Aparna Rao: Art that craves your attention
Апарна Рао (Aparna Rao): Уметност која жели да нам привуче пажњу
A part of the Bangalore-based artist duo Pors & Rao, TED Senior Fellow Aparna Rao works with electro-mechanical systems and interactive installations. Full bio
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some works in progress.
дела на којима радимо.
уђе у просторију,
На другом савршени ред.
промена треба да буде
very different pictorial traditions.
различите традиције у сликарству.
највећа плоча висока око 2м.
And the smallest one is an A4.
А најмања је А4 формата.
in the room or a movement,
или покрет у просторији,
of order among the panels,
viewer with the role of a tyrant.
наметну улогу тиранина.
формата папира за писма,
да се цела скулптура
коју држимо у рукама.
It's not there yet.
и представи
на врло деликатан начин особи
attract attention towards itself.
got the person's attention,
и тражи пажњу друге особе.
естетика конзумеризма
коме заиста треба помоћ.
музичког инструмента.
those around them or influence others,
или она на њих
све док посматрач
the audience will respond.
када публика опет реагује.
као посебан предмет
привлачност и заводљивост.
to form the two hands.
и формира две шаке.
преплави 996 oваквих.
It's called the Framerunners.
Зове се Тркачи кроз рамове.
its own contradiction.
али и тврђава,
на развоју првог прототипа.
узбуђени били када смо га видели
Aparna Rao - ArtistA part of the Bangalore-based artist duo Pors & Rao, TED Senior Fellow Aparna Rao works with electro-mechanical systems and interactive installations.
Why you should listen
With the clever use of technology, TED Fellow Aparna Rao creates art installations that let people experience familiar objects and interactions in refreshingly humorous ways. From her sound-sensative "Pygmies" to her 2-person "Uncle Phone," Rao's work encourages participation rather than spectatorship. By combining high-tech and high-art, she imbues her creations with playful expression and quirky behaviors.
Rao studied at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India, and at Interaction Design Institute in Italy. In 2005 she partnered with Soren Pors and they've worked in collaboration ever since as Pors & Rao.
Aparna Rao | Speaker | TED.com