Farida Nabourema: Is your country at risk of becoming a dictatorship? Here's how to know
Farida Nabourema: Apakah negaramu berisiko menjadi negara otoriter? Begini cara mengetahuinya
Farida Nabourema is a key voice in Togo’s pro-democracy movement. Full bio
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elections in the United States
pemilu paruh waktu di AS
should be made a holiday.
dijadikan tanggal merah.
to my country and vote.
dan ikutan coblos.
to allow the military to count it."
selama pihak militer merekap hasilnya."
located in West Africa.
interesting facts about my country.
tentang negara saya.
by the same family for 51 years,
yang sama selama 51 tahun,
otokrasi tertua di Afrika.
as the unhappiest country on earth.
negara paling tidak bahagia di dunia.
to live under an autocracy.
sama sekali tidak keren.
met, throughout the course of my activism,
banyak orang dari berbagai negara
saat bercerita tentang Togo,
their reaction is always,
to terrorize you for 51 years?
selama 51 tahun di negara kalian?
you must be very patient."
pasti sabar banget."
of saying "stupid."
yang arti aslinya "bodoh."
that those who are oppressed
orang-orang yang tertindas
or are comfortable with it,
atau malah merasa nyaman,
as a progressive form of governance
wujud pemerintahan yang progresif
who don't live under democratic countries
warga negara non-demokrasi
intellectually or maybe morally
secara intelek atau mungkin moral
persepsi seperti itu
are covered about dictatorships.
cerita kediktatoran dibungkus.
with so many news outlets out there,
dengan banyak media berita di luar sana,
"What got you started?
"Apa motivasimu memulai ini?
I was triggered."
"Saya tidak terinspirasi, malah terpicu."
"Well, what triggered you?"
"Apa yang memicumu?"
was arrested when I was 13, and tortured,
ditangkap dan disiksa saat saya 13 tahun,
to get into details now,
sampai ke detailnya,
what interests them the most is:
menarik buat mereka adalah:
in the abuse, in the killing,
kekerasan dan pembunuhannya,
will gain attention and sympathy.
perhatian dan simpati.
the purpose of the dictator.
menguntungkan si diktator.
I call "Faure Must Go,"
yang saya sebut "Faure Must Go,"
the first name of our president.
presiden pertama kami.
country, by the way,
I had my issues with France as well.
karena berbahasa Perancis sulit.
Faure Harus Pergi,
dan muncul di layar,
I give you 60 days to resign as president,
Anda punya waktu 60 hari untuk mundur,
and we will bring you down,
untuk melengserkan Anda,
over 500 of our countrymen
lebih dari 500 orang warga negara kami
and we will remove you."
Anda akan dilengserkan."
of the movement.
dikenal dalam gerakan ini
menelepon pada suatu pagi.
we don't want to die with you,
kami ogah mati bersamamu,
minggat dari rumah.
so I haven't talked to them in five years.
dengan mereka selama 5 tahun.
I have been working with countries
bekerja sama dengan banyak negara
perhatian terhadap Togo,
overcome their fear
they want change.
dan bilang mereka ingin perubahan.
as an activist is to mobilize,
adalah menggalang perhatian,
understand that, as citizens,
bahwa sebagai warga negara,
are using to intimidate them
diktator untuk mengintimidasi
from getting what we want.
mencapai apa yang kita inginkan.
meliput cerita para aktivis
to cover the stories of activists
membantu menggalang perhatian orang,
deter their action
menghalangi aksi aktivisme
yang menindas rakyat.
to the oppressive system.
menjadi seorang aktivis,
that I've been an activist,
karena sudah tidak kuat lagi.
because I couldn't take it.
untuk tetap maju?
465 miles from his village to the city,
dari desa ke kota
meminta kemerdekaan.
pengorbanan ayah saya,
the sacrifice of my father,
melawan rezim.
mereka biasa membuat banyak pamflet
they would write pamphlets
tentang rezim otoriter,
untuk menduplikat pamfletnya,
afford to make copies,
the same pamphlet 500 times each
sebanyak 500x
knew their handwriting,
tulisan tangan mereka,
pihak militer bakal menangkap mereka.
they'd go and get them.
you know, today you have a blog.
zaman sekarang sudah ada blog.
hal yang sama sebanyak 500 kali.
the same thing 500 times.
"si gadis WhatsApp,"
calling me the WhatsApp girl,
pemerintah di WhatsApp.
attacking the government.
saya cukup bikin ujaran amarah,
I just make an angry note,
dan ribuan orang membagikannya.
and thousands of people share it.
I'm always angry, by the way.
Saya malahan marah terus.
to showcase our stories,
pentingnya bercerita tentang Togo,
the sacrifices that were made for us,
pengorbanan demi Togo,
gerakan Faure Must Go
of our Faure Must Go movement
tanda tangan orang-orang
asking citizens to sign
seperti dalam konstitusi negara kami.
as the constitution allows.
mereka tidak mau bermasalah.
they don't want to get in trouble.
who was in her 60s.
kertas petisinya dia ambil,
she took the petition,
tanda tangan sendirian.
over 1,000 [signatures].
sampai saya merasa,
dapat apa-apa lagi dalam rezim ini
nothing more to gain in this regime
yang masih muda,
the stories of defiance,
ikut beraksi,
pembunuhan, dan rasa sakit,
and killings and hurt,
kalau kita ketakutan.
for us to be scared.
a few characteristics of dictatorships
sebagian ciri-ciri kediktatoran
negara kalian sendiri
at risk of joining us.
senasib dengan kami.
concentration of power.
pemusatan kekuasaan.
in the hands of a few, an elite?
orang-orang tertentu saja?
ideological elite.
ideologi tertentu.
digambarkan sebagai mesias
who is presented as the messiah
kita dari dunia ini.
that they are the saviors,
mereka adalah juru selamat,
the country will fall apart.
melawan sejenis kuasa luar.
some foreign forces, you know?
komunis di negara kita.
we'll all be broke.
dia melawan bajak laut.
he fights pirates.
13 million dollars to fight pirates,
13 juta dolar untuk melawan bajak laut,
dari semacam kekuasaan asing.
from some foreign forces.
menyebarkan ketakutan,
meredam opini berlawanan,
to suppress dissident voices,
to give the impression
is to protect the nation.
badan-badan institusi
and destroy them
held accountable.
bertanggung jawab.
militarized country?
berbasis militer?
kekejaman terhadap manusia.
what I call human cruelty.
when animals are abused,
menyiksa hewan,
acknowledged by the UN
So you don't have that.
diciptakan sama, jadi tidak ada begituan.
we say animal cruelty.
itu kekejaman terhadap hewan.
we say human rights abuses,
ada istilah pelanggaran HAM,
that all humans have rights.
semua manusia memiliki hak asasi
for our right to have rights.
memperjuangkan hak asasi kita.
pelanggaran atau kekerasan HAM.
human rights abuse or violation.
presiden di negara kalian,
and you have an issue with the president
mencalonkan diri jadi presiden,
is he bans you from the presidency,
presiden di negara saya,
and have an issue with the president,
lenyap dari alam semesta,
you vanish from the universe,
menemukanmu di Turki.
tidak bisa tinggal di Togo lagi.
we don't get to live in Togo anymore.
selama lebih dari sebulan,
for more than a month,
in all impunity under dictatorships
di bawah rezim kediktatoran,
of the activists that were killed,
pegiat yang dibunuh,
their hearing or their sight --
than how it will happen.
daripada kematian sendiri.
and I imagine all scenarios.
membayangkan semuanya.
Are they going to cut my ears first?
Memotong telinga saya dulu?
because I'm always insulting them?
saya selalu menghina mereka?
tapi begitulah realitanya.
kata-kata saya.
bagikan tentang otokrasi,
to share about autocracies,
tersebut dalam negara kalian.
and see if there are risks there.
hari ini begitu penting.
the gains of freedom that you have today,
to give their lives for you to have it.
nyawa mereka demi kebebasan kalian.
you also need to know
juga harus tahu
ditakdirkan untuk ditindas,
destined to be oppressed,
to oppression and dictatorship.
terhadap penindasan atau kediktatoran.
Farida Nabourema - Activist, writerFarida Nabourema is a key voice in Togo’s pro-democracy movement.
Why you should listen
A political activist and writer, Farida Nabourema has been a fearless advocate for democracy and human rights in Togo since she was a teenager. Through more than 400 articles on her blog and other sites, she denounces corruption and dictatorship and promotes a form of progressive pan-Africanism. In 2014, she published La Pression de l'Oppression (The Pressure of Oppression), in which she discussed the different forms of oppression that people face throughout Africa and highlighted the need for oppressed people to fight back.
Nabourema is also the engagement and collaboration coordinator of Africans Rising, a pan-African movement that fights for justice, peace and dignity through grassroots organizing, civic education and advocacy. She cofounded and is the executive director of the Togolese Civil League, an NGO that promotes democracy through civil resistance. In 2001, at age 20, Nabourema founded the "Faure Must Go" movement, where she supported and organized with Togolese youths to stand against the dictatorial regime of Faure Gnassingbé. "Faure Must Go" has become the slogan for the civil resistance movement in Togo, of which Nabourema is one of the most well-known leaders.
Nabourema was awarded the "Young Advocate of the Year" and the "Female African Youth of the Year" in 2018 by Africa Youth Award for her contribution to raising awareness on the oldest military regime in Africa.
Farida Nabourema | Speaker | TED.com