Emily Parsons-Lord: Art made of the air we breathe
Емили Парсонс-Лорд (Emily Parsons-Lord): Уметност створена од ваздуха који дишемо
Emily Parsons-Lord makes cross-disciplinary contemporary art that is informed by research and critical dialogue with materials and climate science. Full bio
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да замислите ваздух,
из средње школе
chemistry teacher with really long socks
повезаних са другим кружићима
connected to other bubbles,
и сударају се у некаквој узбурканој супи.
and collide in a kind of frantic soup.
нарочито о ваздуху.
about the air that much at all.
у њему, приметан чулима,
sensory intrusion upon it,
или нешто видљиво као дим или магла.
or something visible like smoke or mist.
од виталног значаја и интиман.
који обавијају Земљу,
gases that envelop the Earth,
gravitational pull.
the invisibility of the air.
о његовој материјалности
understanding of its materiality
мења ваздух кроз размену гасова,
through gas exchange,
управо сада удахнули
right now together take
in carbon dioxide.
седамнаест удисаја по минути
17 breaths per minute
45 милиона литара ваздуха
45 million liters of air,
Olympic-sized swimming pools.
осамнаест олимпијских базена за пливање.
as small as our breathing
and maybe it doesn't matter.
а не толико да га замислим,
додирљивим и опипљивим.
and tactile and haptic.
of the aesthetic, how things look,
о естетици, о томе како ствари изгледају,
као то какав је његов осећај на кожи
like how it feels on your skin
док пролази кроз њега.
as it passes through it.
but most importantly,
али, што је најважније,
to different kinds of air.
које везујемо за различите врсте ваздуха.
of Air: A Plant's Diary,"
дневник биљака“,
from different eras in Earth's evolution,
из различитих ера Земљине еволуције
to come in and breathe them with me.
и удише их са мном.
so drastically different.
толико је драстична разлика.
will look for traces
тражили би трагове
that information and aggregate it,
из те информације и здружити их,
pretty much form a recipe
направити рецепт
узмем тај рецепт
and take that recipe
користећи гасове који су му компоненте.
тренуци у времену
in moments of time
у којима живот мења ваздух,
of life changing the air,
који утиче на еволуцију живота,
how life will evolve,
до 350 милиона година.
million years ago.
као време џинова.
as the time of the giants.
in the history of life,
од које се састоји дрвеће.
that trees are made of.
своја стабла у то време
their own trunks at this time,
bigger and bigger,
oxygen, releasing oxygen,
are about twice as high
постаје око два пута већи од данашњег.
појаву огромних инсеката,
massive insects --
са распоном крила од око 65 центиметара.
with a wingspan of about 65 centimeters.
and really fresh.
заиста чист и свеж.
суптилно повећање енергије.
a really subtle kind of boost of energy.
„великог изумирања“;
из угла геологије,
geologically speaking,
истребљења у историји Земље,
in Earth's history,
the dinosaurs died out.
изумире у ово време,
at this time die out,
драматични пораст угљен-диоксида,
dramatic spike in carbon dioxide,
eruption of volcanoes
to below half of what they are today,
испод половине данашњег нивоа,
не би могао да подржи људски живот,
support human life,
like soda water.
што је прилично пријатно.
quite pleasant.
о ваздуху из прошлости,
about air of the past,
да размишљате о ваздуху из будућности.
about the air of the future.
ваздух будућности,
might be the future air,
који су људи синтетисали.
anywhere in nature,
индустријским срединама.
industrial settings.
када се једном ослободи,
once it's released,
пре него што се разложи.
before it's broken down.
some very sensual qualities.
има нека опипљива својства.
који смо навикли да удишемо.
than the air we're used to breathing.
када га удахнете,
that when you breathe it in,
постају буквално тешке,
are kind of literally heavy as well,
and drop to the floor
прилично слично течности.
quite a lot like a liquid.
with an ethical dimension as well.
greenhouse gas
that of carbon dioxide,
од потенцијала угљен-диоксида,
од 12 до 16 генерација.
of 12 to 16 generations.
централна тачка мог рада.
is really central to my work.
изненађујућу особину.
another quite surprising quality.
quite dramatically.
It's still there a bit.
ох, још га има помало.
giant insects and erupting volcanoes
џиновске инсекте, еруптивне вулкане
and polar bears adrift on icebergs.
на санти леда која се удаљава.
cтубичастe графиконе
and column graphs
који причају са научницима у кардиганима.
talking to scientists wearing cardigans.
да размишљамо о климатским променама
thinking about climate change
из које доживљавамо ваздух.
that we experience the air.
дешавају се истовремено на нивоу молекула,
at the scale of the molecule,
од виталне важности и интимне,
self-portrait of humanity.
колективни аутопортрет човечанства.
I've learned from looking at air,
из посматрања ваздуха,
it's changing, it persists.
that we'd recognize,
какав препознајемо,
part of that change,
толико виталан део те промене,
that we can feel the discussion.
да осетимо дискусију о томе.
a very vibrant trace in the air.
Emily Parsons-Lord - ArtistEmily Parsons-Lord makes cross-disciplinary contemporary art that is informed by research and critical dialogue with materials and climate science.
Why you should listen
Through investigation into air and light, both conceptually, and culturally, Emily Parsons-Lord interrogates the materiality of invisibility, magic and the stories we tell about reality, the universe and our place in time and space. Tragi-humour, scale and invisibility are often used as access points her conceptual art practice.
Based in Sydney, Australia, Parsons-Lord's recent work includes recreating the air from past eras in Earth's evolution, recreating starlight in colored smoke, created multi-channel video and experimenting with pheromones, aerogel and chemistry. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally and participated in the Bristol Biennial – In Other Worlds, 2016, Primavera 2016 (Australia's flagship emerging art exhibition), Firstdraft Sydney and Vitalstatistix, Adelaide.
Parsons-Lord completed a bachelor of digital media (First Class Honours) 2008 at UNSW Art & Design, and a masters of peace and conflict studies from University of Sydney, 2010. She has been a researcher in residence at SymbioticA, at the Univeristy of Western Australia, and has had solo exhibitions at (forthcoming) Wellington St Projects 2017, Firstdraft in 2015, Gallery Eight in 2013 and the TAP Gallery in 2007, among many others.
Emily Parsons-Lord | Speaker | TED.com