шилжсэн.
for breast cancer patients
өвчтөнүүдэд зориулсан,
of telling the healthy cells
арай дээр ялгаж чадах
HER2-positive breast cancer,
хавдрын эсийг яг онилох боломжийг өгсөн.
хавдрын хэлбэр байсан.
form of breast cancer.
hit hard the cancer cells,
эсүүдэд хүчтэй цохилт өгөхийн зэрэгцээ
gentle on the normal cells.
боломжийг олгосон юм.
gene sequencing and more --
генийн дараалал тогтоох зэрэг олон аргыг
өгч чадаж байна.
revolutionized cancer therapy.
эмчилгээнд хувьсгал хийсэн.
би хүсч байна.
better way to tackle diseases
орнуудаар хязгаарлах ёстой гэж?
expensive medicines like Herceptin
хөгжиж буй орнуудад
таалагдаж байгаа л даа.
targeting for individuals
эрүүл мэндийн асуудлуудтай
you're thinking, "She's crazy.
Ингэх боломжгүй шүү дээ.
гэж бодож байж магадгүй.
хэрэгжүүлж байгаа,
to make a big difference.
маш том өөрчлөлт гаргаж эхэлсэн.
as a cancer doctor.
гэсэн дээ.
who trained in San Francisco in the '80s,
онд бэлтгэгдсэн маш олон эмч нарын адил
a terrible global challenge.
бэрхшээл хэвээрээ байна.
are living with HIV.
ХДХВ-ийн халдвартай амьдарч байна.
become pregnant,
бид мэднэ.
until the age of two.
чадалгүй эндэнэ гэдгийг бид мэднэ.
can virtually guarantee
the virus to the baby.
баталгаа болдог.
kind of like that blast of chemo,
бөмбөгдөх шиг арга хэрэглэвэл
нэг бүрчлэн оношилж эмчлэх юм.
every pregnant woman in the world.
where HIV rates are the highest.
in sub-Saharan Africa
халдварын түвшин хамгийн өндөр
where rates are highest.
оношилж эмчилж болно.
to a public health problem
уг нарийвчилсан арга нь
in certain areas in the developing world
эмэгтэйчүүдийг үзлэгт хамруулах нь
эрүүл мэндийн асуудлыг
can change things on a big scale.
харуулсан чухал жишээ юм.
elements of precision public health:
нарийвчилсан аргын чухал бүрэлдэхүүн.
to the 2.6 million babies
хүрэхээсээ өмнө энддэг
авч үзье.
the causes of infant mortality
эдгээр улсуудын
with the highest infant mortality
who has just lost her child,
эмнэлгийн ажилтан:
Did they have a fever?"
Тэр халуунтай байсан уу?" гэж асууна.
after the baby has died.
дараа ч явагдаж болно.
in the shoes of that mom.
excruciating conversation.
тэсэхийн аргагүй яриа.
there was a fever or vomiting,
бөөлжсөн гэж мэдэж болох ч,
that knowledge,
тэдгээр ээж,
бусад гэр бүлийг
a precision public health approach?
аргыг хэрэглэвэл яах бол?
because of a bacterial infection
хүүхэд рүү дамждаг
mom has a seven times higher chance
дараагийн хүүхэд
we can prevent that death
уг эндэгдлээс бид
and safe as penicillin.
сэргийлж чадна.
the right interventions
in the right places
and with these interventions
мөн иймэрхүү арга хэмжээнүүдийг
our 15-year goal.
into a million babies' lives saved
to public health --
үр дүнтэй аргын тусламжтай
tackle malnutrition?
үр дүнтэй тэмцэж чадахгүй гэж
cervical cancer in women?
хорт хавдараас урьдчилан сэргийлэхгүй гэж?
болохгүй гэж?
in two different worlds,
by public health professionals.
мэргэжилтнүүдээр дүүрэн.
зорилт нь
бид бүгд хоёр ертөнцөд амьдардаг.
about precision public health
энэ хоёр ертөнцийг холбож буй нь
talent and tools --
in ways I never imagined
that kind of talent and tools
мөн арга хэрэгслийг ядуу ертөнцийн
the confidence
итгэлтэй болж,
the moment that child is born,
will be measured in decades,
олон арван жилээр хэмжигдэнэ гэж
Sue Desmond-Hellmann - CEO, Gates FoundationSue Desmond-Hellmann leads the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s mission to establish equity for every person.
Why you should listen
As CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sue Desmond-Hellmann leads the organization's vision for a world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life. Drawing on her diverse experience as scientist, physician and business executive, she oversees a variety of missions focused on eradicating disease, poverty and inequity. She leads 1,400 people, across four continents, working in more than 100 countries to help more children and young people survive and thrive, combat infectious diseases that hit the poorest hardest, and empower people -- particularly women and girls -- to transform their lives.
Trained as an oncologist, Dr. Desmond-Hellmann spent 14 years at biotech firm Genentech, developing a number of breakthrough medicines, including two of the first gene-targeted therapies for cancer, Avastin and Herceptin. In November 2009, Forbes magazine named her one of the world's seven most "powerful innovators," calling her "a hero to legions of cancer patients." Her time at Genentech put her at the forefront of the precision medicine revolution, and in her current role she champions a similar approach to global development: precision public health -- getting the right interventions, to the right populations, in the right places, to save lives.
Immediately prior to joining the foundation in 2014, Dr. Desmond-Hellmann was the first female chancellor of the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), overseeing all aspects of the university and medical center's strategy and operations. It was her second stint at UCSF, having completed her clinical training there in the 1980s. She moved to Uganda in 1989 to work on HIV/AIDS and cancer, which she credits as a turning point in her career. "It was so profound to recognize ... that all the learning I had done to become a doctor didn't matter at all if I didn’t make a contribution," she said.
Dr. Desmond-Hellmann is the recipient of numerous honors and awards. She was listed among Fortune magazine's "50 most powerful women in business" for seven years. In 2010, she was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and elected to the Institute of Medicine. She serves on the boards of directors at Facebook Inc. and the Procter & Gamble Company.
Sue Desmond-Hellmann | Speaker |