Tal Danino: Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)
Tal Danino: Mund te perdorim bakteret per te zbuluar kancerin (dhe ndoshta per ta trajtuar ate)
Tal Danino explores the emerging frontier of combining biology and engineering (and art). He is a 2015 TED Fellow. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
than stars in our entire galaxy.
sesa yje ne te gjithe galaksine.
of bacteria inside of us
like we program computers.
ashtu si programojme kompjuterat.
some kind of sports play,
the first bacterial program I developed.
programimin e pare bakterial.
we can print and write DNA
ne mund te shkruajme dhe krijojme ADN
and programs inside of bacteria.
dhe programe brenda baktereve.
is produces fluorescent proteins
to communicate and synchronize,
te komunikojne dhe sinkronizohen,
that you see here
qe ju shihni ketu
is that our genetic program
programimi yne gjenetik
to each produce small molecules,
te prodhojne cdonjera molekula te vogla,
the thousands of individual bacteria
baktereve te vecanta
quite well at this scale,
ne kete nivel,
them together can only travel so fast,
levizin shume shpejt,
this results in traveling waves
kjo shkakton vale qe levizin
far away from each other,
ndermjet tyre,
from right to left across the screen.
nga e djathta ne te majte ne ekran.
relies on a natural phenomenon
bazohet ne kete dukuri natyrore
and sometimes virulent behaviors
te koordinuara dhe ndonjehere virulente
in action in this movie,
si vepron ky ndijim,
only begins to glow
fillon te shkelqeje
or critical density.
ose kritike.
rhythmic patterns of fluorescent proteins
skema ritmike proteinash fluoreshente
we call The Supernova,
ne e quajme Supernova
these beautiful patterns,
skemave te bukura
these bacteria to do?
tjeter me keto baktere?"
how we can program bacteria
si programohen bakteret
in our bodies like cancer.
si psh tumoret.
inside of tumors.
ne brendesi te tumoreve.
has no access,
nuk mund te veproje,
to grow and thrive.
per tu rritur dhe shumuar.
that have a health benefit,
dhe mund te jene me dobi,
when orally delivered to mice,
minjve ne menyre orale,
grow inside of liver tumors.
ne menyre selektive brenda tumoreve.
of the probiotics,
e ketyre probiotikeve,
to produce a signal
te prodhonin nje sinjal
programmed these probiotics
the color of your urine
per te ndryshuar ngjyren e urines
detect liver cancer,
per kancerin e melcise,
to detect otherwise.
specifically localize to tumors,
vendosen te tumoret,
to not only detect cancer
te identifikonin tumorin
from within the tumor environment
ne brendesi te mjedisit tumoral
using quorum sensing programs
ndijimin e grupit
taking a programmed probiotic
duke mare probiotike te programuar
trajtohen tumoret,
ne hulumtimet per tumoret,
I worked with artist Vik Muniz
punova me Vik Muniz
or cancer cells.
and purpose of this microscopic universe
i universit mikroskopik
for the future of cancer research.
krijuese per hulumtime tumorale.
Tal Danino - Synthetic biologistTal Danino explores the emerging frontier of combining biology and engineering (and art). He is a 2015 TED Fellow.
Why you should listen
Tal Danino's research explores the emerging frontier of combining biology, engineering and medicine. His work as a synthetic biologist focuses on reprogramming bacteria to detect and treat diseases in our bodies such as cancer.
Originally from Los Angeles, Danino received B.S. degrees from UCLA in Physics, Chemistry and Math, and received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from UCSD. He did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is currently an assistant professor at Columbia University in New York.
Danino's work has been published in scientific journals and highlighted in several popular press venues. He actively develops "Bio-Art" projects that share perspectives and stories about science with recent projects featured in the New York Times, WIRED, and the Wall Street Journal.
Tal Danino | Speaker | TED.com