Tal Danino: Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)
Tal Danino: Na diagnostiku (a snáď i liečbu) rakoviny môžeme využiť baktérie
Tal Danino explores the emerging frontier of combining biology and engineering (and art). He is a 2015 TED Fellow. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
than stars in our entire galaxy.
of bacteria inside of us
v ľudskom tele
like we program computers.
programovať podobne ako počítače.
some kind of sports play,
the first bacterial program I developed.
môj prvý bakteriálny program.
je možné vytlačiť a zapísať DNA informáciu
we can print and write DNA
and programs inside of bacteria.
vo vnútri baktérie.
is produces fluorescent proteins
komunikovať a synchronizovať sa,
to communicate and synchronize,
that you see here
is that our genetic program
že vďaka nášmu genetickému programu
to each produce small molecules,
tie malé molekuly,
the thousands of individual bacteria
kedy sa majú zapnúť a vypnúť.
quite well at this scale,
synchronizácia dosť dobrá,
them together can only travel so fast,
synchronizačných molekúl
this results in traveling waves
far away from each other,
medzi vzdialenými baktériami
from right to left across the screen.
relies on a natural phenomenon
využíva prirodzený jav
and sometimes virulent behaviors
pri dosiahnutí kritickej hustoty
a niekedy aj zhubné správanie.
in action in this movie,
quorum sensing v akcii:
only begins to glow
svoju kritickú hustotu.
or critical density.
rhythmic patterns of fluorescent proteins
fluorescenčných proteínov
a hustota opäť klesne.
we call The Supernova,
voláme Supernova,
these beautiful patterns,
these bacteria to do?
je možné s baktériami robiť.
how we can program bacteria
ako baktérie naprogramovať
in our bodies like cancer.
ľudských chorôb, ako je rakovina.
inside of tumors.
has no access,
to grow and thrive.
that have a health benefit,
when orally delivered to mice,
perorálne podáte myšiam,
grow inside of liver tumors.
selektívne rásť v nádoroch pečene.
že najvhodnejším spôsobom,
of the probiotics,
to produce a signal
programmed these probiotics
tieto probiotiká naprogramovali,
the color of your urine
odhaliť rakovinu pečene,
detect liver cancer,
veľmi tažko diagnostikovať.
to detect otherwise.
specifically localize to tumors,
špecificky v nádoroch,
aby rakovinu nielen odhalili,
to not only detect cancer
from within the tumor environment
ktoré nádor zmenšia.
using quorum sensing programs
na predchádzajúcich videách.
taking a programmed probiotic
na diagnostiku a liečbu rakoviny
vo výskume rakoviny.
I worked with artist Vik Muniz
do symbolu vesmíru
or cancer cells.
a nádorových buniek.
and purpose of this microscopic universe
tohto mikroskopického vesmíru
for the future of cancer research.
vo výskume rakoviny.
Tal Danino - Synthetic biologistTal Danino explores the emerging frontier of combining biology and engineering (and art). He is a 2015 TED Fellow.
Why you should listen
Tal Danino's research explores the emerging frontier of combining biology, engineering and medicine. His work as a synthetic biologist focuses on reprogramming bacteria to detect and treat diseases in our bodies such as cancer.
Originally from Los Angeles, Danino received B.S. degrees from UCLA in Physics, Chemistry and Math, and received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from UCSD. He did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is currently an assistant professor at Columbia University in New York.
Danino's work has been published in scientific journals and highlighted in several popular press venues. He actively develops "Bio-Art" projects that share perspectives and stories about science with recent projects featured in the New York Times, WIRED, and the Wall Street Journal.
Tal Danino | Speaker | TED.com