Noriko Arai: Can a robot pass a university entrance exam?
Noriko Arai: Može li robot položiti prijemni ispit na sveučilištu?
Could an AI pass the entrance exam for the University of Tokyo? Noriko Arai oversees a project that wants to find out. Full bio
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i umjetnoj inteligenciji.
uvijek govore
will be taken over by machines.
slabo plaćene poslove.
that AI will create new jobs,
stvoriti nova radna mjesta,
will find a new one.
mogu pronaći novi.
who may lose their jobs to AI
zbog robota izgube posao
to learn better than most of us?
da mogu učiti bolje od većine nas?
of a top university by 2020?
prijemni ispit vrhunskog sveučilišta?
against a top Go player."
najboljeg igrača igrice Go.”
the answer yet, right?
I started Todai Robot Project,
započela projekt Todai Robot,
the entrance examination
koji će moći položiti prijemni ispit
is working in the remote server.
preko udaljenog servera.
as its benchmark?
prijemni ispit kao mjerilo?
the performance of AI
izvedbu umjetne inteligencije
to be acquired only by humans
da ih mogu steći samo ljudi
two different types of exams.
a national standardized test
or more accuracy rate --
the second stage written test
pisanom dijelu ispita,
how modern AI works,
današnja umjetna inteligencija
as an example.
shares its name with this planet."
dijeli ime s ovim planetom.”
question always asks,
many different types of questions,
mnogo različitih tipova pitanja,
and if you want to know the answer,
a htjeli biste ga znati,
prikladne ključne riječi,
and "symphony" to search.
“posljednja” i “simfonija”.
will be ranked top.
ova stranica s Wikipedije.
at searching and optimizing.
u pretraživanju i prilagođavanju.
"last" and "symphony"
“posljednja” i “simfonija”
with these keywords,
s tim ključnim riječima,
the answer "Jupiter," in this case.
pronađe odgovor “Jupiter”.
but a bit smarter
ali je čak i pametniji
s mogućim odgovorima DA i NE.
Is this sentence true or false?"
Je li ova izjava istinita ili ne?”
a factoid question,
u činjenično pitanje,
[this person type]" by itself.
[ovaj narod]".
"Magyars" is ranked top.
riječ Avari, a ne Mađari.
da je rečenica bila neistinita.
does not understand,
correct in many cases.
u mnogim slučajevima u pravu.
a 600-word essay like this one:
prema ovom principu:
of the maritime trade
pomorske trgovine
in the 17th century ...]
u 17. stoljeću ...]
from the textbooks and Wikipedia,
iz udžbenika i s Wikipedije,
da se može napisati esej,
rješavati matematičke zadatke
"artificial intelligence,"
umjetne inteligencije,
of arithmetic for a long, long time.
na razini aritmetike.
in developing a system
uspjeli razviti sustav
problems from end to end,
zadatke potrebne za upis na fakultet,
written in Japanese,
napisan na japanskom.
2,000 mathematical axioms
written in natural language.
zadatke napisane običnim jezikom.
the original problems
to solve it, I think.
symbolic computation.
fun part for the machine.
even for mathematicians.
i matematičarima bilo teško pročitati.
was among the top one percent
bio među najboljih 1%
exam in mathematics.
iz matematike.
it made in the English test.
koju je radio na ispitu iz engleskog.
Just a few more minutes.
Još samo nekoliko minuta.]
Nate: Thank you! That always happens ...]
Nate: Hvala! To se uvijek događa ...]
the situation --
2. "We're almost there."
2. "Uskoro smo tamo."
4. "Your shoelace is untied."]
4. "Odvezala ti se vezica."]
is the correct answer, right?
pod brojem 4, zar ne?
English sentences
15 milijardi rečenica
understand what I said:
who took the same exam as Todai Robot.
koji su pisali isti ispit kao i robot.
is among the top 20 percent,
of the universities in Japan --
“finim uredskim poslovima”.
da sam bila presretna.
students everywhere.
velik broj studenata.
machine outperform students --
neinteligentni stroj nadmaši studente,
what was going on in the human world.
što se to događa s ljudima.
from high school textbooks
iz srednjoškolskih udžbenika
na zaokruživanje
of high school students to answer.
Christianity to ... and Oceania,
kršćanstvo na ... i Oceaniju,
are written in Japanese,
na japanskom,
3. Islam 4. Buddhism ]
3. islam 4. budizam]
točan odgovor, zar ne?
is the answer, isn't it?
the correct answer, too.
high school students
prve godine srednje škole
among the top in OECD PISA tests,
na OECD PISA testovima,
students' performance in mathematics,
učenike u matematici,
good learning materials
through the internet.
may benefit only those who can read well,
samo onima koji mogu dobro čitati,
of those who can read well
nego što smo očekivali.
s umjetnom inteligencijom,
to think about carefully,
we have to think in a hurry
give us a sense of how AIs think,
nam prikazali kako roboti razmišljaju,
quite an urgent revolution in education
hitne promjene u obrazovanju
that humans can do better than AIs?
koje ljudi već rade bolje od robota?
can understand the meaning.
which is very, very lacking in AI.
u umjetnoj inteligenciji.
just pack the knowledge
samo “spremi” znanje,
the meaning of the knowledge,
that is just memorizing,
već samo memoriranje,
a new type of education.
novi oblik edukacije.
rote knowledge, to meaning.
for the educators. Thank you so much.
Hvala Vam puno.
Noriko Arai - AI expertCould an AI pass the entrance exam for the University of Tokyo? Noriko Arai oversees a project that wants to find out.
Why you should listen
Noriko Arai is the program director of an AI challenge, Todai Robot Project, which asks the question: Can AI get into the University of Tokyo? The project aims to visualize both the possibilities and the limitation of current AI by setting a concrete goal: a software system that can pass university entrance exams. In 2015 and 2016, Todai Robot achieved top 20 percent in the exams, and passed more than 70 percent of the universities in Japan.
The inventor of Reading Skill Test, in 2017 Arai conducted a large-scale survey on reading skills of high and junior high school students with Japan's Ministry of Education. The results revealed that more than half of junior high school students fail to comprehend sentences sampled from their textbooks. Arai founded the Research Institute of Science for Education to elucidate why so many students fail to read and how she can support them.
Noriko Arai | Speaker |