Chance Coughenour: How your pictures can help reclaim lost history
Chance Coughenour: Cum pot fotografiile tale să ajute la recuperarea istoriei pierdute
Chance Coughenour is recreating heritage and culture that's been lost throughout the world. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
destroy cultural heritage?
patrimoniul cultural?
they're erasing our history?
cultural heritage to erosion
patrimoniul cultural datorită eroziunii
that is simply difficult to avoid.
pur și simplu greu de evitat.
how we can use pictures --
cum putem folosi fotografii --
hundreds of statues and artifacts
sute de statui și obiecte
were found in fragments,
au fost găsite în bucăți,
a knee-length tunic
până la genunchi
at this particular piece,
la această piesă,
was elaborately decorated,
modele decorative elaborate,
cercetători să creadă
performing his religious functions.
ce-și îndeplinea funcțiile religioase.
opened in 1952 in northern Iraq,
în 1952 în nordul Irakului,
pentru generațiile viitoare.
for future generations.
of Iraq in 2003,
condusă de Statele Unite în Irak,
were relocated to Baghdad,
au fost mutate la Bagdad,
a video was released,
a fost distribuit un clip
familiar in the video?
împreună cu Matthew Vincent,
using innovative technology
cu tehnologii inovatoare
that were taken of these artifacts
făcute acestor obiecte
into a virtual museum
într-un muzeu virtual
după ce am văzut acest clip,
called Project Mosul.
I showed you before?
cu statuia de mai devreme?
reconstruction of it
din imaginile adunate
dintre voi se întreabă:
is called photogrammetry,
se numește fotogrametrie
to use two-dimensional images
să folosim imagini bidimensionale
from different angles
capturate din unghiuri diferite
this sounds like magic -- but it's not.
of the same statue.
ale aceleiași statui.
between the photographs --
dintre cele două fotografii --
to reconstruct the object in 3D.
reconstrucția 3D a obiectului.
din momentul în care au surprins imaginea,
when each image was taken,
reconstruction, I admit,
o restaurare parțială,
was positioned against a wall.
era expusă cu spatele la perete.
taken of it from the back.
digital reconstruction of this statue,
digitală completă a acestei statui
with crowdsourced images.
din imaginile turiștilor.
atunci când vizitați un muzeu,
of all parts of the statue,
din toate unghiurile,
Michelangelo's David interesting,
pe David al lui Michelangelo interesant.
mai multe imagini ale acestui obiect,
the Mosul Museum in mind.
sau două restaurări digitale,
something that would grow so quickly.
ceva care va lua amploare atât de rapid.
to lost heritage anywhere.
patrimoniilor pierdute de pretutindeni.
the name of the project to Rekrei.
numele proiectului în Rekrei.
reached out to us.
„The Economist" ne-a contactat.
to build a virtual museum
un muzeu virtual
the initial dream of that project.
RecoVR Mosul on your phone,
RecoVR Mosul pe telefon,
from the virtual museum.
din muzeul virtual.
completed by our project.
din cadrul proiectului.
the Lion of Mosul being destroyed,
distrugerea Leului din Mosul,
of large artifacts being destroyed
de obiecte mari distruse
to have been stolen.
ca să fie furate.
reconstruction from before,
during the destruction.
are primarily the main focus
reprezintă scopul principal
doesn't offer a straightforward solution
nu oferă o soluție directă
an addition to tell that story.
modul în care îi spunem povestea.
that have been printed in color,
au fost colorate diferit,
simply to hold the statues up.
doar pentru a susține statuia.
if you visit a museum,
for the people to see it.
fi prezentată oamenilor.
has to offer for lost heritage.
în domeniul patrimoniului pierdut.
of one of the tower tombs
de mormânt în formă de turn
three parts of the exterior of the tomb,
trei laturi ale exteriorului mormântului,
a reconstruction of the wall
for many, many years,
timp de mulți ani,
drawing plans of this lost heritage.
ale acestui monument pierdut.
cultural heritage to areas of conflict
istorice doar în zonele de conflict
of Durbar Square in Kathmandu,
al Pieței Durbar din Kathmandu,
that occurred last April ...
din aprilie, anul trecut...
with only tourist photographs,
doar fotografiile turiștilor,
organizations and private industry
și a industriilor private
for initiatives like ours.
în proiecte precum acesta.
of our project, really,
ale proiectului, de fapt,
before something happens, right?
înaintea unui dezastru, corect?
with millions of images, right?
ce conține milioane de imagini, corect?
dezvoltarea unei aplicații
from websites like Flickr,
imagini de pe site-uri precum Flickr,
unde au fost surprinse,
heritage to natural disasters and in war,
doar din cauze naturale sau în războaie,
to something else.
la aceste două imagini?
at these two pictures?
destruction by human stupidity.
de distrugere datorat prostiei umane.
wanted to climb onto this statue
care a vrut să urce pe această statuie
reconstruction of this.
isn't a recent phenomenon.
nu este un fenomen recent.
thousands of Maya books in the Americas,
mii de cărți mayașe în America,
the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan.
statuile Buddha din Bamian, Afghanistan.
is about our shared global history.
de istoria noastră comună.
with our ancestors and their stories,
cu strămoșii noștri și poveștile lor,
every day to natural disasters
din cauza dezastrelor naturale
is the most heartbreaking loss ...
omenești este cea mai dureroasă...
to preserve the memory of the people
de a păstra amintirea popoarelor
the history that is being lost.
pentru a recupera istoria pierdută.
Chance Coughenour - Digital archaeologistChance Coughenour is recreating heritage and culture that's been lost throughout the world.
Why you should listen
Chance Coughenour enjoys the innovations made possible by uniting science and archaeological research, which was part of the inspiration in the founding of Rekrei. His previous work on a EU-funded project connected him with Matthew Vincent, an archaeologist and web developer, who together launched Rekrei (formally Project Mosul) on March 8 of 2015 after witnessing the destruction of heritage in northern Iraq. Their open-source, volunteer initiative strives for the digital reconstruction of lost heritage using crowdsourced images and photogrammetry, the process of using 2D images to create 3D models.
From the start, Rekrei aimed to crowdsource the virtual reconstruction of the destroyed objects in the Mosul Cultural Museum and eventually release a virtual museum to digitally preserve its memory. This has already been accomplished thanks to the Economist Media Lab. The project has also expanded globally and continues to increase its activities thanks to our growing collaboration with public and private organizations, all of which has been achieved without any funding resources to date. The key ingredient to Rekrei is the online platform, which provides a simple user interface for identifying locations of destroyed heritage, uploading and sorting images, and a 3D gallery of completed reconstructions.
Coughenour has worked on research projects throughout Europe and the Americas. One of which is demonstrated in the documentary Scanning the End. He is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Photogrammetry at the University of Stuttgart. Coughenour joined Google Arts & Culture where he coordinates cultural heritage preservation efforts on a global scale. He's responsible for organizing partnerships and leading projects which employ emerging technology for cultural heritage documentation, dissemination and education.
Chance Coughenour | Speaker |