Tiq Milan and Kim Katrin Milan: A queer vision of love and marriage
Tiq Milan in Kim Katrin Milan: Ljubezen, ki nama dopušča, da sva taka, kot sva.
Already a tireless advocate for positive and honest portrayals of LGBTQ people in media, Tiq Milan now evangelizes for the unifying power of love. Full bioKim Katrin Milan - Writer, educator, artist
Through her art and writing, Kim Katrin Milan advocates for queer, trans and feminist issues. Now she’s using her own love story to help bridge communities. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
was on Facebook,
na Facebook-u,
that I knew she was going to be my wife.
da bo ona moja žena.
amount of time for our courtship;
v najinem snubljenju;
the vulnerable truths up front:
certificate should have stood for "False,"
moral pomeniti "Žal, napaka"
pebbles in my shoes.
kot da hodim s kamni v čevljih.
I took forward.
je bil boleč.
a cisgender queer woman.
cisspolna kvir ženska.
I was assigned at birth
da je bil moj spol ob rojstvu
the many different ways
opisa različnih načinov,
pri izbiri partnerja ne omejuje spol.
restricted by gender
kar sem in kako ljubim.
of who I am and how I've loved.
lahko zaupala že od začetka.
from the very beginning.
from institutions and traditions.
iz institucij in tradicij.
to commit to each other
predala drug drugemu
of the "Golden Rule,"
"Zlatega pravila,"
the way we want to be treated.
kot želimo, da bi oni z nami.
the standard for other people,
mi standard za druge, ampak nismo.
ravnati tako, kot si oni želijo,
the way they want to be treated,
of love that Tiq needed
da je ljubezen, ki jo Tiq potrebuje,
o njegovih strahovih, negotovostih -
about his fears, his insecurities --
kind of love I needed.
ljubezen potrebujem.
meglenega obdobja,
in popolnoma izčrpan.
of their love because I was trans.
njihove ljubezni, ker sem trans.
transspolnih ljudi.
transgender people.
and often signed into law.
in pogosto uzakonimo,
from internalizing that message,
od ponotranjenja tega sporočila,
of community work behind us,
za skupnost za nama
of a family in front of us,
o družini pred nama.
and a bit of an orphan,
popotnica in malo sirota,
the differences in our strengths
jaz pa, da boš divji."
but we don't live marginalized lives.
a midva ne živiva življenj na robu.
new ways of existing.
nove valove obstoja.
too proud and too freeing.
ponosne in osvobojene.
was going to be my helper or my rib,
moja pomočnica ali moje rebro,
prevladam, nadzorujem ali kritiziram.
to reign in, control or critique.
sight of her empathy.
about setting each other free.
osvobajala drug drugega.
his mother's incredible legacy.
zapuščino njegove matere.
were able to start from that place,
that was around figuring out
to grow into the people that we were
zrasti v človeka, kot sva danes,
committed to each other
katere sva si bila predana,
obraz drug drugega.
concern when I transitioned
po moji tranziciji
precluded me from love and monogamy
nekako onemogočalo ljubezen in monogamijo,
born in the wrong body?
that has to be reframed
moramo spremeniti,
binary thinking on gender
binarno pojmovanje spola
along the numb keloid scars
keloidne brazgotine,
all the way out to my outer torso.
mojega prsnega koša vse do roba.
reminders of my strength
najbolj kvir stvar, ki sem jo naredil.
conventional trajectories
to bless a union for folks like us,
zveze, kot je najina,
supposed to recognize it.
after meeting online,
ko sva se spoznala na spletu,
of City Hall in Manhattan,
mestne hiše v Manhattnu
in every conceivable way.
reimagined some traditions,
zamislila nekatere tradicije,
that we worked in,
jih vključila
that worked for us.
with wildflowers from Brooklyn --
polna divjih rož iz Brooklyna -
and sage to keep us grounded
janeža za prizemljitev,
sister healer friend of ours.
prijateljica zdravilka.
konflikti in konvencionalnost niso zame,
are not my thing,
s kamni mojega rojstva.
njegovega priimka, nikoli ni bilo izjema,
my father's bastard child,
nezakonski otrok mojega očeta,
an apology, a secret, an imposition.
skrivnost, breme.
who chose me first.
and some close friends,
in nekaterim bližnjim,
as we took our vows.
ko sva si izmenjala zaobljube.
photos on Facebook,
poročne fotografije na Facebooku,
than just a union of two people,
več kot samo unija dveh ljudi,
for the millions of LGBTQ folks
za milijone LGBTQ-jevcev,
is antithetical to who they are --
njihovo nasprotje -
who rarely get to see ourselves
because of our identities,
zaradi najinih identitet,
to be the people that we are.
da sva taka kot sva.
receptive and shape-shifting.
in spreminjajoča se.
source of, our strength.
of that strength.
poet Brandon Wint:
iz Ottawe, Brandona Winta:
queer like escaping definition.
kvir kot izmikajoč se definiciji.
and limitlessness all at once.
in brezmejnost, vse naenkrat.
too strange to be conquered.
da bi bila premagana.
to imagine what love can look like,
kaj je lahko ljubezen,
who are living their authentic selves
ki živijo avtentično,
that always is present
ki je vedno prisotna
is murdered every 21 hours.
ubita ena transspolna oseba.
trans murders on record this year
več umorov trans oseb
than this rigid dichotomy
več kot ta rigidna dihotomija
complexity on these margins,
razširjamo na teh obrobjih
on these margins.
that we have literally never seen before;
nismo še nikoli videli;
on love and not by blood,
in ne sorodstvenih vezeh,
have been shown ourselves.
prejeli le redki izmed nas.
love from our families --
ljubezni naših družin -
that we trust most.
ki smo jih najbolj zaupali.
entirely new languages of love.
nove jezike ljubezni.
for us to be our authentic selves
za nas, kjer smo lahko to, kar smo,
is supposed to be.
in love and inclusion
ljubezni in vključenosti
spremembo, kajne?
gender, in their skin --
v svojem spolu, svoji koži -
to unlearn these deep-seated biases
globoko zakoreninjenih predsodkov
to be self-determined,
ki se določajo sami
world than the one we were born into.
kot je ta, v katerem smo bili rojeni.
to poglavje zgodovine,
that we were here.
into our relationship
to make maps to the future
zemljevide za prihodnost
other peoples' experience,
izkušenj drugih ljudi,
complicate this idea
zakomplicirajo idejo
are supposed to be.
in zakon.
a mirror up to ourselves.
always the best listener,
vedno najboljši poslušalec
of our progress as a couple.
najinemu napredku kot par.
these deep-seated, sexist ideas
globoko zakoreninjene, seksistične ideje
of a woman's experience in the world.
ženske izkušnje v svetu.
kaj pomeni biti v zavezništvu z mojo ženo.
to be in allyship with my wife.
of a lot of things, too.
pri nekaterih stvareh.
pri problemih,
we got into a massive fight.
and our lived experiences --
in najinih izkušnjah
puts ourselves entirely on the line.
in kako ljubiva, zelo izpostavljena.
over the course of two days --
together to each other,
to each other and to our marriage.
drug drugemu in najinemu zakonu.
some of the most passionate parts
najbolj strastne dele
with being a man don't define me,
z dejstvom, da sem moški, me ne določajo,
for how it shows up in my life every day.
v mojem življenju vsak dan.
to do all of the emotional labor
opravi ves čustveni napor,
when I'd rather clam up and run away.
ko bi se sam najraje zaprl in zbežal.
instead of facing my own vulnerabilities,
da bi se soočil z lastno ranljivostjo,
miscarriage we suffered last year,
spontanem splavu, ki sva ga utrpela lani,
we get to take the easy way out.
is about reimagining masculinity.
da si na novo zamislim možatost.
that isn't measured
by the entitlements afforded to it,
s tem, do česa je upravičena,
that it can muster,
ki jo lahko zbere,
for my femininity to flourish
da moja ženstvenost vzcveti,
ali kako naj se vedem.
of the cleaning than I do.
to get out of the house
in urejanje frizure.
as though it is frivolous or superficial,
kot nekaj banalnega in površinskega,
of gender every single day.
get dressed in the morning.
and colorful, and tight,
in barvitega in ozkega,
negotiate her decisions
kako tehta svoje odločitve
to get the least amount of attention,
najmanj pozornosti,
in seksi ženske, kakršna je.
of the vibrant and sexy woman she is.
jo občudovati v njeni lepoti
her for her beauty,
lepo in posebno in svobodno,
beautiful and special and free,
temnopoltega feminizma.
and trans people
this retelling of history
ponovno pisanje zgodovine,
to not see ourselves there.
is about that representation.
ravno zaradi reprezentacije.
of our inheritance in this world, too.
del naše dediščine v tem svetu.
love and institutions.
ljubezni in institucij.
of gender and sexuality,
is self-determined and not imposed,
določiš sam in ni vsiljen,
is a kaleidoscope of possibility
kalejdoskop možnosti
masquerading as science or justice.
v znanost ali pravico.
that exists in the world,
z nepravičnostjo, ki obstaja v svetu,
of people to really change.
da se spremenijo.
of faith and dedication.
količina vere in predanosti.
than I ever thought possible --
kot sem si kadarkoli predstavljala -
speaking the same language.
ne govoriva istega jezika.
to be married to this man;
za moj zakon s tem moškim;
the possibility of changing minds,
za možnost spreminjanja misli
where love belongs to us all.
kjer ljubezen pripada vsem.
of self and a community,
nas samih in skupnosti,
not to leave anyone behind.
da ne bi koga pustili za seboj.
throughout changes to gender
do drugega skozi spremembe v spolu
in our chat rooms,
v naših klepetalnicah,
and in our community centers.
in naših centrih skupnosti.
each other for the long haul.
drug drugega dolgoročno.
Tiq Milan - Transgender activistAlready a tireless advocate for positive and honest portrayals of LGBTQ people in media, Tiq Milan now evangelizes for the unifying power of love.
Why you should listen
Tiq Milan speaks and writes about intersectional leadership, transgender rights and racial justice. He shares stories of his life and how his transgender experience has informed his views on masculinity, race and the gender binary. A journalist for over a decade, his work has appeared on MIC, Buzzfeed, NBC and CNN. He is also a strategic media consultant, helping organizations and companies create detailed media campaigns that engage diverse audiences in ways that are inclusive and authentic.
Tiq has been most inspired by his years mentoring LGBT youth at the Bronx Community Pride Center and the Hetrick Martin Institute in the New York City. He was able to witness first hand the intersectional lived experiences of gay and trans youth and how it's affected by social systems put in place to help them. He most recently was the senior media strategist and national spokesperson for GLAAD, where he utlilized the media to call attention to the needs of the LGBT community, particularly transgender people of color.
Tiq is currently the co-Founder of Milan Media Arts Productions (MAPS) along with his wife, Kim Katrin Milan. MAPS is a content creation and consulting firm that is dedicated to creating narratives of queer people and their allies. View his published work, features and appearances here.
Tiq Milan | Speaker | TED.com
Kim Katrin Milan - Writer, educator, artist
Through her art and writing, Kim Katrin Milan advocates for queer, trans and feminist issues. Now she’s using her own love story to help bridge communities.
Why you should listen
A daughter of the diaspora -- Afro-Caribbean, Venezuelan Arawak, Indian and Scottish, hailing from Trinidad and living between Toronto and New York -- Kim Katrin Milan is an acclaimed educator, writer and artist.
Kim is the co-founder and Executive Director of The People Project, an initiative to bring forth local and international community development for queer and trans folks of color and their allies through alternative education, art-activism and collaboration. She is also one of the owners of the Glad Day Book Shop, the oldest LGBT bookstore in the world.
As an educator, Kim travels around the world talking to people about justice, equity and human rights. She is dedicated to inclusivity and invested in arousing a sense of curiosity and empathy in her audience. She uniquely weaves together the historical context, statistical analysis, as well as current events.
A public researcher, consultant and human rights educator, Kim has shared hundreds of unique resources and presentations around intersectional issues including race, ability and gender. As a social entrepreneur, she speaks to the opportunities and challenges for women in business and leadership roles. With great openness, she welcomes difficult conversations hosting community dialogues and sharing practical strategies around sexuality and consent, queer and trans allyship. and anti-racism and equity.
Since 2012, Kim has spoken at universities including Princeton, Dartmouth, McGill and Mount Allison. She has opened for cultural scholar Cornel West at UC Davis, delivered the keynote address at HBCU's Morehouse and Spelman's first Pride, and she was a panelist at Amber Rose's first SlutWalk. She has hosted events for the United Nations, acted as the Grand Marshall for Hudson, NY Pride and hosted an session at Dreamforce 2016.
Kim has contributed to Cosmopolitan, MTV, NBC, Larry King Now, Buzzfeed and the CBC, both independently and alongside her husband Tiq Milan. She regularly contributes to TeleSUR English, the Central American news network.
Kim Katrin Milan | Speaker | TED.com