Alexa Meade: Your body is my canvas
Aleksa Mid (Alexa Meade): Tvoje telo je moje platno
Alexa Meade paints mesmerizing, illusionistic portraits directly on living subjects, subverting familiar visual cues with perspective and color. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
što nije vidljivo na prvi pogled.
na samom čoveku.
zaobilazim slikarsko platno,
vaš portret,
da ćete verovatno završiti
da naslikam na vašem uhu.
maskom od boje
što je direktno ispod nje,
da učinim da trodimenzionalna scena
nikakve veze
da je materijalizujem
da se sakrijem unutar ove senke,
ne promeni i odjednom,
da stavim senke
u crno-beloj skali.
kako bi to trebalo da izgleda,
pridržavam toga.
titralo pred očima.
u šta gledam.
taj trenutak da se odmaknem,
pretvoriti u sliku.
onim što sam otkrila,
da stane na put svemu tome?
da naučim da slikam.
da se naučim da slikam
na toj površini,
bio nešto sasvim drugo.
da budu korišćene kao slikarsko platno,
za mast u jajetu.
da se drži
bili bi jednostavno izbrisani
i istog trenutka to bi nestalo.
u podrumu
to što mora mirno da sedi
kroz ceo taj proces.
u svim tim različitim stilovima,
još mogla to da iskoristim.
Šilom Vand,
Ispunile smo ga mlekom.
I ja sam počela da slikam.
vrlo određenu sliku
u nameri da to i dobijem,
zaronila u mleko,
bile smo primorane da to prigrlimo
to učinile još boljim.
u redu, sakrij ruke.
daleko elegantnije
kada ne umeju da nacrtaju šake,
u bazenu punom mleka.
da onda nije neočekivano
u nečemu već poznatom,
da tražite dalje od onoga
ono što se krije ispod površine
može postojati mnogo više
Alexa Meade - Visual artistAlexa Meade paints mesmerizing, illusionistic portraits directly on living subjects, subverting familiar visual cues with perspective and color.
Why you should listen
Alexa Meade creates paintings in 3D space that make the real world appear to be a 2D painting. What may look like a traditional painted portrait is actually a photograph of a living, breathing person whose face, clothes and surroundings are all covered in acrylic paint. The 3D paintings can be photographed from any angle and maintain the illusion of flatness without the need for digital effects.
Alexa stumbled upon this technique by accident. While she was studying political science in college, she had an idea for an art project: what would it look like if she covered up shadows in the landscape with black paint? This question led her down a rabbit hole of experiments with painitng in 3D space that led to her discovery of this new style of optical illusion. She paints on people around the world who become part of the urban landscape as living street art. The photographs of the ephemeral painting performances hang on the walls of galleries and museums.
She recieved critical acclaim from CNN, Wired, NPR, the Wall Street Journal, and more. She has lectured at the CalArts, UC-Berkeley, Apple, Adobe and National Geographic London.
Alexa travels the world creating live painting performances, art installations and commisioned portraits. Currently, Alexa is collaborating with scientists and researching spacetime at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Alexa is making a series of magical paintings with David Blaine, transforming her home into a "Fun House" with Chris Hughes, developing a line of toys and volunteering in the art program at the Braille Institute.
Alexa Meade | Speaker |