Anand Varma: The first 21 days of a bee's life
Anand Varma: Napínavý pohľad na prvých 21 dní života včely
Anand Varma's photos tell the story behind the science on everything from primate behavior and hummingbird biomechanics to amphibian disease and forest ecology. Full bio
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in Berkeley, California.
v Berkeley v Kalifornii.
I'd never kept bees before,
to photograph a story about them,
aby som ich nafotil pre jeden dokument.
to take compelling images,
fotky, rozhodol som sa,
of our food crops,
a really hard time.
prežívajú naozaj ťažké časy.
what this problem really looks like.
ako vlastne ten problém vyzerá.
what I found over the last year.
čo som za minulý rok zistil.
from its brood cell,
vonku zo svojej materskej bunky.
with several different problems,
s rôznymi problémami,
and habitat loss,
úbytok ich životného prostredia.
is a parasitic mite from Asia,
parazitujúci roztoč z Ázie,
crawls onto young bees
hlavičky vylezie na mladú včelu
the immune system of the bees,
to stress and disease.
na iné choroby a stres.
inside their brood cells,
materských bunkách,
what that process really looks like,
with a bee lab at U.C. Davis
laboratóriom v U.C. Davis
in front of a camera.
priamo pred kamerou.
the first 21 days of a bee's life
prvých 21 dní života včely
as it hatches into a larva,
ktoré sa mení na larvu.
swim around their cells
ktoré plávajú vo svojich bunkách.
that nurse bees secrete for them.
ktorú vylučujú včely kŕmičky.
slowly differentiate
utvárať nožičky a hlava
running around in the cells.
develops in their eyes.
is their skin shrivels up
through that video,
on the baby bees,
typically manage these mites
to nie je dobré.
on finding alternatives
experimentálny chov včiel
at the USDA Bee Lab in Baton Rouge,
are part of that program.
sú súčasťou tohto programu.
a natural ability to fight mites,
schopnosť sa s roztočmi vysporiadať.
a line of mite-resistant bees.
odolnú proti roztočom.
to breed bees in a lab.
using this precision instrument.
which bees are being crossed,
včely sa krížia s ktorými.
in having this much control.
mite-resistant bees,
started to lose traits
stratili niektoré vlastnosti,
and their ability to store honey,
a schopnosť ukladať med.
with commercial beekeepers.
one of his 72,000 beehives.
jeden zo svojich 72 000 úľov.
beekeeping operation in the world,
včelársku prevádzku na svete.
mite-resistant bees into his operation
do ich prevádzky v nádeji,
ktoré nebudú iba odolné proti roztočom,
that are not only mite-resistant
that make them useful to us.
vďaka ktorým sú pre nás užitočné.
and exploiting bees,
a zneužívali včely,
for thousands of years.
že to robíme už tisícky rokov.
and put it inside of a box,
a napchali sme ho do krabice,
so that we could harvest their honey,
že sme chceli brať ich med,
naše prirodzené opeľovače,
our native pollinators,
where those wild pollinators
kde tieto divoké opeľovače
demands of our agriculture,
nároky na opeľovanie v poľnohospodárstve,
an integral part of our food system.
súčasťou nášho potravného systému.
our relationship to bees,
náš vzťah so včelami
the basic biology of bees
of stressors that we sometimes cannot see.
ktoré niekedy nevidíme.
to understand bees up close.
včelám porozumieť zblízka.
Anand Varma - PhotographerAnand Varma's photos tell the story behind the science on everything from primate behavior and hummingbird biomechanics to amphibian disease and forest ecology.
Why you should listen
Anand Varma is a freelance photographer and videographer who started photographing natural history subjects while studying biology at the University of California, Berkeley. He spent several years assisting David Liittschwager before receiving a National Geographic Young Explorer grant to document the wetlands of Patagonia.
Varma has since become a regular contributor to National Geographic. His first feature story, called “Mindsuckers,” was published on the November 2014 cover of the magazine. This incredible look at parasites won Varma the World Press Photo's first prize in the nature category in 2015.
Anand Varma | Speaker |