Sebastian Kraves: The era of personal DNA testing is here
Sebastian Kraves: Era pemeriksaan DNA personal sudah tiba
Sebastian Kraves wants to bring DNA science to more people in new places. Full bio
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in the Philippines.
di Filipina.
sole source of income --
sumber pendapatan keluarga Anda --
one pig coughing and sneezing
satu ekor saja babi yang batuk dan bersin
coughing and sneezing,
ikutan batuk dan bersin,
has taken over your farm.
melanda seluruh peternakan Anda.
in the blink of an eye.
bisa musnah dalam sekejap mata.
and take samples
dan mengambil sampel
back into the city
berkendara kembali ke kota
in their central lab.
tersebut di lab pusat mereka.
you'd hear back the results.
Anda akan mendengar hasilnya.
for infection to spread
bagi penyebaran infeksi
those samples themselves.
sendiri sampel tersebut.
and swab their pigs' noses and mouths
dan mengusap mulut dan hidung babi mereka
in a tiny tube,
dalam sebuah tabung kecil,
that will extract genetic material
yang akan mengekstrak materi genetik
smaller than a shoebox,
lebih kecil dari sebuah kotak sepatu,
from the swine flu virus,
DNA atau RNA virus flu babi,
visualize the results.
hasilnya, melihat hasilnya.
of personal DNA technology.
era teknologi DNA personal.
test DNA ourselves.
tes DNA sendiri.
the carries genetic instructions
yang membawa instruksi genetik
viruses have DNA too.
memiliki DNA juga.
inform how our bodies develop,
menentukan cara tubuh kita berkembang,
can trigger disease.
sama dapat memicu penyakit.
molecule, the DNA double helix,
dan berputar, helix ganda DNA,
meaningful information
informasi yang bermakna
thousand letters long.
beberapa ribu huruf.
a question based on DNA,
pertanyaan berdasarkan DNA,
letters, typically.
huruf itu secara khusus.
the whole phone book
restoran pizza terdekat.
of genetic information.
dari informasi genetik.
baris apa saja dalam DNA.
by so much other DNA,
dikelilingi oleh begitu banyak DNA lain,
is copy the target gene,
adalah menyalin gen target tersebut,
and millions of copies,
against the rest;
menonjol dibanding lainnya;
dan memahaminya
as simple as it sounds,
walau kedengaran sederhana,
to detect and address disease,
untuk mendeteksi dan mengatasi penyakit,
with deadly bacteria.
of these machines in court
dari mesin DNA ini di pengadilan
or guilty based on DNA evidence.
atau bersalah berdasarkan bukti DNA.
in Chemistry in 1993.
di bidang Kimia tahun 1993.
has been confined to the ivory tower,
terkurung dalam menara gading,
this same technology accessible
teknologi ini jadi terjangkau
perusahaan ini.
and friend of mine,
dan sahabat saya,
mesin DNA personal
to more people in new places.
kepada lebih banyak orang di tempat baru.
di ruang bawah tanah kami.
if I had shown you this picture in 1980.
saya tunjukkan gambar ini di tahun 1980.
my Aunt Glenda from the car
Tante Glenda dari mobil
setiap saat.
untuk memesan makan malam
to make dinner reservations
to celebrate together.
you'd be ordering her gift.
Anda akan memesan hadiahnya.
Auntie Glenda on Facebook.
di Facebook.
while sitting on the toilet.
sambil duduk di toilet.
where new technology might take us.
teknologi baru akan membawa kita.
for personal DNA technology today.
pernah membayangkan
truffles for a living.
jamur truffle sebagai pencarian.
in his hands, on one of his farms.
di Inggris, di salah satu pertaniannya.
growing on the roots of living trees.
tumbuh di akar pohon hidup.
7,000, or more dollars per kilogram.
7000 dolar atau lebih per kilogram.
can be really high.
bisa sangat tinggi.
to grow on his farms,
untuk dibiakkan di pertaniannya,
of knockoffs --
like the real thing,
yang asli.
the highest quality truffles,
dengan kualitas terbaik,
all over the world will fight over,
semua koki di seluruh dunia,
at that black truffle risotto again
pernah lagi melihat risotto truffle hitam
can also save human lives.
juga bisa menyelamatkan hidup.
at the University of Cambridge.
seorang virolog di Universitas Cambridge.
broke out in Western Africa,
terjadi di Afrika Barat,
lacked the basic tools
di sana tak punya alat dasar
up to a week to come back --
waktu seminggu untuk kembali --
and the families who are suffering.
dan keluarga yang sedang sakit.
into Makeni, Sierra Leone.
ke Makeni, Sierra Leone.
into a pop-up tent
ke dalam satu tenda ringkas
and diagnose the virus
mendeteksi dan mendiagnosa virus Ebola
at his lab in the UK
digunakan Ian di labnya di Inggris
and over 90 percent humidity here.
dengan kelembaban di atas 90% di sana.
personal DNA machines
mesin DNA personal
in front of the air-conditioning unit
di depan unit AC
an extreme place for DNA analysis,
tempat yang ekstrim untuk analisis DNA,
more extreme environment:
yang bahkan lebih ekstrim:
DNA di ruang angkasa.
the International Space Station,
Stasiun Angkasa Internasional,
250 miles high.
pada ketinggian 400 km.
at 17,000 miles per hour.
27.600 km per jam.
and sunrises every day.
dan terbenam setiap hari.
our bodies can do funky things.
tubuh kita melakukan hal-hal aneh.
our immune systems get suppressed,
sistem imun kita tertekan,
terkena infeksi.
Anna-Sophia Boguraev,
Anna-Sophia Boguraev,
to the DNA of astronauts
to this immune suppression,
sistem imun mereka,
called "Genes In Space,"
yang disebut "Gen di Ruang Angkasa,"
to test this hypothesis
untuk menguji hipotesis ini
aboard the International Space Station.
di atas Stasiun Angkasa Internasional.
on April 8, 2016, in Cape Canaveral,
8 April 2016, di Cape Canaveral,
to the International Space Station.
ke Stasiun Angkasa Internasional.
to the International Space Station,
ke Stasiun Angkasa Internasional,
carried out her experiment --
melakukan percobaan Anna --
aboard the International Space Station,
ada di Stasiun Angkasa Internasional,
living conditions
kondisi kehidupan
eksperimen DNA
the mark of a child genius.
tanda seorang anak jenius.
something bigger:
sesuatu yang lebih besar:
within the reach of every one of you.
terjangkau oleh semua orang.
with a personal computer
with more than one billion users.
dengan lebih dari 1 miliar pengguna.
di setiap rumah?
living in this reality.
sudah hidup dengan realitas ini.
of their suburban Chicago home.
rumah mereka di pinggiran Chicago.
made of PhD scientists.
yang terdiri dari para doktor.
doing fun, creative things.
kreatif dan asyik bersama-sama.
at a private equity firm.
di sebuah firma ekuitas swasta.
he experiments with DNA
ia bereksperimen dengan DNA
from the backyard garden.
dari kebun di belakang rumah.
that they had picked,
putting it in a test tube,
menaruhnya dalam tabung,
untuk mengekstrak DNA
for genetically engineered traits.
terhadap sifat yang direkayasa genetik.
is like the chemistry set
adalah seperti mainan kimia
be diagnosing genetic conditions
mendiagnosa kondisi genetik
a point in history
saat bersejarah
get hands-on with DNA
benar-benar bermain dengan DNA
menempel dan menganalisa DNA
information from it.
that profound transformation
transformasi yang mendasar
powerful technology
yang transformatif dan luar biasa
to a select few in the ivory tower,
kalangan tertentu di menara gading,
of every one of us,
setiap orang di dunia,
plugged into the wall by cords,
dicolok dengan kabel di tembok,
faster than our imagination.
lebih cepat dari imajinasi kita.
with DNA -- today.
Sebastian Kraves - Biotech entrepreneurSebastian Kraves wants to bring DNA science to more people in new places.
Why you should listen
Dr. Sebastian Kraves co-founded the Cambridge-based start-up miniPCR to help bring DNA analysis technology to the masses. Kraves was previously a principal at BCG, where he spent more than six years working on health care challenges, such as how to make biomedical technology accessible in sub-Saharan Africa. A molecular neurobiologist who trained at Harvard, Kraves has published research on optogenetics and the genetic regulation of behavior, but is now focused on his dream to make DNA analysis tools accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Sebastian Kraves | Speaker |