Bill and Melinda Gates: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done
Bill şi Melinda Gates: Dăruind din averea noastră e cel mai mulţumitor lucru pe care l-am făcut
Melinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value. Full bioBill Gates - Philanthropist
A passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world while leading Microsoft to dizzying success. Now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
e un interviu diferit.
interview with a difference.
is worth a thousand words,
valorează cât o mie de cuvinte,
a fost în Africa,
în care ne-am dus să vedem
Bill nu-și mai luase niciodată
cu adevărat au fost oamenii
pe plajă
pentru o vacanță. (Râsete)
vom înapoia banii.
un impact puternic asupra lor
dar a prins viteză.
so many kids around the world,
oameni de știință
de tot atât de multe probleme diferite.
să se dezvolte
promisiunii sale la șanse egale,
de educație superior
să aleagă o imagine
munca voastră
să-l fac când călătoresc
și să vorbesc cu femeile,
sau ţări din Africa
lots of countries in Africa,
occidentală necunoscută.
o femeie în pantaloni kaki.
about childhood vaccines,
getting called Depo-Provera,
şi vorbeam cu experţii în sănătate,
talk to global health experts,
„Nu, contraceptivele sunt
îţi spun că vor să le folosească
în care nu sunt disponible.
my husband knowing it,
prezervativul cu soţul meu.
here in the United States,
în Statele Unite,
din ţara noastră.
că trebuie s-o fac eu însămi.
women in the United States
din Statele Unite
această controversă să ne oprească.
în Statele Unite
2.6 miliarde de dolari
Despre ce-i vorba?
înainte de vârsta de 5 ani.
la aproximativ şase milioane.
în fiecare an.
să continuie să scadă
noi vaccinuri,
we can perform a miracle.
putem face un miracol.
şi ai descoperit că
cu dezastrele naturale.
e minunată.
ajunge acolo,
sub un milion,
în timpul vieţii noastre.
într-o scrisoare din acest an
să-și poarte singure de grijă?
decât campania de capital
să lucreze împreună.
we're traveling separately,
în care suntem separaţi,
collaborative relationship.
fiecare minut împreună.
şi păreți fericiţi de asta.
months after you were there.
MG: Oh, you mean, the employees didn't go away.
MG: Angajaţii nu au plecat.
împreună de la început,
când Microsoftul s-a extins
mult mai puternic şi egal.
să ne dedicăm mai mult,
though? Can you? (Laughter)
Tu poţi găsi? (Râsete)
pe baza statisticilor globale.''
on these global statistics."
cu informaţiile globale,
datorită acestui lucru.
poliomelitei etc.,
câteva eşecuri,
medicamentelor şi vaccinurilor
de un prezervativ mai bun,
eu am fost cu siguranţă,
pentru o boală din India, ulcer cutanat,
cam un miliard de dolari pe an
despre care ne poţi vorbi?
şi mai puţine infracţiuni.
cât de mare sau mică e clădirea.
și dragoste în relația lor.
și erau gemeni,
and her mother would do,
l-ar face în mod normal,
că, spre deosebire de fiul său,
going to pay for her education.
pentru educația ei.
la fel ca soția mea."
cea mai bogată familie din lume
să fim foarte clari cu ei
ceva ce-i entuziasmează.
privacy carefully for obvious reasons.
s-o dăm înapoi lumii.
to give back to the world.
countries around the world —
să arătăm acestă fotografie
nimic de genul acesta.
şi importantă.
before we got married,
cu mult înainte să ne căsătorim
and a short version of that.
şi una scurtă.
să facă asta
who is doing something well,
BG: Nu ne-am aşteptat la asta
BG: We had never expected it,
a lui Warren.
pentru filantropie.
în spatele unor idei incredibile.
pot să schimbe lumea.
făcând asta şi spun:
sunt foarte optimist
working on and discovering
să lucreze şi să cerceteze.
dintre colegii voştri
şi aşa e corect.
change the education system
sistemul educaţional,
MG: Thank you.
MG: Thank you very much.
MG: Mulțumim foarte mult.
Melinda Gates - PhilanthropistMelinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value.
Why you should listen
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. As co-chair, Melinda French Gates helps shape and approve strategies, review results, advocate for foundation issues and set the overall direction. In developing countries, the foundation focuses on improving people's health with vaccines and other life-saving tools and giving them a chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to dramatically improve education so that all young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes and co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.
In recent years, Melinda French Gates has become a vocal advocate for access to contraception, advancing the idea that empowering women to decide whether and when to have children can have transformational effects on societies. In 2012, Gates spearheaded the London Summit on Family Planning, with the goal of delivering contraceptives to 120 million women in developing countries by 2020. When asked why she got involved in this issue, Gates said, "We knew that 210 million women were saying they wanted access to the contraceptives we have here in the United States and we weren't providing them because of political controversy in our country. To me, that was just a crime. I kept looking around trying to find the person to get this back on the global stage. I realized I just had to do it."
Melinda Gates | Speaker |
Bill Gates - Philanthropist
A passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world while leading Microsoft to dizzying success. Now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation.
Why you should listen
Bill Gates is the founder and former CEO of Microsoft. A geek icon, tech visionary and business trailblazer, Gates' leadership -- fueled by his long-held dream that millions might realize their potential through great software -- made Microsoft a personal computing powerhouse and a trendsetter in the Internet dawn. Whether you're a suit, chef, quant, artist, media maven, nurse or gamer, you've probably used a Microsoft product today.
In summer of 2008, Gates left his day-to-day role with Microsoft to focus on philanthropy. Holding that all lives have equal value (no matter where they're being lived), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has now donated staggering sums to HIV/AIDS programs, libraries, agriculture research and disaster relief -- and offered vital guidance and creative funding to programs in global health and education. Gates believes his tech-centric strategy for giving will prove the killer app of planet Earth's next big upgrade.
Read a collection of Bill and Melinda Gates' annual letters, where they take stock of the Gates Foundation and the world. And follow his ongoing thinking on his personal website, The Gates Notes. His new paper, "The Next Epidemic," is published by the New England Journal of Medicine.
Bill Gates | Speaker |