Adam Savage: How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries
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Adam Savage is an internationally renowned television producer, host and public speaker. Full bio
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o možganih je ta, da
about owning a brain
kar možgani sprejemajo in obdržijo;
no control over the things
the facts and the stories.
Ko se staramo, postane še hujše.
zakaj nas zanimajo
why you're interested in them,
še fantek, živeč v Queensu
was a young boy in Queens,
s sabo pa je imel še voziček in žogo.
and his wagon and a ball.
the ball went to the back of the wagon.
"Zakaj se je žoga premaknila proti koncu?"
the ball go to the back of the wagon?"
"Temu se reče vztrajnost."
Oče mu je odgovoril:
And his dad said, "Ah.
going to the back of the wagon."
proti koncu vozička.
razložil je nesrečo raketoplana Challenger,
the Challenger disaster,
the Nobel Prize in Physics
ki so opisovali premikanje osnovnih delcev.
the movement of subatomic particles.
with his father as giving him a sense
popeljejo na kraj človeškega védenja
you out to the edge of human knowledge,
v veliki knjižnici v Aleksandriji
at the great Library of Alexandria,
po katerem je najbolj znan
ki ga je prejel kot knjižničar,
as the librarian,
which was south of Alexandria.
o katerem je premišljeval Eratosten.
that stuck in Eratosthenes' mind,
na sončev solsticij
when he looked down this deep well,
in da je njegova glava
that his head was blocking the sun.
Ideja, da je Krištof Kolumb odkril, da je svet okrogel
that Christopher Columbus
To sploh ni res.
is spherical is total bull.
je vsak izobraženec
understood that the world was spherical
in to je Aristotel tudi dokazal,
with a simple observation.
ko se je videla Zemljina senca na površju Lune
the Earth's shadow on the Moon,
creates a circular shadow
da je Zemlja okrogla.
this letter with this fact.
nad mestom Swenet,
was directly above the city of Swenet,
je bilo tako kot da bi ravna črta,
it was a straight line
right past the guy's head up to the sun.
zapičena v tla v Aleksandriji
in the ground in Alexandria
ob istem času, opoldne,
and the same day, at noon,
ob solsticiju
that it was 7.2 degrees off-axis.
and you have two points on it,
razdaljo med tistima točkama,
between those two points,
je enako 50.
in celo jaz sem sumničav do te zgodbe
of a round number,
zato bom nadaljeval.
of this story too,
so we'll continue with it.
koliko je razdalja med Swenetom in Aleksandrijo.
between Swenet and Alexandria,
kajti geografija mu je šla od rok.
was good at geography.
was a road of commerce,
koliko časa je trajala pot.
how long it took to get there.
in on je točno vedel,
so he knew very precisely
500 milj (približno 805 km).
the two cities was 500 miles.
in dobite 25.000 milj (40.233 km),
of the actual diameter of the Earth.
od dejanskega premera Zemlje.
are looking for the Higgs boson.
išče Higgsov bozon.
ki lahko potujejo hitreje od svetlobe
than the speed of light,
are made possible
ki so jo razvili v zadnjih desetletjih.
in the last few decades.
z očmi, ušesi in umom.
our eyes and our ears and our minds.
je bil eksperimentalni fizik v Parizu.
an experimental physicist in Paris.
da je dodeloval in potrjeval rezultate drugih ljudi
and confirming other people's results,
kot pobiranje zaslug
like a bit of an also-ran,
bistvo znanosti,
kar sam potrditi nekega dejstva.
that cannot be independently corroborated.
with Galileo's experiments
njeno hitrost.
whether or not light had a speed.
really wonderful experiment
vsak svojo svetilko.
each one of them was holding a lamp.
isto je storil tudi pomočnik.
and his assistant would open his.
Potem sta stala na dveh hribih,
Galileo je domneval,
and they did the same thing,
razpoznavno hitrost,
that if light had a discernible speed,
ko bi pomočnik posvetil s svojo svetilko.
coming back from his assistant's lamp.
je bila prehitra za Galileja.
je napačno domneval,
of magnitude when he assumed
desetkrat hitrejša od zvoka.
as fast as the speed of sound.
Živel je v Parizu
two experimental stations,
dve eksperimentalni postaji,
približno 8,6 km.
relativno vsakdanjo opremo.
trivial piece of equipment.
bom pospravil daljinec,
the clicker for a second
da malce razmišljate zraven.
your brains in this.
Ima zareze
and it's got a bunch of teeth.
ločene curke svetlobe.
to sending discrete pulses of light.
je posvetil z žarkom.
s takim žarkom v ogledalo
through this notch at a mirror,
se žarek odbija od ogledala
is bouncing off the mirror
se je zgodilo nekaj zanimivega.
as he spins the wheel faster.
ki se vrača v njegovo oko
like a door is starting to close
that's coming back to his eye.
ki se ni vračal
of light is not coming back
Pravzaprav je zadeval v zobec.
and he fully occludes the light.
sodeč po razdalji med postajama,
between the two stations
and the number of notches in the wheel,
in številom zarez
za približno 2 odstotka od dejanske količine.
to within two percent of its actual value.
going about science.
grem raziskovat, kako so ljudje to odkrili.
understanding a concept,
the people that discovered that concept.
they came to understand it.
o čem so razmišljali izumitelji
were thinking about
boste razumeli,
they are not so different from us.
Začnemo z istimi pripomočki.
We all start with the same tools.
imenujejo študijska področja.
of science are called fields of study.
da je znanost zaprta, črna škatla,
as a closed, black box,
so le malce bolj pomislile,
just thought a little bit harder
bile so malo bolj radovedne.
and they were a little bit more curious.
kako ljudje razmišljajo o svetu
people thought about the world,
do sprememb v svetu.
in lahko ga tudi vi.
Adam Savage - Maker, critical thinkerAdam Savage is an internationally renowned television producer, host and public speaker.
Why you should listen
Adam Savage's mother is a psychologist; his father was a celebrated artist, painter and filmmaker. From the youngest age they encouraged his flights of fancy. Savage has been a paperboy, a projectionist, juggler, unicycle rider, sculptor, graphic designer, scenic painter, robot builder, welder, carpenter, machinist, prop maker, toy designer, actor, writer, executive producer and director. He spent six years in theater and 10 years in commercial and film special effects working for clients such as Nike, Corning, Hershey's, and Coca-Cola, and films like Star Wars, The Matrix films, A.I., Space Cowboys, Terminator 3 and Galaxy Quest.
Savage has built everything from theater sets to miniature particle accelerators. From spaceships to animatronic arms. He's made Rube Goldberg machines, hand props and spacesuits. His online videos have generated over 230 million page views. He's written for Popular Mechanics, the Wall Street Journal and Wired Magazine, among others. His program "Mythbusters" produced 270 episodes that aired in over 100 countries for 14 years. Adam shares his builds, his love for movie props and costumes, and passion for the transformative power of making on his award winning website He lives in San Francisco with his wife Julia, his twin boys Thing1 and Thing2, and two amazing dogs.
(Photo: Michael Shindler)
Adam Savage | Speaker |