Bill Bernat: How to connect with depressed friends
Bill Bernat: Kako razgovarati s depresivnim prijateljima
Bill Bernat is a recovering addict living with bipolar condition who advocates for mental health awareness through speaking, comedy and storytelling. Full bio
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more than any other in my life
više od ijednog drugog u životu
to the edge of the Grand Canyon
do ruba Grand Canyona
I was totally at ease.
u njezinom životu
at that exact moment,
to talk about my journey
da ispričam o svom putovanju
in the hygienic community area
u higijenskom zajedničkom prostoru
of a mountain-town hospital.
bolnice u jednom planinskom gradu.
if you would be our guest
kad bi bio naš gost
would have made a way better postcard.
bila bolja razglednica.
to another person, simultaneously.
istinsku vezu s drugom osobom.
living with depression,
koja živi s depresijom
at that table was a member of your family
vaše obitelji za tim stolom,
of ill health and disability worldwide,
bolesti i invaliditeta diljem svijeta,
experiencing depression in a year.
proživi depresiju svake godine.
to talk to depressed people
s depresivnim osobama
for casual interactions.
za usputne susrete.
in their pumpkin spice latte
u svojoj kavi s okusom bundeve,
in the infinite darkness of their soul
u beskrajnoj tami svoje duše
a person's desire
living with depression
koji imaju depresiju
i možda čak i zabavno.
at-an-underground-party fun --
each other's company effortlessly.
jedni drugih bez napora.
of ruining the holidays.
da je upropastila blagdane.
or confusing ways
neugodno ili zbunjujuće
a war in their head
look across the chasm
a divide like this in your life.
takvu podjelu u svojem životu.
a stronger connection,
of questions and concerns.
"zainteresirani za most".
may avoid depressed people.
izbjegavali depresivne ljude.
while they're depressed,
tko je depresivan,
for their well-being.
za njegovu dobrobit.
know what to say,
što biste rekli,
at conversation will be awkward,
thing to focus on.
na koje se trebate usredotočiti.
successfully outrunning
woo-woo person in the world
that depression is contagious,
the joy of human bonding.
ljudskog povezivanja.
depressed people differently.
to have bipolar condition.
bipolarni poremećaj.
happy people just don't get it.
da sretni ljudi jednostavno ne razumiju.
discriminating against happy people --
diskriminirati sretne ljude.
when I was eight,
kad sam imao osam godina
na moje iznenađenje,
much of the time
with my bipolar condition,
mental health conditions
mentalne bolesti,
and social anxiety.
i socijalnu anksioznost.
izgraditi most preko njega,
I know who've lived with depression
za koje znam da imaju depresiju,
you might want to avoid --
things you can say is,
koje možete reći je:
to just get over it is depression.
preboli jest depresija.
with a broken ankle or cancer,
gležnja ili s rakom kažete,
feel like we're disappointing you.
osjećamo kao da smo vas razočarali.
some people feel better
neki ljudi osjećaju bolje
by getting ice cream ...
kliničku depresiju sladoledom...
that would be living the dream.
prije otprilike godinu dana,
isolated and depressed.
izoliran i depresivan.
koje može raditi,
my brilliant wisdom?
moju izvanrednu mudrost?
times I've been depressed,
kad sam ja bio depresivan,
in all possible futures,
u svim mogućim budućnostima,
and things like that.
i takve stvari.
told me otherwise --
mi je reklo suprotno,
happiness freak you out.
prštave sreće izbezumi.
moj prijatelj je tužan!"
we're taught the opposite,
to you personally, some may not.
na vas osobno, nešto ne može.
prirodnim glasom, dobro?
because we're depressed --
jer smo depresivni,
to somebody with a cold.
s prehlađenom osobom.
i što ne možete učiniti.
"Hey, call or text any time,
ili pošalji poruku bilo kad,
to get back to you that same day."
odgovoriti isti dan."
with really clear boundaries around it.
s jasnim granicama oko nje.
prije nekog vremena,
"Hey, I want to check in with you.
"Hej, htjela bih da se čujemo.
and call later in the week?
a zvati krajem tjedna?
she earned my complete confidence
zaslužila je moje potpuno povjerenje
jedna od najboljih prijatelja.
when people were worried about him,
kad su ljudi bili zabrinuti za njega,
if he wanted to go shopping
želi li ići u kupovinu
could be a good source of free labor --
dobra besplatna radna snaga.
to your life in some way,
vašem životu na neki način,
as asking you to go see a movie
kao poziv za gledanje filma
of dos and don'ts and maybes,
i "ne smiješ" i "možda",
a definitive list.
is that they're all grounded
in the Jeep Wrangler
without even trying.
a da se nije trudila.
at that moment.
u tom trenutku.
as if their life is just as valuable,
kao da je njihov život jednako vrijedan,
to build a bridge between you,
da gradite most između vas
a ne na vaše riječi
conversation of their life.
razgovor u vašem životu.
for somebody you care about?
nekoga do koga vam je stalo?
Bill Bernat - Mental health awareness advocateBill Bernat is a recovering addict living with bipolar condition who advocates for mental health awareness through speaking, comedy and storytelling.
Why you should listen
Bill Bernatleads storytelling workshops and fundraisers for nonprofit organizations including the National Alliance on Mental Illness. He has appeared on Comedy Central and The Moth Radio Hour. He has worked as a computer programmer at NASA and helped take LookSmart public as an engineering leader. He currently works as a content marketing director for Adaptiva.
Bill Bernat | Speaker |