Will Marshall: Tiny satellites show us the Earth as it changes in near-real-time
Will Marshall: Satelite shume te vegjel na tregojne Token teksa ndryshon thuajse ne kohe reale
At Planet, Will Marshall leads overall strategy for commercializing new geospatial data and analytics that are disrupting agriculture, mapping, energy, the environment and other vertical markets. Full bio
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because the Apollo 17 astronauts,
eshte sepse astronautet e Apollo 17,
around the moon in 1972,
henes ne 1972,
generation of human beings
qeniesh njerezore
Spaceship Earth,
ne Anijen Kozmike Toke,
to take care of it.
is beautiful, it's static,
ajo eshte statike,
duke ndryshuar ne menyre konstante.
scales with human activity.
nga aktiviteti i njeriut.
have of it today is old.
qe kemi sot, jane shume te vjetra.
you can't fix what you can't see.
nuk mund te ndreqesh cfare nuk sheh dot.
of the whole planet every day.
imazhe te gjithe planetit cdo dite.
and they're slow.
dhe te ngadalte.
kater metra i gjere.
of a rocket just to launch it.
done an amazing job
nje pune fantastike
te kuptojme planetin tone.
it much more regularly,
me rregullisht,
we started Planet Labs
filluam Planet Labs
our satellite looks like:
and greatest electronics
me te mira e me te fundit
this little package
kjo eshte shume e vogel,
resolution of the big satellite here,
me te mire se ky sateliti i madh ketu
thousandth of the mass.
"Dove" — Thank you.
"Pellumbi" -- Faleminderit.
satellites are typically named
tipikisht i vihen emra zogjsh,
Kill, I don't know,
humanitarian mission,
built them, though.
prototype in our garage.
satelitit tone ne garazhin tone.
Silicon Valley company that we are,
nje kompani ne Silicon Valley sic jemi ne,
for a space company.
per nje kompani hapsinore.
we learned from Silicon Valley.
nga Silicon Valley.
te sateliteve tane.
release often" on our software.
ne softuerin tone.
risk approach.
te ndryshme per te pare riskun.
just to test the satellites,
sa per t'i provuar
our satellites at scale.
satelitet tane ne madhesine reale.
so much capability into this little box.
kaq shume aftesi ne kete kuti te vogel.
our team over the years
tone nder vite
access to satellite information.
aksesit te informacionit satelitor.
company, Chris, Robbie and I,
une, Kris dhe Robi,
at the United Nations
me pare tek Kombet e Bashkuara
about exactly that question:
mbi pikerisht ate pyetje:
to help humanity?
people in developing countries
eshte shume e apasionuar
using satellites to help humanity.
per te ndihmuar njerezimin.
we're space geeks,
te fiksuar pas hapsires,
about what's up there,
cfare ka atje lart,
of two of our satellites
te dy prej sateliteve tane
International Space Station.
Stacioni Nderkombetar Hapsinor.
looking out of the window.
qe po shihte jashte dritares.
scale of our two satellites.
madhesise se dy sateliteve tane.
smallest satellites ever
me te vegjel ndonjehere
the biggest satellite ever.
me i madh ndonjehere.
solar array glints in the sun.
veshja ndaj diellit shkelqen ne diell.
two of them like this,
prej tyre ne kete menyre,
Earth-imaging satellites in human history,
fotografojne Token ne historine e njerezimit,
completely radical new data set
sasi te re te dhenash, teresisht radikale
te ndryshueshem.
more than 100 of these satellites
satelite te tille
course of the next year.
of satellites in human history.
ne historine e njerezimit.
stays fixed with respect to the sun,
nje orbite te vetme
te drejtuara per poshte,
the Earth rotates underneath.
teksa Toka rrotullohet poshte tyre.
planet every 24 hours.
cdo pike ne planet cdo 24 ore.
anywhere on the planet every day,
nje vendi ne planet cdo dite,
place on the planet every day.
cdo dite.
just a couple of weeks ago,
vetem disa jave me pare,
imagery from the satellites
nga satelitet
publicly for the first time right now.
per here te pare tani.
taken by our satellite.
kapur nga sateliti yne.
UC-Davis' campus
e UC- Davis
turned the camera on.
latest image of that area,
te meparshme te asaj zone,
is from our satellite,
nga sateliti yne,
duke u ndertuar.
to track urban growth as it happens
te ndjekim rritjen urbane teksa ndodh
in all cities, every day.
ne te gjitha qytetet, cdo dite.
the extent of all water bodies
deri ku shkojne te gjithe trupat ujore
and help water security.
dhe te ndihmojme sigurine e ujit.
to food security.
grow in all the fields
the planet every day.
ne bote cdo dite,
prodhimin e tyre.
satellite was flying over Argentina.
kur sateliti po fluturonte mbi Argjentine.
thousands of applications of this data,
menyra per t'i perdorur keto te dhena,
every tree on the planet every day.
cdo peme ne kete planet cdo dite.
today's image and yesterday's image,
fotos se sotme dhe te djeshme,
you'd see floods and fires and earthquakes.
do shihje permbytje dhe zjarre dhe termete.
best thing that we could do with our data
e mire per te bere me te dhenat tona
mbareboteror te tyre.
mund t'i shohin.
companies and scientists and journalists
kompanive dhe shkencetareve e gazetareve
that they have about the planet.
qe ata kane mbi planetin tone.
to run their apps on our data.
beresve te aplikacioneve
me te dhenat tona.
e informacioneve mbi planetin tone.
to information about our planet.
mbareboteror te dhenash.
new global data set.
per anijen tone kozmike Toke.
of our Spaceship Earth.
you with is the following question:
eshte kjo pyetje:
foto te te gjithe planetit cdo dite,
whole planet every single day,
and explore with us.
Will Marshall - Space scientistAt Planet, Will Marshall leads overall strategy for commercializing new geospatial data and analytics that are disrupting agriculture, mapping, energy, the environment and other vertical markets.
Why you should listen
Will Marshall is the co-founder and CEO of Planet. Prior to Planet, he was a Scientist at NASA/USRA where he worked on missions "LADEE" and "LCROSS," served as co-principal investigator on PhoneSat, and was the technical lead on research projects in space debris remediation.
Marshall received his PhD in Physics from the University of Oxford and his Masters in Physics with Space Science and Technology from the University of Leicester. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at George Washington University and Harvard.
Will Marshall | Speaker | TED.com