Jonathan Tepperman: The risky politics of progress
Džonatan Teperman (Jonathan Tepperman): Rizična politika napretka
Jonathan Tepperman writes on the world's most pervasive and seemingly intractable challenges. Full bio
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about our world today
of terrible decline.
given the bad news all around us,
na sve loše vesti oko nas,
klimatskih promena,
and this may sound a little weird.
a ovo može zvučati pomalo čudno.
this gloomy narrative,
sa ovom sumornom pričom,
I don't see the problems.
that so many people draw from them,
koji toliko ljudi izvlači iz njih,
optimistic by nature.
optimističan po prirodi.
constant doom-mongering
za stalno medijsko raspirivanje propasti
and not on answers
a ne na odgovorima,
and actually asking folks
i zapravo pitati ljude
and political challenges.
i političkim izazovima.
signs of progress out there,
izuzetni znaci napretka,
that our great global challenges
da naši veliki globalni izazovi
tako što ću vam ispričati
how three of the countries I visited --
koje sam posetio -
impossible problems.
tools the rest of us can use,
sredstva koje ostatak nas može koristiti,
particular problems,
about my homeland, Canada, today,
na moju domovinu, današnju Kanadu,
they think polite.
in our funny accents.
našim smešnim naglaskom.
many other countries apart:
the world's most welcoming nations,
među najgostoljubivijim nacijama sveta,
immigration-friendly countries.
prijateljski naklonjenih imigraciji.
is four times higher than France's,
je četiri puta veća od stope Francuske,
rođenih u inostranstvu
of foreign-born residents
od tog procenta u Švedskoj.
in the last year
tokom prošle godine
na svoju zemlju,
at a time when other countries
new barriers to keep foreigners out,
da bi zadržale strance podalje,
an explicitly racist immigration policy.
otvoreno rasističku imigracionu politiku.
just talking about the snow.
nisu samo govorili o snegu.
become today's Canada?
postala današnja Kanada?
moja mama u Ontariju,
in Ontario will tell you,
better than anyone else.
ni od koga drugog.
who became Canada's leader in 1968,
koji je postao kanadski vođa 1968. godine,
the father of the current prime minister.
sadašnjeg premijera.
u odnosu na prethodne vođe Kanade.
from Canada's previous leaders.
long-dominated by its English elite.
kojom je dugo dominirala engleska elita.
he could be infuriating at times.
da povremeno razbesni druge.
transformations any country has ever seen.
koji je bilo koja zemlja ikada videla.
kako sam saznao, obuhvatala dva dela.
involved two parts.
its old race-based immigration rules,
stara imigraciona pravila bazirana na rasi
with new color-blind ones
koja nisu razlikovala boje
experience and language skills instead.
obrazovanje, iskustvo i jezičke veštine.
was greatly increase the odds
contribute to the economy.
created the world's first policy
prvu svetsku politiku
to promote integration
da bi promovisao integraciju
was the key to Canada's identity.
ključ identiteta Kanade.
Ottawa kept pushing this message,
Otava je nastavljala da nameće tu poruku,
uskoro počeli da uviđaju
the material benefits of multiculturalism
open-minded Canada of today.
sa strastveno otvorenim umom.
and an even tougher problem,
drugom zemljom i još težim problemom,
took to the streets
izašao je na ulice
their longtime dictator, Suharto.
Muslim-majority country on Earth.
sa većinskim muslimanskim stanovništvom.
close to a thousand languages.
a pretty effective tyrant,
prilično efikasan tiranin
to keep religion out of politics.
izvan politike.
him keeping a lid on things,
bez njegove kontrole,
into a tropical version of Iran.
u tropsku verziju Irana.
to happen at first.
delovalo da se dešava.
first free elections, in 1999,
u zemlji, 1999. godine,
36 percent of the vote,
36 posto glasova,
killed thousands.
ubili hiljade ljudi.
Indonesia has taken a surprising turn.
napravila iznenađujuć preokret.
more pious on a personal level --
postali pobožniji na ličnom nivou -
marama na glavi pri nedavnoj poseti
on a recent visit
have moved in the opposite direction.
u suprotnom pravcu.
a pretty decent democracy.
prilično pristojna demokratija.
su postepeno gubile podršku,
have steadily lost support,
sada je izuzetno redak.
have recently joined ISIS,
nedavno pridružilo ISIS-u,
sa većinom muslimana
Muslim-majority country
da pitam njenog trenutnog predsednika,
to ask its current president,
named Joko Widodo,
so many other Muslim states are dying?"
muslimanskih zemalja izumire?“
sa ekstremizmom,
we needed to deal with inequality first."
sa nejednakošću.“
like similar parties elsewhere,
kao i slične stranke bilo gde drugde,
reducing poverty and cutting corruption.
kao što je smanjenje siromaštva
and his predecessors did too,
su to takođe radili,
protiv terorizma,
have learned a key lesson
naučile ključnu lekciju
only creates more extremism.
samo stvara više ekstremizma.
with extraordinary delicacy.
sa izuzetnom delikatnošću.
if they had enough evidence.
samo ako su imali dovoljno dokaza.
liberal imams into the jails
that terror is un-Islamic.
da teror nije u skladu sa islamom.
in spectacular fashion,
na spektakularan način,
that was unimaginable 20 years ago.
koja je bila nezamisliva pre 20 godina.
my optimism should, I hope,
trebalo da, nadam se,
are impossible to deal with.
niti sa islamskim ekstremizmom.
na poslednjem putovanju,
this one probably surprised me the most,
verovatno najviše iznenadila,
with so many problems.
sa toliko mnogo problema.
Mexico did something
Meksiko je uradio nešto
from France to India to the United States
i Indije do Sjedinjenih Država,
that had gripped it for years.
koja ga je godinama prikovala.
we need to rewind to the year 2000,
moramo premotati na 2000. godinu,
konačno postao demokratija.
to fight for reform,
da bi se borili za reformu,
to fight one another.
da se bore međusobno.
and the country's problems --
that Mexico risked collapse.
pod rizikom od propasti.
named Enrique Peña Nieto
tip po imenu Enrike Penja Nijeto
za predsednika.
much confidence at first.
mnogo poverenja u početku.
corrupt old ruling party, the PRI,
rukovodeće meksičke stranke, PRI,
like such a pretty boy lightweight
soon surprised everyone
je uskoro sve iznenadio
three warring political parties.
političke stranke u zemlji.
they together passed
zajedno su doneli
set of reforms.
smothering monopolies.
its rusting energy sector.
njegov zarđali energetski sektor.
its failing schools, and much more.
i još mnogo toga.
of this accomplishment,
passing immigration reform,
donese imigracionu reformu,
and banking reform.
i reformu bankarstva.
doing it all at the same time.
da Kongres sve to uradi istovremeno.
and asked how he managed it all.
i pitao ga kako je sve to uspeo.
his famous twinkly smile --
njegov čuveni blještavi osmeh -
was "compromiso," compromise.
na to ukratko - kompromis.
that came out was essentially
u suštini je glasio
and more compromise."
to build trust early,
da rano izgradi poverenje,
samo nekoliko dana nakon njegovog odabira.
just days after his election.
from special interests,
kao male i u tajnosti,
later told me that it was this intimacy,
da je ta intimnost,
da su sve odluke morale biti jednoglasne
had to be unanimous,
some of the other party's priorities
da propusti prioritete druge stranke
an opposition senator, put it to me,
senator opozicije:
or that anyone is special,
ili da je bilo ko poseban,
pakt se održao,
for the first time in years.
po prvi put nakon mnogo godina.
how these three countries
od toga ima ostatak nas?
and a bunch of other success stories,
i gomile drugih uspešnih priča,
back together after civil war
povratila posle građanskog rata
growing faster and for longer
održala ekonomiju u porastu brže i duže
I need to add a caveat.
moram da dodam jednu primedbu.
that all countries are unique.
da su sve zemlje jedinstvene.
take what worked in one,
ono što je uspelo u jednoj,
and expect it to work there too.
i očekivati da to i tamo funkcioniše,
as circumstances change.
dok se okolnosti menjaju.
these stories to their essence,
ove priče do njihove suštine,
a few common tools for problem-solving
zajedničkih načina za rešavanje problema
egzistencijalne opasnosti.
of existential peril.
stupio na funkciju,
he faced two looming dangers.
koje su se nadvijale.
nedovoljno nastanjenoj zemlji
underpopulated country
Evropa, prestala je da ih izvozi
for white workers, Europe,
as it finally recovered from World War II.
od Drugog svetskog rata.
that Canada's long cold war
što je kanadski dugi hladni rat
and its English communities
i engleskih zajednica
killing other Canadians over politics.
druge Kanađane zbog politike.
crises all the time. Right?
sa krizama, zar ne?
was to realize that Canada's crisis
je shvatio da je kanadska kriza
that usually block reform.
koje obično blokiraju reforme.
Nije imala izbora.
svoj identitet.
a once-in-a-generation opportunity
koja dolazi jednom u generaciji
he was smart enough to seize it.
bio je dovoljno pametan da je zgrabi.
in promiscuous thinking.
u promiskuitetnom razmišljanju.
između onih koji dobro rešavaju probleme
among good problem-solvers
from wherever they find them,
kod koga god da ih pronađu
or sentimentality get in their way.
ili sentimentalnosti.
u Indoneziji su bile dovoljno pametne
Indonesia's democrats were clever enough
best campaign promises for themselves.
najboljih kampanjskih obećanja.
into their governing coalition.
u svoju vladajuću koaliciju.
a lot of secular Indonesians.
mnogo sekularnih Indonežana.
to actually help govern,
da zapravo pomognu u vlasti
that they weren't any good at the job,
da uopšte nisu dobri za taj posao
in all of the grubby compromises
u sve prljave kompromise
that are part of everyday politics.
koja su deo svakodnevne politike.
that they've never recovered.
da se nikada nisu oporavili.
can grant leaders extraordinary freedoms.
može vođama pružiti izuzetnu slobodu.
often requires more than just boldness.
često zahteva više od same smelosti.
the last thing you want to do.
što biste da uradite.
his core constituency,
svoje osnovno biračko telo,
na prvo mesto.
some of the people all of the time.
učini zadovoljnim za stalno.
to keep attacking the opposition,
da nastavi da napada opoziciju,
his enemies instead,
prigrli svoje neprijatelje,
svoju stranku na kompromis.
to stop thinking in tribal terms
da razmišljaju u plemenskim okvirima
not language and not skin color,
a ne jezik ili boju kože,
quintessentially Canadian.
čini Kanađanima.
that the bargains held.
da se pogodba održi.
like you keep insisting,
kao što uporno insistiraš,
already using them?"
specijalne moći da im uspe.
special powers to pull off.
we've just looked at were superheroes.
koje smo upravo razmotrili
anything on their own,
first democratic president,
Indonezije, Abdurahmana Vahida.
toliko izazito neharizmatičan
is that the real obstacle is not ability,
nije sposobnost,
involves taking big risks,
obuhvata preuzimanje velikih rizika,
je zastrašujuće.
zahteva hrabrost,
from our political leaders.
od naših političkih vođa.
in office in the first place.
i postavili na funkcije.
there's really no other option.
zaista ne postoji druga opcija.
Jonathan Tepperman - Global affairs thinkerJonathan Tepperman writes on the world's most pervasive and seemingly intractable challenges.
Why you should listen
Jonathan Tepperman is the managing editor of Foreign Affairs, the bimonthly journal published by the Council on Foreign Relations.
Tepperman started his career in international affairs as a speechwriter at the UN in Geneva, and he has written for publications including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic and Newsweek. He has interviewed numerous world leaders including Syria's Bashar al-Assad, Japan’s Shinzo Abe, Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Mexico's Enrique Peña Nieto, Indonesia's Joko Widodo and Rwanda’s Paul Kagame.
Tepperman's new book The Fix: How Nations Survive and Thrive in a World in Decline explores ten of the world's more pervasive and seemingly intractable challenges (such as economic stagnation, political gridlock, corruption and terrorism) and shows that, contrary to general consensus, each has a solution, one that has already been implemented somewhere in the world.
Jonathan Tepperman | Speaker |