Mariano Sigman: Your words may predict your future mental health
Mariano Sigman: Twoje słowa a przyszły stan zdrowia psychicznego
In his provocative, mind-bending book "The Secret Life of the Mind," neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reveals his life’s work exploring the inner workings of the human brain. Full bio
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to know how the ancient Greeks dressed,
wiemy, jak ubierali się starożytni Grecy,
aspects of human thought --
że najgłębsze aspekty ludzkiej myśli,
that have shaped our culture
które ukształtowały naszą kulturę,
the structural columns of human thought.
strukturalny podział myśli.
opinions about this.
philosophical debate.
odwieczny dylemat filozoficzny.
even amenable to science?
how the ancient Greek cities looked
wygląd starożytnych greckich miast
are the archaeological records,
to dane archeologiczne,
analizy psychologicznej
books of human culture,
z ludzkiego dorobku,
with a very wild and radical hypothesis:
bardzo odważną hipotezę:
we would call schizophrenics.
humans described in these books
and in different places of the world,
as coming from the Gods,
that they were the creators,
że to oni byli twórcami,
about their own thoughts.
o swoich własnych myślach.
jak postrzegamy ją dzisiaj,
of our own existence --
za pilotów naszego istnienia,
osiągnięciem kulturowym.
and very specific examples.
i bardzo konkretnych przykładach.
history only about 3,000 years ago
w ludziach dopiero około 3000 lat temu
and objective manner.
i obiektywny sposób.
to go about this is quite obvious.
and then he wrote,
a fully introspective consciousness."
introspektywną świadomość".
what is the essence of the problem.
of a concept that's never said.
pojęcia, o którym się nie mówi.
does not appear a single time
ani razu nie pojawia się
is to build the space of words.
that contains all words
zawierająca wszystkie słowa
between any two of them
closely related they are.
to be very close together,
być bardzo blisko siebie,
to be very far away.
for any two words within the space.
pary wyrazów w tej przestrzeni.
that we can construct the space of words.
można stworzyć na wiele sposobów.
that when two words are related,
występują w tych samych zdaniach,
just by pure chance.
i wielowymiarową przestrzenią,
and high-dimensional space,
of how well this works,
we analyze this for some familiar words.
into semantic neighborhoods.
w sąsiedztwa semantyczne.
pojęcia naukowe i tak dalej.
the scientific terms and so on.
that we organize concepts in a hierarchy.
że porządkujemy pojęcia w hierarchii.
break down into two subcategories
na dwie subkategorie
at this for a while,
a bit like doing poetry.
is like walking in the mind.
przypomina wędrówkę w umyśle.
what are our intuitions,
in the neighborhood of introspection.
prowadzą do introspekcji.
"reason," "emotion,"
"powód", "emocja",
"candle," "banana,"
"świeczka", "banan",
of introspection,
and somehow vague,
abstrakcyjne i niejasne,
of words as a trajectory
strumień słów jako trajektorię
spends significant time
of introspection.
the history of introspection
available written record.
how close it is to introspection,
jak blisko są introspekcji
as time goes on and on,
and closer and closer
in the ancient Greek tradition.
w greckiej tradycji.
in the Homeric tradition,
księgi tradycji homeryckiej
getting closer to introspection.
to an almost five-fold increase
and closer and closer
in a different, independent tradition.
innej, niezależnej tradycji.
on the Judeo-Christian tradition,
tradycji judeochrześcijańskiej
for the oldest books in the Old Testament,
księgach Starego Testamentu,
had been recognized by scholars,
the father of modern psychology.
za ojca współczesnej psychologii.
of being quantitative,
important conclusions
one of the beauties of science,
can be translated
of different domains.
about the past of human consciousness,
o historię ludzkiej świadomości,
we can pose to ourselves
jakie można zadać jest to,
about the future of our own consciousness.
przyszłość własnej świadomości.
of where our minds will be in a few days,
are now wearing sensors
help us prevent diseases,
and analyzing the words we speak,
i analizowanie wypowiedzi,
something may go wrong with our minds.
nieprawidłowości w działaniu umysłu.
the recorded speech of 34 young people
wypowiedzi 34 młodych ludzi,
of developing schizophrenia.
zachorowania na schizofrenię.
we measured speech at day one,
of the speech could predict,
czy jej cechy pozwolą przewidzieć,
information in semantics
zbyt mało informacji,
organization of the mind.
organizację umysłu.
of schizophrenics and a control group,
for the ancient texts,
starożytnymi tekstami,
onset of psychosis.
wystąpienie psychozy.
was not so much what they were saying,
neighborhoods the words were,
semantycznych sąsiedztwach,
to the other one.
of speech within one semantic topic,
do jednego tematu semantycznego,
that for this group of 34 people,
coherence could predict,
semantycznej wykrywał
that could not be achieved --
existing clinical measures.
środków klinicznych.
while I was working on this,
kiedy nad tym pracowałem.
back in Buenos Aires,
studentem w Buenos Aires,
he was living in New York.
because nothing was said explicitly --
bo nie było nic powiedziane wyraźnie,
that something was going wrong.
and I called Polo,
through words, his feelings,
przez słowa jego uczucia,
effective way to help.
close to understanding
that we all have,
intuicję, która wszyscy mamy,
a very different form of mental health,
and automated analysis
ilościowej i zautomatyzowanej analizie
Mariano Sigman - NeuroscientistIn his provocative, mind-bending book "The Secret Life of the Mind," neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reveals his life’s work exploring the inner workings of the human brain.
Why you should listen
Mariano Sigman, a physicist by training, is a leading figure in the cognitive neuroscience of learning and decision making. Sigman was awarded a Human Frontiers Career Development Award, the National Prize of Physics, the Young Investigator Prize of "College de France," the IBM Scalable Data Analytics Award and is a scholar of the James S. McDonnell Foundation. In 2016 he was made a Laureate of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
In The Secret Life of the Mind, Sigman's ambition is to explain the mind so that we can understand ourselves and others more deeply. He shows how we form ideas during our first days of life, how we give shape to our fundamental decisions, how we dream and imagine, why we feel certain emotions, how the brain transforms and how who we are changes with it. Spanning biology, physics, mathematics, psychology, anthropology, linguistics, philosophy and medicine, as well as gastronomy, magic, music, chess, literature and art, The Secret Life of the Mind revolutionizes how neuroscience serves us in our lives, revealing how the infinity of neurons inside our brains manufacture how we perceive, reason, feel, dream and communicate.
Mariano Sigman | Speaker |