Serena Williams and Gayle King: On tennis, love and motherhood
Serena Vilijams (Serena Williams) i Gejl King (Gayle King): O tenisu, ljubavi i majčinstvu
With her legendary spirit and unstoppable serve, tennis legend Serena Williams has become one of the world’s most enduring athletic superstars. Full bioGayle King - Journalist
Gayle King is a co-host of "CBS This Morning” and Editor-at-Large of the award-winning O, the Oprah Magazine. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
ili bi trebalo da kažemo: Sedi, mama.
videli ono izdanje
prosle nedelje.
bathing suit last week
samo sam mislila,
all I could think of was,
til we sat onstage for TED?"
dok ne sednemo na TED pozornicu?“
niko nije trebalo da vidi tu sliku.
supposed to see that picture.
actually, it was an accident.
desilo se slučajno.
just taking some time for myself,
imala sam malo vremena za sebe
where I've been checking my status
gde proveravam svoje stanje
to see how far along I'm going --
da vidim kako napredujem -
I have just been saving it,
i čuvala sam to,
pritisneš pogrešno dugme i -
you press the wrong button and --
moj telefon ne zvoni toliko -
my phone doesn't ring that much --
I missed like four calls,
imala sam četiri propuštena poziva,
javila sam se i rekla: o, ne.
and I was like, oh no.
just five or six more days -- that's OK.
- tako da je u redu.
Serena, because it only said 20 weeks,
zato što je samo pisalo 20 nedelja,
a whole lot of information on it.
puno informacija tu.
what I've been doing all this time.
sve vreme radila.
slikala i sačuvala sliku,
I'd just take a picture and save it,
a ovaj jedan put mi je promaklo.
SV: Da, hvala.
da li si bila uzbuđena?
When you heard the news,
Da li si bila zabrinuta?
Were you afraid? Were you worried?
Australijen Oupena,
the beginning of the Australian Open,
Bila sam nervozna.
two days before, and I knew.
ali sam jednostavno znala
to just focus right there
samo na to, na Australijen Oupen,
šta da radim.
sometimes in the first 12 weeks or so,
12 nedelja ili tako nešto,
Ms. Williams, you won.
gospođice Vilijams, već si i pobedila.
for another handicap, so ... no.
tako da... ne...
znajući da si u drugom stanju?
knowing you were pregnant?
about people when they're pregnant,
kad su u drugom stanju,
and so I haven't.
and they get really stressed out,
i budu stvarno pod stresom,
da spakujem u kutiju, da tako kažem,
stvarno osećala da nemam vremena
like I didn't have time
any extra anything,
ili bilo čim,
i trebalo je da osvojim turnir
na kom se pojavim.
i ako ne pobedim, to je još veća vest.
it's actually much bigger news.
that's a big story.
to je baš velika priča.
I had to really take anything negative
sve negativno,
that I was feeling at that point
u tom trenutku
i da stvarno odlučim svoj sledeći korak.
what the next step for me to do was.
You have a lot of love.
zaustavljali na aerodromu.
people stopped me at the airport.
„Pogađajte gde idem?“
the pilot, "Guess where I'm going?"
drago da je u drugom stanju.“
we're so glad she's pregnant."
these cranky Yankees.
o Ili Nastasovom,
was telling me about Ilie Nastase,
usudiću se da kažem, rasističke stvari.
dare I say racial things.
ali ti si odgovorila. Zašto si odgovorila?
to dignify what he said,
neprikladni komentari,
very inappropriate comments,
moje kolege i ljude sa kojima radim.
really supportive of my peers
to hold women up,
da podržavam žene,
they'll want to take pictures with me,
htele bi da se slikaju sa mnom,
and a good example for them.
i dobar primer za njih.
to say about me and my peers,
o meni i o mojim kolegama,
da odbranimo jedni druge,
for us to stand up for each other
really important for me to say,
važno da kažem:
I'm not going anywhere,
ali ovo je neprikladno,
a place for everything.
A to stvarno nije bilo ni vreme ni mesto.
wasn't the time and the place.
da ne ideš nikud,
you're not going anywhere,
Beba dolazi, 36 godina.
Baby's coming, 36.
uvek bitne,
age is always important,
ali on ne sumnja da ćeš se ti vratiti.
that you're coming back.
Da li ću uzeti malo slobodnog vremena?
Biće odsutna dve godine?“
Two years will she be gone?"
da prkosim predviđanjima, znaš,
to defy the odds, you know,
Nisam još završila.
I'm not done yet.
and that's something that --
i to je nešto što -
he's a little bit older than me
on je malo stariji od mene,
so I'm like, I know I can do that too.
znam da mogu i ja to.
especially recently,
posebno u skorije vreme,
it's something I want to do.
Moja priča definitivno nije završena.
how this is just a new part of my life,
deo mog života,
not crying too much.
i neće plakati puno.
letter to your baby yesterday
svojoj bebi
to the youngest one,
I can't wait for you to get here.
jedva čekam da dođeš na ovaj svet.
jer razmišljam o tvom životu, Serena.
because I think about your life, Serena.
in a six-month time:
u periodu od šest meseci:
zaljubila si se.
Bla bla bla.“
your love life? Da da da."
On je štreberski tip. Sigurno ga ne znaš.“
He's a nerdy, kinda geeky guy.
to you about that, yes.
Ja sam rekla: „Znam ga!“
I said, "I know him!" He's awesome.
spojila sa takvim tipom, ti kažeš - Ni ja.
with a nerdy geek,
with you, I didn't either,
ni ja nikad ne bih,
Pogledajte tu košulju.
u tehnologiji.
Veoma mi je drag.
when others have failed?
this is the one for me?
on je pravi za mene?
and my mom says he's very considerate,
i moja mama kaže da je veoma pažljiv,
Znaš šta, stvarno jeste,
make a huge difference in life.
čine veliku razliku u životu.
we have a show every year,
imamo svake godine reviju,
I was running around like crazy,
okolo kao luda,
i tako sam trčala okolo kao luda,
of this shirt that he had,
imao je tu košulju,
that I had the same one,
da i ja imam istu,
Bilo je bolje uživo, stvarno.
Ili je bilo kao u pesmi Bjonse?
da staviš prsten na njemu.“?
ought to put a ring on it"?
Da li si znala da će se desiti?
never felt pressure to get married
pritisak da se udam
I'm the marrying type of person.
volim svoju karijeru,
anything to interfere with that.
da se bilo šta ispreči tome.
bila sam skoro ljuta.
u sred sezone treniranja,
in the middle of my training season,
Australijen Oupen.
the Australian Open.
i rekla sam: „Ne mogu. Moram da pobedim.“
„Ne, ja ne mogu da idem u Rim.“ Dobro.
"No, I can't go to Rome." OK.
da postignem svoje ciljeve
on reaching my goals
jedan igrač kog želim da prestignem.
one player that I wanted to pass.
i to mi je veoma značilo,
odlučna da postignem to uprkos svemu.
da si zavisna od pobeda.
that winning is addictive to you.
is superaddictive.
uvek želiš da povratiš taj osećaj,
I was only 17 years old,
imala sam samo 17 godina,
i svaki put kada osvojim još jedan,
of your first championship.
sa prvog prvenstva.
in the world like that.
i kad sam bila dete i igrala,
is a wonderful experience.
like I loved that feeling,
the feeling of losing. I feel like --
Osećam se -
kažu da veoma teško gubiš.
say you're a very bad loser.
no champion likes to lose.
ne voli da gubi. Razumem to.
you are very, very, very bad at it.
ti si veoma, veoma loša u tome.
so you know, that's all I can say.
tako da, znate, to je sve što ću reći.
between you and Venus,
između tebe i Venus,
and has followed the story
zna da ste vas dve veoma bliske,
radiš na najvišem nivou
in whatever you do,
when you're playing her,
učiniš nešto za nju
because you want to do something for her
because you want to crush her.
da je uništiš.
igraš protiv nje?
playing her or easier?
igram protiv sebe,
is like playing myself,
jedna protiv druge, vežbajući zajedno.
we grew up practicing together.
zato što je ona moj najjači protivnik.
that has been difficult,
servira kao ja.
the ball before I hit it,
pre nego što je udarim,
ali je sve u tome da kada izađem na teren,
when I go out there,
and I have to say to myself,
i moram da kažem sebi: „Znaš šta?
but today I have to be better.
ali danas moram da budem bolja.
if it's my sister or it's my friend,
da li je to moja sestra ili moj prijatelj,
and I have to be better
i moram da budem bolja
than anyone else at this moment
bilo ko ovog trenutka, bilo gde na svetu.“
do you fall back for Venus?
na terenu?
it was always Venus and Serena.
Venus i Serena.
has surpassed older sister.
stariju sestru
Da li osećaš radost u tome?
is always going to be Venus and Serena.
Venus i Serena.
she's my best friend,
ona je moj najbolji prijatelj,
Postoje fotografije kako me ona gura,
or else I would have shared them,
inače bih ih podelila,
in a stroller on a tennis court,
na teniskom terenu,
na sladolede i takve stvari,
money on the ice cream truck and stuff,
and give it to me at school
šta da jedem, a ona bi otišla bez ičega,
and she would go without,
she actually is
otkad je ja znam.
respect for each other
poštovanje jedna prema drugoj
to realize you can be successful
da možeš da budeš uspešan
a wonderful relationship.
prijatelji ponovo.
we are best friends again.
a day later for me,
za mene,
kada udariš loptu
where you hit the ball
kada si uradila to i to?“
when you did the blah blah blah"?
takve trenutke,
those moments,
ništa loše meni,
anything bad to me,
I'm the younger sister.
ništa loše? Stvarno?
anything bad to you? Really?
nekih loših stvari koje sam im uradila.
I can think of some stuff I've done bad.
to forget them.
da ih zaboravim.
I know is very pure. I know that.
znam da je veoma čista. Znam to.
GK: Znam to.
veoma bliske,
to be superclose,
Ne samo sa njom.
and we were always so close.
bile toliko bliske.
ne sastanete
the two of you don't get together
ne postoji nešto tako?
to go out there and -- there's nothing?
Before the Australian Open,
u svlačionici zajedno,
telefon dok se presvlačila.
my camera while she was changing.
bilo potpuno neprikladno,
which is totally inappropriate,
And I was just laughing at her.
A ja sam se samo smejala.
that we have, and like I said,
i kao što sam rekla,
definitivno smo bile smrtni neprijatelji,
definitely mortal enemies,
and moments before, we're just --
i malo pre nego što smo izašle, mi smo -
because at the end of the day,
posle svega, ona će uvek biti moja sestra.
Pa, ko bi znao, igram dugo,
I've been playing forever,
I'll be playing in 50 years, say?
na primer?
There's never been anybody like you.
postojao neko kao ti.
never been anybody
ko je povezivao pol i rasu kao ti,
gender and race the way you have,
and the scrutiny that you have.
i promatranja koja imaš.
„Hoću da budem takva.“?
did you say, "I want to be like that"?
i kažu: „Hoću da budem kao ona.“
are looking at you
to be like that" for you?
i drago mi je da si to spomenula.
and I'm glad you brought that up.
da budem najbolja,
I always wanted to be the best,
najbolji, moraš da imitiraš najbolje.
you've got to emulate the best.
kada sam bila veoma mlada,
when I was really young,
I would see Monica Seles,
i videla bih šta rade,
ne pričaju baš puno sa ostalim igračima,
to a lot of the other players,
toliko fokusirane,
the technique that he did,
tehniku koju je koristio,
that to be the best,
da bi bio najbolji,
moraš da budeš okružen ljudima
koji su najbolji,
that are the best,
nekog ko nije na vrhunskom nivou.
that's not at the top level.
naporno kao ti.
nobody works as hard as you.
GK: To sam i ja čula.
GK: That's what I heard.
sportski je tip.“
she's talented, she's athletic."
za svoje godine.
I was really small for my age.
da radim veoma naporno,
why I fight so hard and I work so hard
borim toliko i zašto radim tako naporno
really, really, really small.
bila dete, koji god razlog bio.
for whatever reason.
people talk about is your body.
pričaju je tvoje telo.
na kolena.
and women to their knees.
it's masculine, it's glorious,
za poštovanje je,
when you were growing up?
dok si odrastala?
comfortable with your body?
u svom telu?
when you're a teenage female
tinejdžerka koja odrasta u javnosti,
sa kojima se suočavaš,
comfortable in my body.
u svom telu.
zašto imam mišiće.
Rekla sam: Neću da radim to.
da postignem ciljeve koje sam želela,
reach goals that I wanted to reach,
i bila sam zahvalna na njemu.
am I happy with my body,
zbog svog tela
and other young girls
what I've experienced
sa čim sam se i ja suočavala,
mišićavo, štagod, previše, premalo -
too much, too little --
ali šta si naučila iz poraza?
porazi doveli ovde gde jesam danas.
losing has brought me here today.
is because of my losses,
je zbog mojih poraza,
ali ne bih uklonila nijedan od njih,
for me to lose again
da ponovo izgubim
desi tako nešto,
or if something happens --
in business or in school --
nauči nešto iz toga.
i ne pravi iste greške u budućnosti.
live in the present,
mistakes in the future.
that I always try to live by.
i želim da znam,
is it a destination wedding
Ketskils ili Pokonos,
or are you going to do it in Florida?
Ne želimo da bude previše veliko,
We don't want to do too big,
da kažemo „ne“ ovoj osobi, i ovoj osobi.
say no to this person, this person.
and we're just thinking --
i jednostavno mislimo -
Nadam se da to možete da vidite danas.
Hopefully you can see that today.
for Serena Williams is what?
za Serenu Vilijams je šta?
i vratiti se i igrati tenis,
and kind of come back and play tennis
To bi bilo zabavno.
da li je dečak ili devojčica?
i za jedno i za drugo.
of one or the other.
navijamo za vas!
we are cheering you on!
GK: You're welcome.
Navijamo za tebe, Serena Vilijams.
SW: Thank you so much.
Hvala vam, ljudi.
Serena Williams - AthleteWith her legendary spirit and unstoppable serve, tennis legend Serena Williams has become one of the world’s most enduring athletic superstars.
Why you should listen
Serena Williams sits at the top of the tennis world; she's won 23 career Grand Slams, which is the most Grand Slam singles titles in history, with her most recent win at the 2017 Australian Open. In some analysts' eyes, she's quite simply the greatest athlete of all time.
But Williams has extended her influence far beyond the tennis court. Through her activism, high-profile endorsements, TV and film appearances and writing (including a guide to life written with her sister, Venus), Williams inspires millions of fans worldwide.
Serena Williams | Speaker |
Gayle King - Journalist
Gayle King is a co-host of "CBS This Morning” and Editor-at-Large of the award-winning O, the Oprah Magazine.
Why you should listen
An award-winning journalist who has worked across television, radio and print, Gayle King is a co-host of CBS This Morning and Editor-at-Large of O, the Oprah Magazine.
King previously hosted The Gayle King Show, a live, weekday television interview program on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network. The program, which featured a discussion of a broad variety of topics that include politics, cultural developments, was also broadcast on XM Satellite Radio, where it premiered in 2006.
Before moving into print and radio, King worked for 18 years (1982–2000) as a television news anchor for CBS affiliate WFSB-TV in Hartford, Conn., during which period, she also hosted her own syndicated daytime program. Prior to joining WFSB, King worked at several other television stations, including WDAF-TV in Kansas City, Mo. (1978-1981), WJZ-TV in Baltimore, Md. (1976), and WTOP-TV in Washington, D.C. (1975).
King has received numerous awards for her extensive work as a journalist. In addition to three Emmys, she was honored in 2008 with the American Women in Radio & Television Gracie Award for Outstanding Radio Talk Show and in 2010 with both the Individual Achievement Award for Host-Entertainment/Information and the New York Women in Communications' Matrix Award.
Gayle King | Speaker |