Oded Shoseyov: How we're harnessing nature's hidden superpowers
Oded Shoseyov: Bagaimana caranya memanfaatkan kekuatan tersembunyi alam
Oded Shoseyov’s researches plant molecular biology protein engineering and nanobiotechnology, creating super-performing materials that are could change the way we build our future products. Full bio
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to suffer from mechanical failures.
mengalami kerusakan mekanik.
do not survive severe earthquakes.
saat terjadi gempa bumi hebat.
of our scientists for a simple reason:
para ilmuwan, atas satu alasan sederhana:
amazing materials,
yang paling menakjubkan,
carry a quality assurance
memiliki jaminan kualitas
3 milyar tahun.
for hundreds of years
selama ratusan tahun
sinar ultraviolet.
by high-resolution electron microscopy,
beresolusi tinggi,
ia terbuat dari gula.
kita minum dengan teh.
called nanocrystalline cellulose.
yang disebut nanokristalin selulosa.
is so strong, on a weight basis,
sangatlah kuat,
10 kali lebih kuat daripada baja.
believe that nanocellulose
yakin bahwa nanoselulosa
materials for the entire industry.
terpenting di semua industri.
a half a ton of nanocellulose
setengah ton nanoselulosa
you can even Alibaba.
atau bahkan Alibaba.
thousands of scientific papers --
ribuan artikel ilmiah --
are going to say this is a great material,
para ilmuwan berkata bahwa
banyak yang bisa kita lakukan dengannya.
we can do with it.
together with our partners in Sweden,
bersama dengan partner kami di Swedia,
of an industrial-scale process
pengembangan proses berskala industri
we didn't want to cut trees.
menebang pohon.
the sludge of the paper industry.
dari endapan sisa industri kertas.
three kilometers high,
it's an environmental problem,
ini adalah masalah lingkungan,
on an industrial scale in Israel,
pada skala industri di Israel
with the material.
only a small percent of nanocellulose
menambahkan sedikit nanoselulosa
as my shirt is made of,
for making amazing things,
membuat berbagai hal yang mengagumkan,
and medical applications.
aplikasi industri dan pengobatan.
self-supporting structures,
dan menopang dirinya sendiri,
Anda lihat sekarang,
in the Venice Biennale for Architecture.
Venice Biennale for Architecture.
about a hundred times their height.
ratusan kali lipat tinggi mereka.
of Liberty Island in New York,
Pulau Liberty di New York,
this wonderful material,
sebuah materi keren
which is a protein,
karet paling elastis di bumi.
to the environment.
tidak melepaskan energi ke lingkungan.
would like to have that material.
ingin memiliki material ini.
enough to catch one.
perlu menangkap seekor saja.
mereka memproduksi resilin,
organism like a plant.
tidak melompat-lompat, seperti tanaman.
to produce lots of resilin.
memproduksi banyak resilin.
really cool at the university.
sesuatu yang sangat keren di kampus.
produced by the plant kingdom
produced by the insect kingdom --
yang diproduksi serangga --
elastic and transparent.
dan transparan.
that can be done with this material.
untuk banyak hal.
generasi terbaru,
berlari lebih cepat.
for computers and smartphones,
dan ponsel pintar
we continue to implant
kita terus menanamkan
ke tubuh kita.
that this is not a good idea.
ini bukan ide yang baik.
for its performance.
properties do not really fit
tidak benar-benar pas
is much more fundamental.
jauh lebih mendasar.
and screws it onto my neck,
dan menyekrupnya ke leher saya,
dan menempelkannya ke tubuh saya.
and glues it onto my body.
(secara alami).
insect or human being,
serangga, atau manusia,
for nanobio building blocks.
penyusun blok nanobio.
that make other materials,
yang membuat materi lain,
about all these materials
and self-assemble
dan merakit diri sendiri
on which cells are proliferating
ruang kerja dimana sel-sel berkembang
and together bring life.
bersama-sama menciptakan kehidupan.
about 10 years ago, decided to focus
Hebrew University memutuskan untuk
biomaterial for humans,
mungkin merupakan
about 25 percent of our dry weight.
sekitar 25% berat kering kita.
other than water, in our body.
di tubuh kita selain air.
parts of human beings
penggantian bagian tubuh manusia
than 1,000 medical implants
seribu implan medis
dermal fillers to reduce wrinkles,
dermal filler untuk mengurangi kerutan,
medical implants, like heart valves.
canggih, seperti katup jantung.
in our winery in Israel.
di kilang anggur kami di Israel.
to the one that I showed you before,
yang saya tunjukkan sebelumnya,
was implanted in his body.
7 tahun yang lalu.
that these heart valves start to fail
katup jantung ini mulai rusak
yang sudah pernah dipakai,
that is falling apart.
bata yang hancur berantakan.
those bricks and build a new wall.
dan membangun dinding baru.
Amerika Serikat
for better alternatives.
mencari alternatif yang lebih baik.
human genes responsible
manusia yang bertanggung jawab
to make human collagen brand new,
membuat kolagen manusia yang baru,
in 25,000 square meters of greenhouses
dalam rumah kaca seluas 25.000 m2
small plantlets of tobacco.
tembakau tersebut.
dengan tembakau biasa.
mengandung 5 gen manusia.
untuk membuat kolagen tipe I.
type I collagen.
50 sampai 70 hari,
by cooling trucks to the factory.
menggunakan truk berpendingin.
the collagen starts.
essentially, the same thing.
prinsipnya sama saja.
the juice that contains the collagen.
mengeluarkan jus yang mengandung kolagen.
for the final purification,
untuk pemurnian akhir,
identical to what we have in our body --
identik dengan yang ada di tubuh kita --
membuat berbagai implan medis:
different medical implants:
fusi tulang belakang.
into the market here in Europe
for diabetic foot ulcers,
ulkus kaki diabetes,
for use in the clinic.
untuk digunakan.
to make medical implants
membuat implan medis
we've been able to make collagen fibers
berhasil membuat serat kolagen
than the Achilles tendon.
with artificial tendons or ligaments
dengan tendon atau ligamen buatan
after the surgery
yang lebih baik setelah operasi
we'll be able to make
kita akan mampu membuat
that nature provided for us --
yang disediakan alam untuk kita --
resilin and many more.
dan masih banyak lagi.
better machines perform better,
dan bekerja lebih baik,
is not going to be the same
pernah mengatakan
that the book was written.
buku itu sudah ditulis.
3 milyar tahun evolusi.
Oded Shoseyov - NanobiotechnologistOded Shoseyov’s researches plant molecular biology protein engineering and nanobiotechnology, creating super-performing materials that are could change the way we build our future products.
Why you should listen
A professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Oded Shoseyov is an expert in nanobiotechnology; he has authored or co-authored more than 160 scientific publications and is the inventor or co-inventor of 45 patents. Shoseyov received the Kaye Innovation Award from the Hebrew University in 2010, and an honorable mention from the Israeli Prime Minister for his contributions in entrepreneurship and innovation in 2012. He has founded ten companies, several of which are focused on engineering new materials for use in human tissue, jet fuel and food packaging.
Oded Shoseyov | Speaker | TED.com