Dawn Wacek: A librarian's case against overdue book fines
Dawn Wacek: Argumen seorang pustakawan terhadap denda keterlambatan pengembalian buku
Dawn Wacek advocates for equitable library service for all community members. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to the people who visit us
yang mengunjungi kami
into our library are my friends
kami adalah teman saya
and their futures.
masa depan mereka.
or a movie that delights them.
yang bagus atau film yang mereka sukai.
have this wonderful reputation
reputasi yang baik
and statements of purpose
our community to the broader world.
dengan dunia yang lebih luas.
important to us as libraries,
sebagai perpustakaan,
to create a better world.
untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik.
a more engaged and empathetic world.
dunia yang lebih terlibat dan berempati.
is even more important.
that working class families
bahwa kaum pekerja
as the "30 million word gap."
"kesenjangan 30 juta kata."
is that children in these families
anak-anak dalam keluarga tersebut
setiap harinya
in their learned language.
bahasa yang mereka pelajari.
as they enter school,
sampai ke sekolah,
poorer reading skills,
kemampuan membaca yang kurang,
not just our day-to-day conversation,
percakapan sehari-hari
we share, of around 10,000.
sekitar 10.000.
from a children's book
dari buku anak-anak
in the children's room, Eric Carle.
Eric Carle.
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar."
karyanya "Ulat Bulu yang Kelaparan."
Slowly,' said the Sloth."
kata si Kukang."
quiet and boring.
ada minat,
and I like to live in peace.
suka hidup damai.
slowly, slowly, slowly.'"
pelan, pelan, pelan.'"
example from one book in our library
ini dari buku kami di perpustakaan
to get the same idea across to children.
untuk menyampaikan hal yang sama.
visiting us at the library,
kami di perpustakaan,
are struggling financially.
kesulitan secara finansial.
are living in poverty,
dalam kemiskinan,
or anywhere safe to live.
tempat tinggal yang layak.
who comes in after school
yang datang setelah sekolah
never read at grade level.
30 juta kata
by the time kids enter the third grade,
pada saat anak-anak masuk kelas tiga.
to income level.
dengan tingkat pendapatan.
in addressing these gaps?
dalam hal kesenjangan tersebut?
be more successful, more educated
kami lebih sukses, lebih berpendidikan
warga global yang lebih baik?
free and equitable access
bebas dan setara
socioeconomic background to words.
yang latar sosial ekonominya berbeda.
of early literacy:
reading and writing.
membaca dan menulis.
and job-skills training.
pelatihan kerja.
for our community members
untuk masyarakat
by charging fines and fees of our patrons.
dengan menagih uang dari penyokong kami.
to check out library materials
barang-barang perpustakaan
experiencing the most poverty,
yang mengalami kemiskinan,
is considered economically disadvantaged,
dianggap kurang secara ekonomi,
of the neighborhood.
lingkungan tersebut.
but they hold true nationwide.
tapi hal ini berlaku secara nasional.
that charge fines,
yang mengenakan denda,
number of people blocked from use.
terbanyak orang yang tidak bisa meminjam.
was so worried about this,
khawatir akan hal ini,
that keeps poor families out of libraries.
keluarga miskin dari perpustakaan.
in a Lyft in Atlanta last year,
Atlanta tahun lalu,
about libraries, as we do.
tentang perpustakaan, seperti kita.
perpustakaan lokal, dia menyukainya.
visiting her local library, she loved it.
with three children of her own,
tiga orang anak,
to get a library card,
membuat kartu perpustakaan,
libraries impose.
diterapkan perpustakaan.
another credit card that I can't pay."
yang tidak bisa kubayar."
have experimented with eliminating fines,
sudah mencoba menghilangkan denda,
that took away children's fines,
menghapus denda untuk anak-anak,
in child card applications
kartu anak-anak 126 persen
of the fines they might accrue,
mungkin mereka bayar,
what we have to offer.
yang kami tawarkan.
we're champions of democracy
kami pendukung demokrasi
every citizen can educate themselves.
masyarakat bisa mengedukasi diri sendiri.
early literacy has
and eliminate the word gap.
menghilangan kesenjangan kata.
di sini untuk menolong Anda."
and you make a mistake,
Anda membuat kesalahan,
that anyone in this room could make --
di ruangan ini --
sits by your back door
di pintu belakang Anda
longer than it should,
so much anymore,
we're going to make you pay for it.
Anda untuk membayarnya.
you're out of luck.
Anda tidak beruntung.
for a lot of years.
over 500 dollars in late fines.
500 dolar untuk denda keterlambatan.
and I certainly know how the system works.
dan tentunya saya tahu sistemnya.
at the library,
under the sofa.
bawah sofa.
to be able to pay
over the last several years.
had the means to do it.
saya punya niat melakukannya.
and continue to operate as we always have,
dan berlanjut seperti biasa,
and no longer are welcome back?
dan tidak diterima kembali?
to operate under a model that hurts
dengan model yang menyakiti
sungguh merasa
to teach people responsibility.
tanggung jawab.
that there might be ways to do that
ada cara untuk melakukannya
the resources collectively in a community,
secara kolektif dalam komunitas,
movie for too long,
saya terlalu lama,
wants to watch it, it's not fair.
itu tidak adil.
often love their libraries,
to sustain the services we offer.
mempertahankan pelayanan kami.
all of these things in a variety of ways
dengan berbagai cara
our most vulnerable populations.
kita yang paling rawan.
to a Netflix model.
menggunakan model Netflix.
you return them.
you can't check more things out,
pinjam barang lain,
it's all forgiven, it's fine.
semua dimaafkan, semua baik.
untuk para pengunjung
to their library patrons,
Anda membayar dengan makanan kaleng
where you bring in canned goods,
where you can read off your fines.
membacakan buku sebagai denda.
konter mereka,
at their counter,
10 or 20 percent off your fines that day.
atau 20 persen diskon untuk denda hari itu
your late materials
barang Anda yang terlambat
yang menerapkan amnesti tahun lalu,
that did an amnesty day last year,
5,000 users who had been blocked.
yang sudah diblok.
more than 700,000 items that were overdue.
dari 700.000 barang yang terlambat.
that was 100 years overdue.
100 tahun.
but I know from experience
tahu dari pengalaman
from the library
the authority of the librarian
sudah menjadi pustakawan selama 15 tahun
I've been a librarian for 15 years
in a library in decades,
ke perpustakaan,
she lost a book.
menghilangkan buku.
jump through hoops.
harus diikuti mereka.
at the right times.
tepat, waktu yang tepat.
extra food to share.
ekstra untuk diberikan.
they need to be literate.
harus bisa membaca.
to use the library again,
perpustakaan lagi,
of fines altogether.
I've forgotten a money piece,
soal uang,
perpustakaan, kan?
in library budgets.
dalam anggaran perpustakaan.
a stable source of revenue.
sumber pemasukan yang stabil.
over the last few decades.
beberapa tahun terakhir.
people's ability to pay was hit, as well.
membayar juga terdampak.
that we've got at the library
eliminating their fines,
so much as the idea of money.
surprised to know
jika tahu
are about one and a half percent
sekitar satu setengah persen
or a large library system,
sistem perpustakaan besar
for most libraries to absorb.
diterima oleh banyak perpustakaan.
fines cost us money to collect.
butuh banyak biaya untuk menagih denda.
all of the ways that we collect fines,
menagih denda,
to remind people of their fines,
untuk mengingatkan orang akan dendanya,
management services,
can cost libraries money.
menghabiskan uang perpustakaan.
cost for libraries.
bagi perpustakaan.
is standing there,
sometimes arguing with people about fines.
mereka, kadang berdebat tentang denda.
save money in our libraries.
bisa menghemat uang perpustakaan.
to reallocate our staff time
staf kita untuk
those missions we talked about.
yang kita bicarakan.
to come away understanding
oleh semua orang
to do what we think they do.
yang kita pikirkan.
how much we should fine, it isn't new.
dendanya, bukan hal baru.
for almost 100 years.
100 tahun.
that the reason libraries fine
menunjukkan alasan denda perpustakaan
of getting materials back on time
buku pinjaman secara tepat waktu
because we've always fined.
kita sudah selalu mendenda.
is to put their mission first.
Anda adalah mengutamakan misi mereka.
if their community members ask it of them.
masyarakat memintanya.
saya harap Anda datang ke perpustakaan
I hope you'll visit your public library
and community members
how important literacy is
pentingnya perpustakaan
are truly for everyone,
untuk semuanya,
and embrace their entire community.
merangkul seluruh komunitas.
Dawn Wacek - LibrarianDawn Wacek advocates for equitable library service for all community members.
Why you should listen
More than fifteen years in librarianship, Dawn Wacek has eliminated barriers to access in urban and rural libraries. She has helped create fine reduction programs and developed free and open access policies everywhere she has worked.
Wacek is the Youth Services Manager of the La Crosse Public Library in Wisconsin, where she is working on increasing community relationships and collaborations to better connect all users to their library.
Dawn Wacek | Speaker | TED.com